
TEST YOUR BAKIMJEWDER TO-DAY! ilattiy puro COWTAIN iVMMOiVIA. THE fTltT : i i.t si,vr nntii hoated.then ['¦'" - -.1 -ttifii. Acbemlst wili uut be rwlUlrod to detftct Ule pi pqoo oí amuiomo. DOES 0T CONTADÍ AMMOMA. m íii.tuiin iakss rúa never bies i-khtioiiid. ín a mil) Ion bomM flor onartor of a cnturj !t boa i , Hable tosí THE TESTJJFJHE OVEN. PEICE BAKINd I'OWDERCO., Price's Special Fïayoring Extraéis, ' ürloui i! nitor Ifinor Lnoirn.ud L:.: Prics's Lupulin Yeast Gims lur Licht, IlenltbT Im,,l, Tho Ilct Dry Ilvp q tha World. FOR SALE BY CROCERS. ¦"IICAOO. . ST. LOUIS. ir"í SPECIAL I KTRACT ISextracts MOST PERFECT MADE Puri'it :niil strongeet Natural Fruit Flavors. V anilla, Leraon, Onmpe, Alr.iond, Rose, etc.. flavor ;us dellcately and naturajly as tlieírult. PRICE BAKING POWDER C0., CniCAOO. ST. tOÜIS. fnvahris HoteíiSurgícalInstitute BXTPFALO, T. -5T. Organlinl vlih a full Stnfr nr righleen Rxpcrlcnced and skillful Phyglcians aud SurKCoiut for the trratment of all Chroulc Dicuies. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chronic Nasal Catarrli, Tliroatand I.inig ltiw.-i,s, Llver and Kldiiry ot WoiiKii, liioixl Disenses and Nervoun Afivt itoiis, eund Iiito or at home, withor without i sivniff tho patiënt. Come and jee iig, gr eend ten .'onts Ïd stampa for our "Invalids' Cuido Book," whicn gives all juirticulars. - -__ Vcrvons Dcbility, IniponcimiTF ''"} Nocturnal I.omsch, UtLlüAlb andafl Slorbld Condltiona OlSEASES ''" ""''' ¦"'oüii s5"!l U""L ary Practiccs nro spooilily and pcrmani'utly curcd by our bpecialists. Bouk, post-naid, 10 ets. in stamps. ¦ i Ktipinro, nr Itrench, radiI I c'My lunl1 without the knife, I nUPTURE. I w'tfot trusses, without pain, '"'"" I and without dunger. Cures "¦ ; ii n runt eed. Book sent for ten conts in stamps. WIE ti tiohs and sthictires treatod under Kiiarantco to cure. Hook simt forten oenta m slumps. Addross World's niSPK.NSAKY UlDIOAIi ASSOCIATIO.N, ü(i Main Street, Bnffalo, .V. V. b- __ ms- Tho ment of man y riiccioco nc 't"nisands nf caSP9 of those UISl&SlS OF distases peculiar to Wmupm women at the Invalida1 Hotel nnd "" Sindical Iiibtitute, has affordcd large esKrienoe In adaptiug remedies for their cure, Bid R. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription is tho rcsult of this vast cxperience. It is a pnwerlïil Roborativo Tonic and Nervino, Imparto virar and strenuth to tho Bystem, and cures, as it by magie I.od. orrliea, or "nliltc, excênlva flowiiiK, pamriii iiieiisiriinlion, iiniiatural appreulolM, prolapsos or lallinir of llie uterus, weak back, aiiteveralou, retroTrsion, bearinsdown ¦ensaftonii, lii-oniV . i.iiui-lioii, liillaiuiuatioii and ulceratiou of th vo ml), intlaniniatioii, ain and (eiidernesa in ovarles, infernal licat. and '"fcnialc ivcakiiess." It proraptly reltev-es anrl oureg ,ant.a and Weaknen of stomacli, Indiae ion, Itloatine, Norvous I'ro! rallón, and Ueepleautesa, iu citlier sex. rnlliL 4I.UUf mu $s.oö. i i. 11 ¦¦ nis in stampp fnr Dr. Pierre's larsro Treatiso on Diseases of Woinen, illustratad. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, H. Y. % SÍCK-HEADACHE, nilloiis Headaelio, IC 2P1 ' Dizzinexa, Gonstlpaffc simitw. ' Indijf OKtion, i3l Jt alld B'Iloos Attacks, : &KJj&' promptly cured by Dr. 7 XJ'7'' 'rco't l'lcasaiit ¦UW. Ëp Pnrallvc PrllctH. 25 cents a vial, by Urugg-ists.
Ann Arbor Courier
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