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There ure 112 tclephones on tlie Ann Arbor exchange now. Recular meeting of the O. A. It. post next Friday evening. Mr. John W. Wise is canvassing the county for Grant's Memoirs. Aid. Henderson has charge of i gang oi trench (liggers in the 4th ward. Mrs. Hatfield of Ann Arbor town, on the Cornwell road, is erecting a new house on her fariu. Dr. George Miller of St. Louis, will address the temperance meeting Sunday atternoon at 3 o'clock. It is asserted that we have uow ten Japan stmlents in attendance at the high teboo) and university. Ladies' prayer meeting at the M. K. churCh will be helii Friday evenings hereafter Ingtead of Saturday. The need of a fiie bell in the Cth ward enjille liouse was demonstrated to perfection last Monday morning. Palaee Rink will be open Tuesdays, Thursdays and SiiUirdays during September. Regular opening Oct. lt. A. 1) BeyUs bas booght out the intiTi-t ut lila partner, J. Josenhans, and will curry on the business horeafter alone. Pray loads of household ellects are niet constant ly now, aiul such a thing as all einpty house is a dlllicult thing to lind. The premium fair book is out, and farmers can get them by mail- or of the advt'iiiscis, or of the superintendent, A. V. Robison. The Northern Indiana & Southern Mich. Ag. Society have forwarded a iomp. ticket to tlu-ir fair to be held at South lienil, Intl., Sept. 21 to 25 inclusive. The new Catholic clmrc1) at Brighton Ie to bc dedicated next Sunday, in consequence of wliicli Fr. Fierle will not be present with his CQirregation. The Ann Arbor Democrat passet] its MVenJè birthday recently, ashcalthy, and happy as a paper can allbnl to be whicli isctiock full of news and " ads " each week. The T., A. A. tt N. M, R. R. will give an excursión (rom Toledo and all stations on the road, to W'liitinore Lake and return, Sept. 17th. Fare from Ann Arbor 75 cents. It is worthy of note that of all the laboring men who receive city orders niontlily, at the l'ecordcr's oflScc, there can scarcely be found on the stub book a signature made with an XR. Goodell bas n liundred swarms of I tallan aud hybrld heen that are " busy as bees,1' coucocllng swt-.-i ness for thelr aud tbeir cholo ¦ cakes are what maken the Register so sweetthis week.- Keglster. Another instance of the ." intelligent compositor's " blundering. " So sweet,1' should be " so slckish." The Gratiot Journal speaks of Frank Hangslerfer as an engineer on the T., A. A. & N. M. R. R. Our Frank Hangsterfer isan engiueer, hut pot on that road. He engineers all the boys who are out promenading with their girU to his ice cream saloon. The Ypsilantian complatns that the boys of that city are killing off the birds, by sliooting thein with air guns. VVhy not enforce the state law that Inflicts a flne of $5 for each bird killed (except sparrows) or imprisonnient? The law proved elïective in stopping the killing of binls in this vicinity. An unusually large audience gathered at the M. E. Church Sunday, forenoon to listen to the the closing sermón of Rev. It. B. Pope's pastorate. The presence of so many people was a compliment to the pastor, and his words were listened to with the closest attentlon. To whatever uew field of labor Rev. Mr. Pope may be called he can feel sure of the love and es:eem of many warm hearts in Ann Arbor. Monday mornlng, at about 2}{ o'cjock a. in., an alarm of lire was sounded, and the large frame house of W. A. Moseley, located on E. Washington st., just eust of the fanious 6th ward " cat hole," was found to be in flamea. The fire had gained sueu headway before tlie family were awakened that they barely escaped with tlielr live.-, saving notliing of tlieir furnitnre or wearing apparel. Tliere was $000 Insurance on the house and f 100 on the ¦ontents. The entire loss ia estlmated at $2,100. In the death of Alonzo A. Gregory, whicli oeeuried on Wednesday evening Of last week, from cáncer, with which he bad sutl'ered for several years, Ann Arbor loses a man who has been a prominent citizen. He wks born in 1811, tn New York, received a good education, and as an active business man. Before '"ining to Ann Arbor to reside he held niHiiy offices of distiiiction and trust in his native Rtate. Jle was at one time sherlrl'of Cattaraugus county, and in 18"0 aiul 51 was a incinber of the New York legMature, and had held the offlea of clerk and sujiervisor many years. After oining to tliis city he, in company with liis tirother E. M. Gregory, erected the St. James hotel, or what was orlginally known as the Grt-gory house, and he carried on the business several years. Mr. fire!ory held the office of supervisor of tlie 8d and 4th wards, geveral termg, and soiuething may be judged of his populary when it is said that he never was defeated thoagb tlie district was largely uemocraltc. Ho bas always been a warm tippovterof republican principies and a eltizeo esteemed by everybody. He leaves two sons, A. A. Gregory, Jr., and James Gregory, hoth of whom reside in the city. TUat somewlnit famous person, Sophia Lyons, was in tbc city Tucsday. K. Takasaki, of Tokio, Japan, was received into the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Will Hollands, of the Coukier binden', will liare charge of the palace ruik this winter. Mrs. Eliza R. Sunderland will occupy the pulpit of the Unitarian church next Sunday morning. The trotting course on the fair grounds is being put in fine order for the approaching trials of speed. The last of the scientists who went to Mackinac on an excursión, left that place Monday for their homes. It might be well for those interested to remember that the re-union of the lst Michigan cavalry takes place at Chelsea, Sept. M. Two new houses are in procss of construction on Cemetery st., at the corner of Allen st. The Baker Bro's have the contract for both. H. & R. Granger have been awardeü the contract for furnishing refreshments for the masonic temple dedication. They will provide for 8C0 guests. The Washtenaw Mutual Insurance Co. board held a meeting last Thursday and ordered a tax levied of $1.75 per 1,000 to pay assessments and losses for the year. Cheap insurance that. Prof. Winchell read some valuable papers before the A. A. A. S., In one of whicli he advanced the theory that Ann Arbor is built on the terminal rnoraine of M ancient gluciur. Some of the tomato growers claim that the frost, by nipping the ends of the vines, tlius stopping their growth, and giving the fruit ampie opportunity to ripen, has been u benefit instead of a detriment. A new post-oíflce has been establlshed at Anderson, in Putman, Livingston Co., a short distance from the Washtenaw line, ind Jas. T. Eaman, ¦ son-in-law of Hon. John J. Robison appointed P. M. Professor C. A. Gibson, of Ann Arbor, the harpist, will assist Mrs. Scofield at her entertaitnent next V ednesday evening and to hear him alone is well wórth the price of aduiission. - South Lyon Picket. The Whltmore Lake Sun of Sept. 3d, says: "The Huron cornet band, for the past week camped in the park, returned to Ann Arbor Sunday. They have furiiislicd us witli some very good music for the time they have been in practice, two months." The T. A. A. and N. extensión will probably run from Ho well to Hamburg, connecting with their road at South Lyon via the Air Liue. We can lind consolation In the facf that it 11 give us a shorter cut to the county seat. - Pinckney Dlspatch, The State Fair commences at Kalamazoo, Sept. 14 and lasts through the 18th. The M. C. H. R. will sell tickets on the 14th, llmited to return on the 19th, for om lalt; lor llie round trip. There will be a fair turn out from this section if the went lier is fair. A very pleasant entertainment TO given at the residente of Mrs. Theodore Royer lasl evenlng to 1 1 1 ¦ membera ff tlit; Home Misslonary Society of the M. E. church. Tea au! refresllDMIlU we re .servid, and the occasion was made enjoyable in many ways. As we go to press we learn that Waller (Ceodail had one of his limhs so badly lacemted by being caoght In the niachinery this moriiiiiü: at ('oniwell's mllfo, that amputation is necegsary. Mr. Eendall was forcnian of the milis, and basa large family to support. Past Grand Matter Artliur M. Clark, has accepted the invitation of t lie Ann Arbor Masons to perfora the drdicatory Service ot their new tempte, 'l'his event will undoiibtedly oocur on the 24th inst., but a meeting ot the varlous iuterested lodgea will decided that matter positively, this eveuing. One of our esteemed colemporaries of this city stated in his last week's issue, that "the science week is over and the scientist has roñe to his loiifj home." Mut we infer from t li is that he has orone over the river, or where the woodbino twineth, or that he has a long boute wlerij he live f Tkia saspeate is terrible. After twenty-four years of continuous business Mrs. John Keenan bas sold out her millinery store in the opera house block, and the new propiictors, Miss Julia Cannoñ, of Masón, and Miss Nellie Bailey, of this city, have already taken possession. There are yery many ladies In Ann Arbor who sincerely regret Mrs. Keenan's retirement. In the report of Supt. Perry will be found a remarkable fchool record of two sisters, Miss Gertrude 15. and Miss Beftlia, daughters of Ur. P. B. Hose and wite. Miss Gertrude, in the high school, bas an unbroken record ol' nine years, wliile Miss Hertha, in the filí-t ward has attencied fis years without missing a day. A record difücult to excel. The marriage of Robert Vernor and Miss Minnie Gregg, at the residence of the bride's mother, in the 3d ward, Thursday evening last, of which mention was made in our last issue, was a very pleasant afTiür. Many friends of the bride and groom were gathered, and the presents not only elegant, but very numerous. The young couple have gone to keeiiin;; house, living ut N. 20 N. Ingalls st., and Rob. bas settled down to business ai Andrews & Witherbee's in a very matter of fact way. Puring tlie month of October 1868 the people of Ann Arbor held a special electioa lor three purposes. The lirst the appropriation of $100,000 with which to put in water works, which was defeated by a vote of 30 for to 4C0 against. The next purpose was to appropriate $19,000 for the purchase of Rogers Agricultural Hall building and tlie vacant lots north (at the intersection of Detroit and Fourth streets,) which was defeated by the close vote of 215 for and 2S4 against. This was to be a public market and grounds. The third purposo was to fenee the old cemetery, which was carried by 408 yeas to 34 nays.