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Annual School Meeting

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The annual school meeting was held Monday at the city hall. At 9 o'clock n. in. the polls were opened, and three tickets were found in the field. The first one contained the names of the old members of the board, for reelection, a second ticket was known na the tempérame ticket, for which the ladies voted freely, and a third was made up of one from i'iich of the two tickets with Eli W. Moore for the third place. There whs not as much excitement m un ifested as lust year, thcre were only 51Ö votes polled against over 1,000 last year. The result of the vote is as foliows: W. D. Harriman SS7 Phillp Bach S96 A.M. Doty 848 Miss M.H. Hrown 115 Joa. B. Steere 1H0 IncvS. (onrus 123 1 : 1 1 W. .Moore 42 B. dmrad (forvacancy) 14 C. Maefc i After the votes had been countcd and the result of the eleetlon declared, the Mtaaal report of Superintendent Perry w as rond as follows : To the Board of Education of the City of Ann Arbor: I have the honor of submitting for your cousideration my lifteentii Animal report of the public schools of this city. STATISTICS. I. PERTAININQ TO THE FIXANCES. 1. Equali.ed valuation of property In the district 4,!i-fli,0!K -. Yiiiualiuii of school district property 160,000 ISMinice of funda on haud from precedlng year $395.21 . Received from primary school fund 3,186.80 5. Received frora local taxatlon ( One mlll tax. 4.989.00 ( Voted on property 22.5OU.0O ti. Recelved from tultlun I Non-reoianta 4.492. S8 ) Hcslileuts HBW 7. I'.tci'ived from all other ources411.96 Total receipts - $36,968.94 8. Cost of Kiiperlntendence and InBtruction $23,001.21) 9. Cost of incideotals- 7,.'ti7.71 10. l'iild on bonds and Interest 2,700.00 11. l'ald on permanent improvements. 2,977.52 & Batano remaluing l.uü.l.s Total S36.96S.S! 13. Population of the district (estlniati'cl) 9,400 11. Census of school age, Sept. 1. 1884 2,570 II. PKRTAINING TO THE SCHOOLS. Prim. Gram H. S. iTot'ls I. Enrollinent, transfers excluded: I Boys 443 317 360 10 ( (iirls 41S 270 aoa 910 Total _.. 881 587 403 1930 . Average number belo"gi"K ¦¦ 7' S3 374 S$9 3. Average daily attendance 680 48a 363 1535 4. Percent attendance 95 48 9578,97.15 95.90 5. No. of non-re-idents 4S 33 34 ; ó. No. ot meo teachers! 5 5 7. No. wonien teachers 17 13 5 35 8. No. special teachers 3 9. Average no. of days' attendance of each pu. pil 160 l7o 160 163 10. No. of pupils to each teacher 43 46 37 40 11. Age of highest class in ycurs 10 15.6 i3.3 ia. (Jost per capita for tuition $9 OJ 11.78 3848 14.47 13. Cost per capita for incidcntals 457 457 4.57 4.57 14. Total cost per capita 13.59 '6-35 33-'5 '9 4 The following classifications of the enrollment isan item of a report called for by the Bureau of Kilucation. N'innlier under 6 yeara of age 83 Number betwaen aud IS years of age 1431 iXiniiber over 10 years of age ll(i AVhatever difterences there are between the numbers of this table, showing enrollment and attendance, anl those of laat year, are in the direction Of more regular attendanee. With an aggregate enrollment of about thirty lew, the average daily attendance wa.s twcnty-live 11101e than the preceding year, altbougb the attendanee in tlie Primary department, owing ]robably to the severity of the winter, was a little Rinaller than usual. Our school [" 'i' ¦. .¦ ;., f 1 ti ry í nj;ly Hfinuiy In alm and ambltion. It is a pleasure to raake personal niciition of such pupils as have kept their attendance record unbroken tbrooghout the year, or a Bucoessioo of years. Tb at list is aa follows : HIGH SCHOOL. Emily Baesler, Belle Chapin, Alice Derby, Sarah G. Keedle, Matilda A. Newman, Martin Ij. Belser, Lewis Baesler, KrncMt Lutz, Willis McOorkle, Jobn St. (Jlair; for nine years,Gertruile 1!. Kosu; for two years, Dora Ulber. EIGHTH GRADE. Alice Cramer, Robert Christman, Nellie A. Monroe, Emily J. Purfield, lalpb Finckney. FIRST WARD SCHOOL. Carl Rose, Ora Hatch, Willie Stark, Ernest Tolcliard ; for two years, Frank Jleiiients,Claii(le Price ; for three years, 'beresa Grube ; for six years, Bertha Rose. SECOND WARD SCHOOL. Minnie Eberwine, Louisa Stenger, Wm. Arnold, Albert Lutz, Lydia Lutz, Albert Weiner, Dena Schneider, Louisa Schlanderer, Caroline ErdiiiHii, Kmnia Zeeb, Clara Markham, Fi-ed Schleyer; for two years, Louis Hom, Carl Schneider, Theo. 8tanKcr, Philip Weiman, Louisa Hom, Amelia Hom, Sophia Meyer, Edward Burkhardt. TH1RD WARD SCHOOL. Paulina Almendinger, Wm. Collum, Charles Duncan, Mattie Otto, Viola Winslow, Amanda Belser, LottieHage, Louis Stinke, Lucy Tremain. FOURTH WARD SCHOOL. Flora Vanderwarker, Minnie BoyIon, Lucy Green, Phil. Schumacker, Robert Luw; for two years, Jessie Almand. KIFTH WARD SCHOOL. Katie Carson, Mary Carson. This large number of ñames, quite an increase over those of the precedin year, indicates the marked regularity of attendance in all the schools. The cases of tardiness were 24ii than those of the preceding year, 47!l less thau those of 1882-3, and li'J5 less than those of 1881-2. These results have not been secured without imich persistent effort of teachers againat one of the most mischievous evils in the schools. The public school, all aloog its path (rom the Primary grade to the High School, is constantly dropping numbers of its pupils. Probably not over one percent, of the public school pupül of the country at large ever gradúate from a High School or any school oí like grade. This diminution of nuin bers in the upper grades lias been the subject of much study and investigation by educators, and many schenies have been devised to counteract it It will slicd some light upon the question (o Unow the varioiiH causes of leaving Bohool, 1 1 1 the elgbt grades, tuting the l'riinaiy iiiid (irammar departmenta. there were enrollad durlng the year 14t;s pupila, of whom 288 luid left before the close of the year. These 283 are accounted for as follows : LeflOO account of sickness __;„ &! Lefl tu work (,7 Lell to remove froin town ...I 69 I .11 lonttrml other tlmu public schools- 15 Left suspended .- IjefL froin dlSMtlSftcttOQ -1 beft, eaoM onkoown _ I 22 I.' ii, ïiiiin uil otber causen _ 48 Total 283 Many of this number will return to school wlien the preventive cause is removed, so that the number of " peraanently left" Is relatively quite imall. Tlie showing in the High School is quite similar to that ia the departnents below, though the non-resident dement there necessarily renders the tatisties less accurate. On the whole VB may regard our school attendauce is penis tan t as under ordinary condiioiis we could expect. An eíFort waa made last year in my eport, by collecting the results of all lass exaniiuutions for promotions iu lie Primary and Grammar menta, lo determine the ratio between (he Dumbei examined and the number promoted, or iu other words, to find out what proportion of those continuing in tlicir classes throughout the year fell behind- atranded, aa it were, between two classea. It was found tbat out of 1,001 examined, 909 were promoted. A similar investigation for tlie iiit year gives !)7i promoted out of l.nsi; examined. Adding 19 extra promotions, (i. e. by skipping grades) and also of 'M promoted on trial, 28 who succeeded, We obtain 1,023 total promotions for the year. Probably these resulta may be regarded as an average year's work, and we may falrly offer them as a valid defense of the graded system of lobOOU, in respect to tbe parta of the system tbereby affected. The numbers examined and promoted in the aeveral aclioola and grades are given in tbe following table: 9 &2 M gí ïê ?L S?s ÏÏ t ss S U U jfë f % "CS -jM '; - t - P - rí t; 3g 33 3S 3S 3S 3S 3g 3S 3 B 3 3 B3 E3 BB 3 Ï3 B &C So C= Cí f3 J3 s-g. aa La aa ag. aa aalaa 5 S 5S q 8S S3 SSS SS _ l KL =ss sss gg eií ssg as ,j __ _ SiS 8S SS SS SÜ8 Êffi 55 M Sg HM PK SB KS Sg S8 5 es 35 ssss es; sa L8 _ _ , _ _ SS Sfc K8 ooS 55 tS g, asS ssas ss . d a. H "5x O!l 100 00 V Jí5 tCW 6 öï-3 m Ss 32 aiíS s 33 Bíí 08 L-o E. A ltrger class than usual passed from the 8lh grade to the High School. The excellent record of some of the claas deserves special raention. Llla Bennett and Emily Purfield have kept their atanding above 95 percent, for the three terina of the year. The following have maintained a atanding of 90 per cent., or more throughout the year: May Adams, James Bird, Lmma Cole, Alice Cramer, Lola Conrad, John Duncan, Alexander Huil, May Lundy, Karl Miner, Minnie Mogk, Bertie Price, Harry Randall, Arthur Roth, Amanda Walz. Thia large number of high standing indícate a strong class, and yet we find that 17 out of a clans of 74 failed to pass their examinations. While some of those, by vacation wolk, will be allowed to go forward witb their clas8, the number of failures will be considerable, and alwaya will be in these higher grades, as com pared with the lower. The reason ia not far to seek. Above the rifth and sixth grades, the inemory and perception exeroises of the ebild rapidly abade off into the higher work of independent thinking, demandlng power of analysis, trained judgnient, and imagination. It not infrequently happens then, that the ohild is unable to cope witli these severer roquirements and must move more slowly, or wait for maturing power. INSTRUCTION IN THE GRADES. Some special pointe of instruction may be of interest to our patrons. It may be suspected that the instructiou iti the eflfeott of alcohol and narcotica luis prooeeded tooslowly. It wasearly tectO that this teMblngi to be of permanent value, or even to be comprehenijed, must have a certain quantum of phytlologioal knowledge a a basis. Tlit; teachers liaye been supplied with tnaouals, oooalderable ïnstruotloo, Iargely preparatory to the maiii issue, lm - i Kivcu, and Uiu wurk will be oarried forward in due order in each succeeding grade. In Arithmetic, the points of inore special ut l rut ion have been the best methode of making pupila do their own thinking - building the hablt of ]atient reflection. The tendency is to excessive drill upon flxed formulas and methods to the exclusión of thoiijrlit-developinent. Pupils are defitïient. if auy where, in the application of principies to practical problema. To remedy Ibis, we are uaing more objective illustrations in the Primary grades to secure clearer perception of relations ; and in the Gramrnar grades, more concrete examples, and conceivable problema. Examination questions ttoo,are sought which shall thwart out ail proneuess to cramming. We often have occasion to mourn the loas of the old-time " Mental Arithmetic." After all, the mitin factor heru is the teacher. The teacher that can teach a child to think is the only genuine teacher. We have not yet secured all the benefits that ought to inure from Drawing in the Schools. It ought to be, and can be, one of the most practical studies in the course. By giving it designing and industrial features more prominence, by calling into greater activity the inventivo facultíea of the pupil, and by putting the subject on a higher plañe of treatment, we hopefully look forward to more excellent results. Music in the schools ia accomplishing all that we are wont to claim for it Iteadiness in reading, accuracy in time, and pleasantness of tone are marked features of the exercises, as I have observed them. The effect of music upon the pupils is not only humanizing, but intellectually disciplinar}'. As an educational force it ought to have a high place in our regard. The special teacher in writing has been making some experimente, in a limited way, in teaching shorthand characters to primary grades, and the attempt has been attended by considerable apparent success. Possibly this may be the road to a very desirable, but rarely acquired accomplishment. The suceess of elementary Chemistry and Physics in the 8th grade has encouraged us to believe that Geology might be added to them, or take the place of Chemistry. Geology offers more employ ment to the observational faculties and so would seent to be better suited than Chemistry to induct pupila of this age into correct methods of science study. Moreover we have no Geology in the High School, and if such an elementary attempt in the Grammar School should make the more common geological terms intelligible and allure to further reading and research, it would do our pupila au important service. Before I close this part of my report pennit me to bring to your attention the matter of admitting pupils unable to read to the primary grades. It has been the custom to admit such pupils at two separate terrua during the year, viz: the Fall term, and the Spring term. Now the influx of a new class In the Spring greatly disturbs the order of work, prevent due attention to existing classes preparing for promotion, while the three iiiontlis' course is of the least appreciable advantage to the lnooming class. It would be greatly to the advantage of the school, as a whole, to limit admission of this class of pupils to the Fall term. The opening of an additional room in the Tappan school is justified by the crowded condition of some rooms in the First Ward school, besides being a great accommodution to many families in the 6th ward. HIGH SCHOOL. In taking a survey of the history of the High School for the past year our attention is flrst called to the remarkably high per cent. of uttendance attained. The average duily attendance was 3H4 agiü :!"2 the precedlng year. The percent, of attendance on the entire enrollment was 79; on the average oumber belonging it was 97 - a record that sliows exceptionally strlct tion to school dutit'H. The excellent resultt of the Lnstruction in the several lranches of the department give híiiiílar evidence of faithfulness and gkill on the part of teachers. The number of pupila pursuing each study in the High School, given below, is often a matter of interest, as Bhowing the kind and amountof work done, and the choioes of patrons in respeet to courses of study. Studiks. Boys. Olrli. ToUl. Latin 122 81 20M Greek 42 11 53 French 18 46 82 German 56 41 97 English Literatura 12 10 22 lthetorlc 9 13 22 ('omposltlim - 61 40 1 Grammar (BI 75 137 Algebra jl- 154 118 272 Geometry 49 28 77 Arithmetic 79 70 149 Astronomy 10 6 16 Cheralstry 20 10 30 Pliyslc 02 4 108 Botany 65 X 138 Physiology 49 60 9 U. S. Hlgtory 6a 61 123 English HUtory 13 15 28 Kmnnn Hlstory 16 11 30 Greek History 19 8 27 General Hlstory - 45 49 94 Etymology- 18 15 28 Hook-keeping 80 23 103 Commercial Law 18 6 18 Physlcal Oeograpliy 63 44 97 C'lvll Government 42 20 89 Polltlcal Eoonomy 13 10 2S While the above numbera average nearly the same as last year, in some branches, notably Latin and Greek, they are larger, and in some of the lower English studies, smaller. The teachers for the coming year are as follows : W. S. Perry, Superintendent. n i'.ü scnooi.. J. G. Pattengill, Principa, Latín and Greek. H. N. Chute, Physical Sciences. Lucy A. Chittenden, Higher English and Germán. Emma 11. Chapin, Frenen and Eng. Composition. Levi D. Wines, Higher Mathematica. Alice Porter, Latin and Eng. Grammar. Benj. E. Nichols, Commercial Course Branches. Adele M. Garrigues, Ooneral English and Elocution. Mary E. Hunt. Natural Sciences. Imogene O. Royce Book-keeping. Florence ('. Mllner, Mathematica. Lewis K. Rhoades, History. Nellie S. Loving, Librarian. GRAMMAR AND PRIMARY DEPARTMENT3. CENTRAL BUILDING. Abbie A. Pond, Principal, Eighth Grade; Eliza C. Ijl.1.1, Asslstant. FIRST WARD SCHOOL. Clara G. Plympton, Principal, Seventh Grade; Grammar Grade: Emilie Eldridge, Adda C. Jewell, Emma Kpoor; Primary Grades: Susie Spoor, Maggie McDivitt. SECOND WARD m Hum Mary Mulholland, Principal, Sixth and Fifth Grades; Primary Grades: Estella G. Mozart, Julia A. Howard. Emily Gundert, Lucy K. Cole, Amelia F. Lutz. TIIIRD WARD SCHOOI.. Josephine Armstrong, Principal, Sixth and Fiat) Grades; Primary Grades: Almeda Armstrong, Anna L. White, Emma E. Banfield. FOURTH WARD SCHOOL. Geirgiana Carman. Principal. sventh Grade : Grammar Grades : Cornelia E Corselius, SI. Louise Taylor; Primary Grades, Belle Kellogg Edson, Lizzie G. Cooper. HKTH WARD Schik II.. Mattie E. Goodale, Principal, Blzth and Fifth Grades; Primary Grades: Zada A. Rhodes, Alice M. Lovejoy. TAPPAN SCHOOI.. Louise L. Lovins. Principal. Slxth and Klfih Grades; Primary Grades; Ellii s. Wright, Malle Cornwell. SPECIAL TEACHKltS. BenJ. E. Nichols, Penmanship; Alvin Wilney, Music; Alice Hunt, Drawing. I close this report with a leep sense of the many helps and courtesies extended to me in all my administration of the schools. Respectfully submitted, W. 8. Pkkky, Supt. Ann Arbor, Aug. 31, 1885. The Presidentas report showed the e.penditures for the year to have been 35,964 4G witl) a balance on hand oí $1,022.48. The salaries of the teachers amounted to $23,401.20; janitorg, $1,370; $2,700 bonds and interest paid; Ja&itoi"a dwellinf; for high school, $1,617; fucl, $1,368.87, etc. The receipts from tuition were 15,486.8S; primary school íund $3,180.80, nd siilHcient from taxea and other sources to make It $36,968.94. There were 324 nonresident pupila. The estimates tor the year were placed at $30,500. The recommendation of the board to raise by tax $1H,OOO for curient expenses; $1,500 for introducing heating and ventilation lato another of the school building; 2,650 to build nn extensión on the liist ward school; $250 for library were all carried. The total value of the school buildings, furniture and apparatusis placed at $1GO,000 - a very low estimate, it is nearer worth a plurap $200,000. Two additional teachers will be necessary the coming year, one in the Tappan school, and one in the high school. Hereafter children who cannot read will be tdmitted only at the opening of the school year.