A Man

WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHV OF THIS CUUl I kt, im SEE BY EXAMININC THIS WAP, THAT THE fi-T-r " - irfll f( JjÉPkaNSASCW LL$!nu,fct,i. o4"t CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY By reason of lts central position and close relation to all principal Unes Eaat ; and Westtlnltialand terminal points, constitutes the most important niid-cont - nental link in that system of through transportation which in v tes and faciUtates travel and trame between citïes of the Atlantic and Pc$ i',o"!. n is also the favorita and best route to and from points East. Northeast and Boutheast, and correspondingr points W est. Northwest and Southwest The BÓck Island system lncludes in ita main line and [branches ChicaKO JolletTottawa, La Salie, Peoria, Geneseo, Moline and Bock Island, In IlUnois; Davenport Susatlne.' Washington, Fairfleld Ottumwa Oekaloosa West Liberty, iówa City, Des Moines, Indianola, Winterset. Atlantic, Knoxvil e, Audubon, Harían. Guthrie Centre and Council Bluifs, in Iowa; Gallatin, Trenton,Cameron and Kansas City, In Missouri; Leavenwortb and Atchisoii In Kansas; Albert Lea, Minneapolis and St. Paul, In Minnesota; Watertown iu Dakota, and hundreds of intermedíate clties, towns, villagrea and stations. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guáranteos lts patrons that sense of personal securlty afforded by a solid, thSïhly ballifted road-bed; smooth tracks of continuous steel rai;8ubstantiallv built culverte and bridgres; rollinsc stock as near pei fee ton aa human sklU can make it; the safety appliances of patent buffers k platforma and air-brakes; and that exacting discipline which groverns the practical operation of ali lts trains. Other speciafties of this route are Transfers at aÜ connectin? points in Union Depots, and the unsurpatsed comforts and ÏEES&'&SSi Trlínf tTní-ChtoM and the Missouri Rlver are eomposed of well ventilated, flnely upholstered Day Coaches. Magrniflcent Pullman Palace Sleepers of the latest design, and sumptuous Dining Cars, in which elaborately cooked meals are lelsurely eaten, "good Dierestlon waitlngr on Appetite, and Health on both." Between Chicaero and Kansas City and Atchison, are also run the Celebrated Beclining Chair Cars. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the direct and favorlte line between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, where connections are made in Union Depots for all points in the Territones and Britten Provinoes. Over this route, Past Express Trains are run to the waterlnar places, summer resorts. picturesque localities, and nuntincr and nsülng grounds of Iowa and Minnesota. It is also the most desirable route to the rich wheat flelds and pastoral lands of interior Dakota. Still another DIRECT LINE, via Séneca and Kankakee, has been openea between Newport News, Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis. and Lafayette and Council Bluffs. Kansas City, Minneapolts and St. Paul and intermedíate points. Por detailed Information see Maps and Folders, obtainable. as well a3 Tickets, at all principal Ticket Offloes In the United States and Canada; or by addresslngf R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, President and General Mraier. Chlcaoo. General Ticket and Passenger Agent. Chicago.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News