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POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE tuhvaitu. Na Ammoola, Uiu ot Aluai. fl , Cithenng Grapesfor Makir.g; Crcam of T arlar for DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWCER r SPECIAL IÉEXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE PurestaiKl Natural fruit Flayore. anilla, Lemon, OranKc, Almond. Rose, etc., flavorasdelicatelyaiHinatundlyastlierniit PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. ST. L0ÜIg. CURES ALL HUMORS, from a coramon Blotch, or Eruption to the worst Sc ro f u I a. Sa 1 1. r h'. u ., in short, all diseiises oeuaed by l.l blood are conquered Ijy this powirtul, purHVÜnr, and ini'.lK in.-. Urcnl lalinu II. eer rapidjy hcal under ns benign tnnuenoe. has il manlfgitéd it potenfy in -rcttcr, Bom KasI,. lf,iiK, C:,'r. buiKlri, ïiorc Erea, Sorofnlona Sores wí.,'11'"!1,?"' HÍi. Joint DLeii White snclllin!-, ;nin., or Tliik Nock, and DnlarK.d Send ten x-nts in stamps for a laiw treaüse, with colored platos, on. Skiu Dlaeases, or the eame ¦iïïïiiS'ratMronHm,,,,,. dUcHtiou, a fair Hkin, hiiotaut aplri ' .',' ?tpollKl al -oinuliicss of coualitutiou, will bc OKtublishiü. CONSUMPTION, which is ScrofuloiiH Disenso of tlio l.nii rh, is prpmptly and oertainly arrested and cured bythisüod-Kivcn remedy.U tuk before the last staíresolthodisnisiiiívreachod ;r'inJts wonI:'rlul Power over this terribly fatal diuease, when flrst offeriny this now óet ebrated remedy to the publi". Dr. V,,u,e. thought seriously of enllinf it his "Con. ¦ umptiou Cure," hut ntmndrmrritlmt „anif aa tw hnuted íor a medicine whlch, from lis wonderful combination of tonie, orstrenirtbening alterativo, or blood-elennsirif.', anü-bllious pectoral, and nutriti ve properties, is unequaled fungTbutiorSf6137 fr consumPon of Sa CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE Liver. Blood, and Lunes. , t - [' If you fppl dull. drowsv, dibilitatpd, hnvp Ballow color of skin, or jreUowteb-brown spots ÍSJlee,o.r líody' frp'l"'iit headaohe or dizzim-ss, bad tasto m moutb, Intenuü heat or chilla alternatie with hot Hannes, low spirits and ffloomy borebodmifs, insular appotit,., „„, eoated toniriic. you re suffötog l,-,„,i Indi. Sí ' 'BiliouKiieNs. in n.nny caafl only prt of thcs symptomg are ezperlenoed Aa a remody for all such cascg, r.Werce'i Coldeu Medical Blscovcry h nS swJ3TBk LVIn?."' sPittl"f of Blood, SliorlncM of Brcatli, Hroncliitis Severo Concha, roiihunipii" i, anj kmdred afftion8, it ia a Borer%a -löney. bend ten cents in etampH for Dr. PlercSá book on Consumption. Sold by Dnifisists. PBiCE$i.ooIsa.6rfSïsa World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, 063 Main St., Bctflo, N. y. SxevceTs little ee% pills. Ê l$500 REWARD B .K 5?B '8 fr'lr(''í hy tho propriotors VfB of Dr. Suffc's Catarrh Hcnn .y r!! foracaseof uatarrhtvhichtln -v V íj cannot cure. -A ' ff ,,Ifyo" havpadischarg-cfrom Hpk J thp nosc. otfciisivc or othpr¦Pr - wisp, partial lossof smcll. (asii' orhparincr, wpakpyps, dull pain or prewurp in hoad, you have ( 'iitarrh. Thousanils or caspR torminatp In oonsuniption Dr. Saffp's Cat.aiirti Rf.meiiv curee the vrnr? cases of Catarrli, "Cold in Itae Hrad." and Catarrbal lleadaclic. 60 cents. MJKIUNITYfromANNOYANCE H, Pat. Out. SOth, I8Í3. ' Made only of the flnost nn! hcstnnnl. Uy 1 (.lass rr WlUutajuUac heat. Every good is Counterfelted, and consumera are CAUTIONED against IMITATION3 of these Chimneys made of VERY POOR GLAS3. Seo that the exact label is on each chimney asabove. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright G-lass. Miinuliu (url OXIjY by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. lMMsi.Mrt.-ii LtM ;Iiism Worka. FOR SALE BY DEALERS.


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