Old Jack Frost gave us a nip last night. There are about 300 Detroiters taking in the city to-ilay. L. Davis, J2=q., will address the temperance meeting next Sunday. School commenees Monday, and the absent teachers are gradually filing into town. Perhaps it may be well to remind you that this nionth bas an r in it: Oysters 'ye know. Clark, the gardener, kept 100 fires going In his garden last night to ward off the trost. Animal school meeting Monday. Coundl meeting Monday. School conimences Monday. The Congregational Sunday school expect to hold a picnic to morrow, at the Island, down the river. The Chequamcgon orchestra left Marquetle Saturday, and expect to reach Ann Arbor about the 8th inst. Starks, the photographer, has moved into the second story, of J. A. Polhemus' ni-w brick block, noitli of the post offlee. About 200 Ann Arbor people took advantue of the T. & A. A. R. U's cheap excursión to Toledo and Put-in-Bay this morning. The Ann Arbor Athletic Club advertise a tournament to take place at Whitmore Lake Sept. 4th. The " Golden Star Minstrels "are at the Lake House the same evening. A number of Ann Arbor young folks attended a party at the Clifton House, Whitmore Lake, last Friday evening, at which about 88 couples were present. Alvin Wilsey has purchased a lot on the east side of Fourth st., third south of Washington st, has removed the old building and will erect a new residence thereOJÍ. The name of Aliss Louise E. Clark, of Cleveland, will appear In the new catalogue of the School of Music ai taking Mr. O. B. Cady's place during his absence in Europe. "The wife of ex-Ald. A. D. Besimer, of Detroit, died Sunday last, and her remains were brought to this city for interment yesterday. Mr.. Beaimer was a former resident of South Lyon. Those desiring to attend the meeting of the American Pomological Society, at Grand Rapids, Sept. 9, 10 and 11, can secure round trip tickets for one fare by applying to Evart H. Scott, of this city. Tuesday morning last Mrs. John Frey, of this city, died at her home In the 5th ward, aged 32 years, of quick consumption. She leaves a family of four children, orphans, Mr. Frey 'having died one year since. Mr. A. W. Hamilton is authority for the statement that should the city conclude to gravel the old railroad road bed running to the water worka, the Ann Arbor Water Co. will be willing to give a liberal amount in ald of the enterprise. Rev. Mr. Beaue.hamp, of Baklwinsville, N. Y., occupied St. Andrew's pulpit last Sunday forenoon, and Rev. Dr. Mauray, of Goshen, X. Y., In the evening. Both diseonrses are highly spoken of. Both reverenda are members of the A. A. A. S. Charles Wagner has dropped the agency of the various English bicycles and now takes the agency of the county for the Expert Columbia. Louis Taylor will handle the Rudge. The former is the best of the American wheelí, and the latter leads the EngHsh. Correct you are. The Bay City Press says: "These is no place in Michigan wlure there is more of real interest to be seen than Ann Arbor. The University mueum is a wonder to all who have not Men its rare and curious collectfon, and a visit is an event of a life time." The article in another column, beaded "American 011 Stones," was written by an expert who bas made this subject a study. As the encyclopoedias do not give any üght on the subject, it is wlth pleasure we coninieiul this urticle to the public, and ask their careful perusal of the same. The grocery business of Chas. E. Wagner, on Ann streef, east of the postofflee, bat been purchased by Mr. C. C. Warner, who enters upon possession of the same Immediately. Mr. Warner is a pleasant gentleman, accustomed to the business and will niake a big eftbrt to secure a fair har of trade. The Toledo & Ann Arbor R. R. proposes to give everybody an opportunity to visit Toledo during the great Tri-State Fair to bc held next week, and for which a larger number of entries have been made than ever before in its history. Tickets trom this station to Toledo and return, including ndmlision to the fair, will be sold i 'M, from Sept. íth to 12th, inclusive. Ketting of the Washtenaw pomological society on the 5th of Sept., at 2 p. m., in tli basement of the court house. Topics: General fruit talk. The cheapest and best material for drainage; Which is cheapest ¦nd hcalthiest for wells, wood or iron ? Report of committee on fruit collections for the ezhtblt of the American pomologicid society at Grand Rapids, beginning 'Iie9th of September. Everybody is invited and requested to bring fine speci""¦nsof fruit ui whatever state of ripen'" it may be. Washtenaw should have a cteditable show of fruit at Grand Rapids. 8. H. Sentt will distribute railroad tickets to those who wish to attend the American meeting. Marsbal Fall found an owncr for his itrny horse. Bach fc Abel sport some handsome new curtains in their Windows. The late Prederick Sorg had policies on his life to the aniouut of $4,700. John Burg is thoroughly overhaulln;; and iixing up his residence on Jefferson street. Another stray horse. This time at the farm house of John Gates, in Ann Arbor town. Goodyear will furnish drugs for the hospitaU during the coming year, lie being the lowest bidder. Those chariot races to come off at our coming Fair, will add a new and interesting feature to the occasion. Maudie, the infant daughter of E. J. and Mary T. Mlller, of the 6th ward, died Aug. 26, of cholera infantum. The annual picnic of the Sunday school connected with St. Andrew's church will occur to-morrow, at Relief Park. At a meeting of the trustees of the Ann Arbor school of music this forenoon J. E. Beal was elected a member of the board. President Angell is to deliver the address of welcome to the American pomological society, which meets at Grand Rapids. Rev. Gardner, of Rochester, N. Y., and Rev. Dr. Maxwell, of Cincinnati filled the pulpit of the Presbyterian church last Sunday. An excursión party giyen by the Cass Avenue M. E. Church, of Detroit, is taking in the many beauties of the University City to-day. Lucas & Tessmer hare the contract for the new &tone witlk Joe T. Jacobs is to put down in front of his block, occupied by Fall & Hendrick. The next report of the school board will be the 29th annual report, and for this entire length of time Philip Bach has been a member of the school board. A large audience at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon, listened with intense interest to the eloquent temperance discourse of the inimitable Grimes, of Chicago. Frank Hangsterfer, who did the catering lor the court house reception and also for the lawn party, did his work well, and received words of praise from everyone lamiliar therewith. The large display bilis for the Fair are out. Takc a look at the attractive features, and then get ready to join the annual ruthcring and have a good time with you old friends and neighbors. Willard F. Petr, now with II. J. Brown & Co., proposes to enter into the drug business with his father, at Winona, Minn„ on or about Oct. lst, and is already making puichases for that purpose. me pensions of Capt. C. H. Manly or his brother E. S. Manly, Iiave not been increased as reported- not to their knowledge, and they would probably have known somelhing about t had t been so. Stafford says lie took an order for the largest man lie ever made 11 suit for. last Monday. The pants were 39 inches long in the legs, and every other way In proportion. The man is 7 ft. 2 in. tall, and a resident of Montana. Quite a number of the A. A. A. S. and our citizens, met at the üniversity chapel last Sunday afternoon for prayer and renmiks. It was very gratlfying to learn that a portion of the A. A. A. S. believe that Science and religion should go hand in hand. Wax and Wcndland, the men aecused of stealing Heinzman's Jeather, waved their ezunlostlon before Justice Frui.autt" and were held to bail in the sum of $1,500 each, faüing in getting which they were reiuanded to jail to await the October term of court. Patrick O'Neil, who lives on Detroit street, and of whom an item appeared in the Courieu recently, claiming him to be the oldest man in the state, died Sunday night, at the advanced age of nearly 100 years. Funeral services were held yesterday from St. Thomas' church. At a meeting of the school board last Monday evening the annual report of the superintendent was read, also the annual report of the president, and both were ordered printed. The vacancy caused by the resignation of Dr. Wilson, was iilled by the clection of J. E. Baal Aaron B Henion, of the 2d ward, died Sunday, Aug. 30, after a long and painful illness, lasting through many months. He was 45 years and gix months of age, and had been a resident of Ann Arbor for a great many years. Funeral services were held Tuesday from the house, the old V. 8. Maynard homestead, on fa. Main street. To-morrow evening Mr. Robert E. Vernor, one of Ann Arbor's popular young gentlemen, will lead to the altar Miss Matnie M. Gregg. The ceremony will be performed at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Morris Gregg, corner of Fountain and Hiscock sts. A long, long list of good wishes will follow them Into married life. Residents of the 5th ward complain bitterly of the condition of that portion of State street that the M. C. R. R. proposes to occupy. They say that the matter should have been so fixed that State street would have been kept in good condition until the new street is opened to take ts place; or until the M. C. folks coiunience their improveinents, at least. Oscar Wehner, a bar keeper In the employ of George Clarkens, dropped dead Monday morning while sweeping out the premise?. He whs a member of the K. O. T. M's, and also of a Germán ald society ; was upwards of 35 years of age, and leaves a wife and four children. His body will be taken this morning (Thursday), to Detroit, for interment. The G. A. R. encampment at Dcyil's Lake last week was a great success. On the lirst day there were about 4,000 people assembled, and on the second about 12,000 The address of Capt E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, is spoken of in the very highest term8 of praise by the old soldiers who heard it. Capt. Allen was elected treasurer of the afwociation. The next meeting will be held in Jackson, during next 51 ay. Wm. Yager, of Dexter, went to Base Lake, Monday, in company with a friend to visit a party of campers there. During the afternoon he went out on the lake in a small skift'constructed for one passenger only, and upon returning was capsized. This must have happened abour, two o'clock p. m. At about 4 o'clock p. m. some of his friends paesed that way and found him clinging to the boat, entangled in a set line. He was nearly unconscious, when found, and it was with difficulty he was draira into the boat. Taking him to camp it required the work of nearly two hours to bring hiin to congcionsness once more, so thoroughly was he chilled and benumbed. It was a closer call than he will take again very soon.