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1 WILL PAY YOU TO GO TO DETROIT AND HAVü YOUR Hy ?3ír' =; - vB BíiííüíííIÉb55 EXAMINED AND PITTED WITH BPECTACLES OR EYE GLASSE8 ROEHM &AWEIGHTS, 1MPORTERS, JEWELERS AND OP- TICIANS. 140 WOODWARD AVE I THEY MAKE NO CHARGE FOr ?0%lEEfSELD0M (JTHcirra A Posltive Care ror Eicry Form f Skin and lili.ndDi.cuu', IÏOII1 lillit-, lo Scrofula. DISFIQUR1NG IIUMOKS, ïlnmillaüne, Eruptloos, ItchiEg and BuruiuK Sitio Tortores, loatbi"me Sores, and eviry species of Itcbin Scaly, Pimply, Inherit'-d. Scfoluloii, and ContavIoiib Disea.-e of the Blood. Skin, and Scalp with Lobb of Huir trom inflan -y to old aso, are poeitlvely cured by Cuiicura RnocSTtKT, the Nt-w Blood 1'urifliT, lnternally, and Cüticubi, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, an eïquislte Ski o beantifiw. xternally. KCZBMA (lltED. I was afllicted wlih Eczema on the Scalp, Face Enre and Neck, whicli tbc DruiiüHi, liere I Rot yoar rumedies, pronuuncej} one of the uw tlmt had come ander hl notlce. Ueadviasd me to trv your CUTICURA IU mi:dii;s, ;U,it altar flvi ilny.-' use my scalp and pau of my fnce were en tirely cnrel,and:I ho]ie in anoih r ¦¦, k my neck, enrs. and the other part of my faci; ciired. HKKM N SI.ADE, liUK. 4tbSt., New York. t nis i moui:s. I have been afllicted sinco lBt. March wilh a Skin disease the doctor culled Eczema. My lace waa covend wilh ecabn'and eures. anti the itchins; and burniiiff ere almoit unbearahlc. íeeinc vuur Ccticura Rkmkuies so hifhly recommeuded, I coDduded lo üivu them a trial, iiim' the Cuticun and the Cuticura Soap exiernallv, and KeHolvcnt inteniülly, tur four montbf. leail inytcli cnred, in gratitud lor whicb I make this pu1. ir siatonit'tir. MKS. CLARA A. FKEOEHJCK, Broad Brook, Cunn. C-UTicuitA Kemedirs are 8old everywhorit. Trice, Cuticum, 50c; líe olvenl, il.liO: Smiii, 98 l'repared hy l'oTTtíu ll;ut; and CtiKsniAr, Co., dostoa, Ma. Meud lur -n , to cure SKln Iim'iim-" BTTT l'! ''. Blackhcadx Skin, B'.eraisl.en and Bnby Í liVi 11 mlur-, use fillinir.i oa;i. "CRICK IX TUK BACAV' stitch in the sWe, cramp, tjipotlnjr and ha[) paUi rheuiimlic, jtt i.'iirriiL'ii'. and jciatie pain, and i I 1 t pain and ik hc oothed and Iw i xpflk-d wltti wonderiul ct-lerity ly Ifs ¦ ihatuuw originnl. eliiaut awl epecdy 5 Hl nntidote to pain and inttttDinnitioii, the "1 wtf Cl ncuBA I'l vaikK. WÏHnted the jieriectlon of elegant externa rerjKUs and viiatly snperior to all othe plun'ers. At drtrgBistp, Ü5 cente; Uve (oí Í1.U0. Mniled n--.. Po Drdc; and ('iit.niiii, UóaPAKT. (tosí CATARRH That pure, weet, pafe, and eflfective Anififlpn dietlUtlon of Wltch-Hazel.Amencan Plne, Canada Fir. Marlold, trad dovor-BlodÉom, culled S;mforii'íJ Cure lyr Cütarrh, vriiti yiic nx C-itftrrtml Solveot one SrtndTordV lniM-uvil Inhnler, all ín one packa# my novv be h;(l of all drtg gitta, for $1. Ask fir Sanfoi d's Iïadical ('i iík. Complete Loc) and ComtltattOfial Trcatment for every lorm ot CaUrib. imra a Simple CoM or lufltieuza to lofia of eroell, tute, and Hearing l'.niL'ti, Broncbttic, umi Catarrbal Cunsumptimi, in uvery packaer 'Irrij mi-u, VocaiIntM9 And public ppeakera witbout nnmber owe tiictr present QMfailieM and sucjcss to ManfohdS HadI'-AI. CUKE for ('ATAllillI . Kev. Dr. Wigijin uays : 'One of the beat remedie for Cataarh- nay, the bert rcinfdy we have fonnd in a lifctimc of öiiffcrlng - is SanfobdV Radical Cukb. it cluarn the hcad anti throat ho thomutjiily that, taking each morning on rieintj, there are no dldaicrtüfole tmwkln durint; I He enlire day, but au unprecedentcd clearness of voice aud resplratory organe.'1 bold by all drugistn. t'riCf, 1)Q. Al If KO e TY suffvTcr fnuD HbcnVVUl""' maiinm, Neuralgia, Weak vouw Barao-;; l::;,';,,1-11;,00 Pi igTeflA Weak Siomachand Bou. - WISTU" Dyitxpd, K-male Weakneea, Shootin paine throngh the loins and back, try these piasters. Placed over the pit ol the M'niinh, tlu'y prevent and cure Ane Paine. BtMoutCollc, Llvtjr coimilaintH, aud protect the yátein from n thousand Hls. 86cu PoKi'p Itrus and liiiiiiiul ¦ .. Boston, W. TREMAIN, GENERAL, [jMMCj [mm OFFICE, Oyer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. IIUKON AND FOUKÏUSTS., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edinbur. Capital, $13,00ü,UÜÜ, Qold. Detroit Firc and Marine Insurance Co., Cash Assets (600,(100. Spiingflcld Ins. Co. of Massaoliiisctfs, Cash Asset $1,800,000. Iloward Ihs. Company of ÏTew York, Cath Assets $1,000,000. Agrieultural Ins. Co., Waterlowii, '.T., Cash Aeets i,00,(XX). Losse; Liberally Adjustcd and Promptly Pald. RUPTURH! EOAN'S IHPEKIAL TRUSS. HB Thl Mi'w Tru ha a ij-tral tjrna uti iríiilíMBb Tki iki U ; yiel.U t -t.t UM'tioii. ntnifiinj - - Ihe hfrinaalwiv. W . rn (dyn-l mjAi wtthtojiiB Sr ut on trUI. Kncloie Slui. for Circular. UfA In bolh Unlvrlty MpfUli. ESAN'S mPiHIAL TRUSS CO.. Box 2288. Ann Arbor, MM. Office, Ilamilton 151ock. Ana Arlxir. Ohuioed in the United Sutci and ForeignCountric. KO.H.I.OTHKII1', 70 GrUwoId SI., Detroit, inicb.


Ann Arbor Courier
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