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Ergs lmve gone up to 10 cents per doz. ni Dexter, Deonis Van Baren, ofDexter, stoteach scliool ld thé U. P. Ladtof, even, haai wtrem Ib. plckerel out of Cavanaugh Liike. Hise Clara MeCormiok teachea the school in the Keenan district near Worden. Frank Leman of NorthfleM, liad a fork Une run ttaroagb liis band while loadinohay recently. " Tl.nse wbo .lid not pay their city tax in Cbelsea before the 6th, had -i per cent added to thein. Thos. J. Bell and Etta K. Van Orden both of Oexter towníhip, were niairied Sept. 2d at Chelsea. Cbeisea'a oommon councll have gone ínto the ridewalk bmhieea- that is into ordering walks built. Mrs. Allen ('rittenden, of Pittsfleid died of apoples.v W.-lncsilayof last week lier funeral occurrlng Friday. Theoilore Hindehing died at Los Ang. les, Cal.. Ang. 2ö, mul bil remains were brouglit to Dexter for ititennent, reachintr there Bept Sd. Ypsdanti is coachlng B base ball club ïbatexpccta to mhke a Une record. In tact the club has shown some excellent playing qualitles. J. D. Stevens, Jr.. for the past few nonths, elerk In the olliee of Auditor Qen eral Stevens at Lunsing, han returned tó tlie Luke.-rtV. L. Suu. Kli Corwhi. ot Ypsihinti, gucsscd tbat ''¦'¦'¦'¦rrl170 bl"8i ¦ jar that con.iiii(i ..1 , J beana, and received a case of stufled birds tor bis guess. Miss Carrie Peebles, of Utah Territory vho hasmany relatives at tliis plaee WU cccnily married to Dr. rmstronfc of öouth Lyon.- Worden Uor. W. I,. Suú. The OongnegaUtnal ladlesof fpsllantl jrave a yerj eujoyble farewell social to thelr depaiting pastoi, Rev (! il Grannis, last Friday evenlDy, at resldencö ot Mr. and Mrs. (í. A. Ainsworth. On the aftenmon and evenjnj! "f Sept. M a grand Burprige party w.,s held at the residenee of Mr. C. C. Warner, of Lodl A bout 65 oouple were pretent, and the Saline cornet band diaoourded Bweet mu-ic for ttie guests. W. I KeaTs family move back from Albiontotliis villaje next weck; and will oeeiipy the house next to Mrs O M's residenee, Mrs. Keal having purcSased thé i.n,,„.r,v ,,, ,,,,. Nlli;,. ,,..r...' .... c-;o. Doxtor Leader. The M. E. Church of Saline is closed for repairs. The walla are Co bc frescoed and otherwke aaorned. Otoar Sfg of Ann ArOor, bas tbe work in charge. The lmprovemeng when completad will inake that church the bandsomest in the place A young lady's Ufe was most fmiraculoiisly Baved Mcently by a frlendly corset stcel wliich warded off the bullct iired by herjealous lover, Btralgtit for berheart Wliut ttntngtr argument than tala do the (TirlB want in favor of corsets?- Saline Observer. Miss May Mnore, daüghter of Mr. and Mis. A. T. Moore, of Ypsilanti, was niarried at iier borne in thut eilv láát WednesdayevenlDgto Mr. Wm. Travis, of White hall, X. Y. A large. and brllliant party wltnesscd tlie ceretnony wliich was performed by Rev. Mr. Springer, of the .I E. Churcli. If all millers or dealers In grain will take the trouble to fbrward to the secretury oí lUtoSa lli.c, ;it Lansiiig, eaoh inonth a feport ot the aiuoiint of wlieat them, tliey will be furnished postage and blauks ttieiefor, and have the satisfaction of niateriaily aiding the statistics of the state. This exonse f rom the Dexter Leader ís amply sufticient. Tour readers will certninly torive yon : - üur local editor, W. K. Alien, liarlng (ound alarge 'local' C ten-pounLgtrl) lastSaturday moriiine, bia attention baa been sq taken up with it tliat our local departiuent comes up somc what slim this wuck." Prof. Lodeman of Ypsiianti, in a momeut Oí teuiporary aboratiou i.fmind.superioduced liy too elosu ajiplication to inent;U labor, attempted to takc l'is own lile laat Wednegday evening, by shooting liimself in the mouth. Tlie wound is not considered danerous. He and his fninüy have the deep sympathy of the entire community. The followlng singular accident isrelated by üw, S.iüne OUwerver: "Dexter Briggs' horses ot tlironh, i ti some mygterious way, tlie stable door last Satnrday Qlght, and Inuiscd un, I mfttlgled themselves so hadly as to nnlit them Cor ivork. When Mr. Brlggg went. out to the stabie Sunday mornhig lic fonnd, to hls surprise, liis horses asiriile theatrlngen lint resting iuietly, aaving exliausted tlieniselves in their efibrt to ;ct extricaled. Of the rei-ent ileath of Mr. Geo. Ruel, Sr., who lived at Chelsea a lew years since, the Fowkrville Heview remarks: "Hewasone ot the flrstto enlist In the la-i civil war and spent four years of his life in the service of his country. He leCMI a laniily of six 'children, all marlieil butone, of which any parent ihight t''1 proód. !!.¦ v;i a kind man, a good neighborand daling hit hiit slckness his mind dwelt continually on divine thlogs." .Tosh Billingssay?: "The dinner horn iz the oldest and most sakred liorn tliere iz. It iz set to mus-ik, and pluys ' Home, Swect 11. une.' aliout noon. It has.been líatetiedto itli more rapturous delite than ever any l.aml liaz. Yu kan bear it further than yu kan one ov Iíodney'.s fruns. It will arrest a man and l.ring liim in quicker than a shcritVs warrant, It kan out-foot enny other noie. It kauses the deef to hear and the dum to shout fofjoy. Glorlous instrument! long inav yuré lungs last." Saline Observer: " Messrs. AV. II. Davenpnrt kt Son will open In their new building.on Ann Albor strcct.on Mouday, Seit. 14, a bank for the traiisaction of a gB "I banking business. The new institution will be knovrn as the CitizensSavings Bank of Saline, and will beconducted npon a strict banking principie. Mr. w. H. Davenporl president, and Mr. H 1'. Davenpoit, eashier. 'l'lie DavenporU, as all know, are aiimn; tliu oldett, ino.-t compeleiit, honorable, and weultliy tinns Of Wahtenaw countv, and the lactthat they are proprletor Ot the instiiution uill hisure it a prosperous business from tlie tirst." Di xIcrcnterpiNc liasberu nearly aslecp for a ol years, but now :i'n ellorl is belng nude to oigan, ze a itoek COfflpany tor tlie manufacture ol' the celebrated "Ferguson Uoad C'art,"and aUo a patent (fiado IVainc, l,,ck and blinda nrliiding rentilators, By some simple inachinery lUtSlde hlimls cafa be opeiml or shut from lie in.-Ule without raising the window.and when shut tlie window is burgliir pioof ' except by breaking the blinds; and the bllnds can be set and securely locked at any angla, and the machinery is so stron tiatnowind can tear the blinds from tfcelr blngw, thus doing avray wth the tli e ouly objection to ouMde bUnds Many lmve Blralüed :i rillinpieH to Ukê a few liuudred dollars' of the stock provuluil the matter looks feasible. A meefrIng of those interested wil] be held in the üeiir tuture, and the matter be thoroughly ventiated, and we trust will result In tbe establishment of an industry here tbat . II cause our village to progpor, and be the means of establishiug other