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Lewis Staueh, Sr., of Taylor, has beei visiting his sou during the weck. J. Spi-ague and wife left the city yesterday for a two week's stay at Ionia. Mr.and Mrs. C. B. Hutchins, of Spring wclls, were in tlie oity Thursday last. Miss Matie Potter who has been visiting in Ludington sincc January, rcturned homo Saturday. Prof. Hutchins has moved into the house forraerly occupied by Dr. Lockwood. on Washtenaw ave. Prof. Albert J. Volland and family departod for their new home in Grand Rapidl last Thursday. , Will W. Watts goes to Detroit as manager of the Prlncess Rink. Well, Will will niakc a good one. Mrs. George Scott and family left Monday for a two week's visit to her mother'a, at Windsor, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. H.'J. Brown went to Chicago last Frlday, to remain a couple of weeks visiting friends. Mrs. H. E.Ward of Ypsüanti, returned home Mondar after a two week's stay with frieuds in the city. Mrs. A. H. Roysis visiting her son, H. M. Roys, in Firweli, the proprietor of the Register of that place. Rsv. Thos. Stalker has returned from New Orleans, not being able to stand the peculiar climate of that locality. ( 'liarles Spoor on Fifth st., is suffering severely from kidney complaint and ia considered in a critical condition. Mr. E. B. Morehouse, of Sterling, Arenac Co., was in the city on Saturday last and a caller at the Coubiek olflce. Dr. Ilerdman isjust now wearinga very complacent smile by reason of a new arrival in tlic nuuily. It is a daughter. JI. N. Walker, special examiner of the condition of the affairs of Mutual Ins. Co.'s of the state, was in the city Friday. Chas. E. Wagner expects to leave for Danville, 111., next Friday. His family will probably remain liere until October. Miss Dora Godfrey of Battle Oeek, who bas been visiting. lier fiiend Miss Emma Banteld, returns to herbóme to-morrow. Miss Minnie L. Miley leaves thisweck for Muncie, Ind., to visit relativos and friends. She expects to be gone about a mouth. Rev, R B. Pope and family expect to leave the city to-morrow to atteiid the animal M. E. Conference, now in session at Pontiac. D. F. Schalrer left the city Momlay evening for a two week's stay in New York and the east. Fred will combine business with pleasure. Miss Flora McDonald, lit '83, returned last week to Plymouth, New Hampshire. She is professor of natural Kience in the state normal school. Miss Anna McDonald, lit '77 left last week for La Porte, Indiana, where she teaches natural science in the high school, for the coming year. Miss Abbie A. Pond returned to Ann ArborlHSt Friday, and resumed her duties as teacher in thegranimar school again Monday, after a year's vacation. C. Carinan, of Flint, visited his daugh!er, Mrs. Geo. II. Pond, last Saturday. Reu b60 Carman and daugliter Ella, of the same plaoe also visited Mrs. Pond the same day. By the running away of their Cftrriage liorse last Monday afternoon Mrs. Prof. ( '. K. Ailams and her niecc, Misa Eniina llcaley, were thrown out and quite severely injured. Charles F. Adams, '77, Amherst, who bas been engaged for several years as isaistant in the Chemical laboratory, occupies the cliair of Cliemlstry and physicsin ;he Detroit high school. Salary, $1,200. Mr. Ailiims has many f rienda in tlie city ill of whom wisli hint the highest success in It is new Meld of labor. In reference to a new addition to our city's society, the Detroit Eveniug News of Sept. Hth, has this to say: " Rev. E. W. Childs, who has boraed the presbyterlan business at Jonesville,for the past 20 years or more, has just removed to Ann Arbor. Whether it is tlie protective tarift macliinery or the 17-years-old locusts that liave spoiled his business, is not known; luit one thing is certain, Jonesville loses a line family and Ann Arbor gains an estimable addition to her society ia consequence."


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