
C. H. MiLLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! iio. 4 South JffiJn Sf., Ana Arbor. Lheeity. Kstttbiisiicd over :¦ - ' ;í_mi. i tepresent Inf the fèiloHüg flrst-class companles, wltl $6O,OÖO,OO Cap! tul and Assetf. :: [NS CQ., Ol Xfff York. ¦ .of New York. NIAGAR IN3. ( )., uf New York. QIRARD INS. CXX, of Phlladelphia. Í8. CO.yOt llartfonl. ! tjpndon. I.rv )l mul QLOBK. v.A .. . nd MARl.Ni;, Ion. Hatos l.niv is the Lowest, Loases Liborally Aljiisloil aml promptly l'üiii. p. II. MILLEN. MICHIGAN FËMALE SEMINARY, KALV1IAZOO, niOH. i 'n Moa ut Holyoke , Món dellghi ¦ 'uitlon. SiT.l pir School year. . pe aiKl MuMriil iirucnts, Fall term beging 8ept. Düi, ddrera Prtnctlml. WE WANT 1000 MORE OOK AfiENTS FOH !. H.I8TOBY OF XJ. f3. CS-R.L3NTT. ¦St'iid J ir f to Agenta, or securo by sending BU ds in stainps (oiou resa FOUÜMKE ie üteHAKJS, ( im-iimati, O. tnn nnnii ("¦¦". ' avI 1 I ly mail y..u will Kct ree a UlJUiUU J f"01 -'¦ "r I '' "' l"g T .7 7. loe, tbl wi.l r-t irt you in ¦ :n you in raonoy fanici ie ín America. All ahonT ih' tswllheachbor. Agenta wanted lez, of all api;, tol all the e time only, to ork lor us at their ow t all worker alwolutely i.'t dulay. II. llALi.Erv & C., Port. 1 "[17171711 s "'"' "ij ccnta fur Pstage. il IJ IJ I ƒ Ij in i reotwf frec,a costl) biix M II I ¦ P. of "d9 which ill help you 1 JL jLLXLIJLli '"''¦" ¦' "' "'fyr'Khiaivay thwi mythina else in ihin world. All,"! il irc.m fir-t hcinr. The broad road to iortune opene tNMora the workera, At oucc adürtM. Tuue tt Cu., ' rne. „ ___ r-ppq - pp AM ARBOR SA7IN&S BANK, ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN, Transacta General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $30,000. il Banking huw of ttalêW ttlolaors nr ¦ indivldii'illy Hable lr au aoaut equal tothentork held by I og UDuraatee JTuud for the bcaeiln o! $100,000.00. Thri-i' per cont. Interest is nllowed on all Ssvings lor and npivarnn, accordlng to .iiik Hiid interest cninpifunded i i Lo&n on uDincumlfered real etnte ai 1 secirity. DTKKCTOKS: M u. K, Wm. 1). HARRIMAN, W. V. VVS DANIEL U8COCE, wn.iiAM DEimEr,. ¦a-ii.i.AKi) B. sjiirn DAVID RINBEY. OFKKKÜS: ' MACK, ! ¦ W. W. WTNB3, Vice-rrcs. C'. E. HI8GO K.(stik-r. THIS PAPER sïï'sss??1. ¦ IIIW I Hl bil kowëli, & Cos Nowspnpor Advcrtisingp Burenu (10 Spruca ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦%¦¦ tisii.-rontractsmay MCIIf VflKK lio made fin u üillCIff lUIIIVi MforworSing peóple. Bend 10 een te .n' will mail you free a 1 ¦ imle box oí ginxln tbat wnl pst yon i the way ol raak:i] n le dayn Iluin it any biifiiusí. Cupi ¦ Ifre al home and cnk li Hiiarc nme onlv. or nll iho time. All of both I MfaV W tu ¦ Ing. Tint UI wbowsj i wnrk iimvíi! the h make tliiunnparalo .il! u no arr nor will Mtisflad we will lor the troable of vrrlÜDg na. Pull ¦ ., - Dl (r6. In::i. !uc!v rare .or uil 'a tr t n rf a( once. Don1 Pi rüm d, lainf.
Ann Arbor Courier
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