A New Anecdote Of Gen. Grant

Wlici! (Jen. Granl wsj President, ons of liis nearest friends, who is now dead, went ti' r !ii:m Pain (i nk i lo.-i ii of I i Thte friend sala be had an affalr in the war denartment that woiiUl net liitn $50,000, which woukl oertainly ko thrniiüh it Graal would spprove it. Thlg gentleman counUtU on I irHiit'a approval a absolute. I'.iie tolilliini: "I will lel you have the uioney, bilt yon m.-iy besure that li" wil] not approye t unk-ss it i.rijtbt." Time passed on. Tbenote given for the loan was promptly met. Paige meeting the borrower upoii the gtreet soon atlcr, said to hiin: " 1 sec your warde partmenl nïatter got througli .-ill rijrhr, is the note was very promptlv met" The debtor shook ln bead. " Bow did you p:iy, thenf was asked. "1 11 teil yoo In confidence,"wM the reply. "Afterl obtained the money from you 1 wenl dl rectly to th;e President Isnld to bim : "You knou I am poor. Witli tatroke of your pen you can make me iich. I am related toyou by the close) tlesofbïood :ind associatloii. JTon oannol refuseme." I then expltined the matter. Qrant said lic COUld nol do It. It WOuld not be rlgbt, b me ycry much -.M down, heagked me il i v.as In debt. I explalned th.it 1 na In debt 3,000(your note), and could nit meel It He al once wrote me bb check for bhat araount without a word. It was tii it check which took upyonr note." Mr. l'ai'e afterwarda ii .1 liis story earefully, and having confideotial relations wlth the casbler of the Iiank wbere the note was pald, lie was ablc to vcrify its trulli.- -N. V. World. There -.re. two tilinga whicli the wise man never tries to do. The lirst is to Bhave hiin-cll uilh tlie razor wliich hi Wife uses opon her c.onis, and the Kccond Is tu i ma nee her that a razor is not mproved by bcing sharpened on s batcber's iti el.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News