Fall Overcoats

Every gentleman should have a medium weight overcoat. "We have the largest line of these garments ever shown, qur fall weight Overcoats just received are elegant in design, and of the best makes in all respects and prices. Cali at THE TWO SAMS The Two Sams have just received The Dunlap Block in Hats, The Yeoman Block in Hats, The Knox Block in Hats, All the leading fall styles of Hats Now Ready. To-morrow we shall open up all the fall styles of CHILDREN, SCHOOL AND BOYS SÜITS We shall offer the finest styles ever shown, at prices iar below any of our competitors, WE MUST, WE WIH WE gHALL, LEAD THE GLOfHM TRADE Come to the Two Sams for bargains at all times, we shall offer the best line of G-loves, ever introduced in the market. BLITZ cSs luZLTG-SIDOIS, The Only Strletïy Oae Frice House tut Aan Arbor !
Ann Arbor Courier
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