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Lioht.vino killed severitl propio during tlie progresa of a recent severe storm fu t "innsylvauia. Öübino August 282 wells wore comploted in the oil región, of which but tliirty-eight were recorded as productive. Dt itixu tho twevo moQths ended July SI iiu)orts of niorchautiise into th l'nitoil Stiltes were valuod at $571,489,219, and tlio exporta at f788,878,41, Anothkr heavy rain and wind-storm at Charleston, 8. C, on the lst caused dani age to the extent of $100,000. A KNKAK-TiiiKF entored the hanktnghouse of Batenian & Co. at Washington on the lst and stole $1,203. There was uo clew to the robber. Durino a quarrelat Jamaica, N. Y., on the Ist betwoen Ann Baukiu, aged sixty-flvo, and Hosie itarnum, aged seventy, the fonner hit the latter twice on the head wit.h au axe, inflicting fatal injuries. Actuatkd by jaalousy, (iuorge Curry shot at Lis sweetheart, Susie Weseott, at Red Hank, N. J., on the lst, aud tha killed himself. More than 100,000 cattle had up to the lst been driveuoutof the Cheyenne and Arapahoe resurvations sinca the President issued hig proolamation. Thenumber reniaiiiing was estimated at from (iO.OOO to 7.000. Friist was reported at several points In tho Northwest on the lst. Thk strike of the glass-blowers at Baltimore, which begun last winter, was amicalily settled on the lst 1i RiNa tho eight months ended August 81 tlio receipts of all kinds of live stook at the Chicago Stock-yards were greater by I,177,4."i7 head than for the corresponding period of last year. New Mexic.i's population, according to tbü ransus just taken, is 181, 985, as agaiust 119,066 in 1S30. 11 T f li ,i i . , . n I mik I . H =_ Í. t" 1 _""'' """ uuui-iii uers at snawnee and .NV Btrottsvill, ü., struek on the lst for au Hilvanes in wages. Ootton BILLS in Bultimore County, Md., whioi liai been iiüo for several nionths, remjnd pperatlom on the lst with sevéral tluni iriii.! employés. The New York Produce Exchange on the lst placed the visible supply of wheat at 4,7'i. I.V.i bushels, alid of corn G,821,8S(j bushels. While sailiug on the Fotomac River on the lst, at Washington, a boat containing John T. Mor-an, Jr., son of Senator Morman, of Alabauia, and Mrs. Dela Stella, was upset by a squall, and both were drowned. BBurolars the other night rifled the ppst-offlee and Blountz's drug store at La Ciro, Ind., and secured a large sura in cash, postage stutnps and jewelry. Tuk puMio-debt statement issued on the lst makes the following exhibit: Total del (including interest of $10,719,853), ïl.L'(.77i;,!ii-.'; oush in Treasury, $182,063,82) ili'bt, iess amount in Treasury, IJ-71Í8,. 711,683. Overease during August, K,H7i),003. Decrcaso since June 30, lSjt, $77,03J,. 545. Threk duaths rcsnlted in one family on the 'Jd at SbouniKloah, fa., from the eating of toadstools, and a fourth victira was ipected t aurvive. Thk issua of standard silver dollars froin the mints during the seven days endd on the -Jd as 17,488. The issue for t he CDi-respouding period of last year was ï-s-V':l.Chinkse minors at Rock 8priug, Wy. T., were raider! by strikers ou th 2.1, and daring the affray seven Chinameu were killed and ruany others wounded. Thirtynine houses were buruod by the raiders. At Nevada, Mo., Henry Stalr and wife ,v oa iho l ((invioted of the murder of " .ild man nud bis yuuug sou several weeks ago. - siderable damagato cora and vegetables was iuflieted by frosts througbout the Northwest on the nightot tl.e lst. ''il.: ¦'r of the JNew Orleans Exposition has set apart January 19, 30 umi 1 aext Lor a special conveutioa of liiTs.ius int --i-, slod u the improvumeut of waterways of the Uuitöd tates. R masked men boarded a Chicago & Alton train at Blue .Springs, Mo., on the 2d, robbed several of the passongers of their money, and made their escape. Tuk striking coal imners in the Hocking Volloy, ü., returned to work ou the 2d. DruiNci the races at Hrighton Beacb, N. Y., on the 2d two jockies, Moran and Rivers, were tbrown froui their horses and killed. hass of loose rock feil frora the shaft of ¦ mine near Wilk-sbarre, Pa., ou the - 1. and, Btrlklng a cage filleJ witli workMi. 'ii. killed four of them and wounded six OtllL'I-S. (iiuxckv HotroH, of Batavia, N. Y., threw himsulf uto the Niágara River near the pr.-fipi e u ie.v daya ago because Miss Hattio Goodrich rufused to inarry him, aml was carrftil over the falls. J. KiMK :o & Co., coutractors and stocknu%. rs at Las Vegas, N. M., failed on the 2d for .fuo.OüO. Charles F. Ci.ark w%a arrested at Lincoln, Nub., on the ad, for niakiug countorBilTier doliars. His tools and several of the coins wero captured. EdmonD T. Maines, a traveliug salesman, was robbed of oae thousand dollars and murdered at Mila Spring, Tenn., on the '.'d. A man named Lee Sellers was arresttd for the crime. i i.ittlk bo3's, George and John Zimiii., wero burned to death on the 2d vriñle i hiyiiiií with matches In a barn ia the ruar of H.nry Zimmerman's house at Uarlem, iiear Chicago. A HAIL-STORM on the 2d in Erie County, U-stioyed crops aud fruits and broke the n indows of erery building in th path of the stunn. Hail fall to the depth of two inclits. Tuk coruer-stone of the new Georgia State-houa was laid at Atlanta on the 'Jd with appi-opriate ceremonies. Ckmckal Newton, Chief of Eugineers, V. S. A., estimiites tuat an appropriatiou of about $15,000,000 or $20,000,000 will be required to continue the work of river and harbor iiuprovements during the next fiscal year. An in tire square at Albany, N. Y., mostij occupied by frame structures, was' liurncd on the 3d, thirty families being raadarad homeless. Loss, $100,000. The fire losses in the United States and Canada during August are eatimated at 0,500,000, and for the flrst eight montha of the year at $05,500,000. At Lynn, Mass., a morocoo factory which afforded employiaent to two hundred men was burned on the 3d, with loss on anil Rtorrk of tiSR 000 Inquksts were held In. Chicago on the 3d on three children burned to death, as the result of their being carelessly allowed to got matches. Two bots, one seventeen and th other eighteen years of age, were detected on the al by a Office Inspector In robbing the mails on a North Carolina starroute. Advicbs of the 3d from Rock Springs, Wy. T., show that the raid on the Chinese was more detormined and sweeping than Hu' Ihsit report indicated. Over live hunIred Celestials were driven from the towa and one hundred bouses burued. The lodlë'i t iiim.ii Chinamen had been discovered, and it was thought that aa many inoro perished in the flamea. The Waterways Convention at St. Paul, bo eonsidei' moaus for improving th rways of the country, was opened on the 8& Williara Warner, of Missouri, was clioseu President, and ex-Goveruor Iiross, of Illinois, delivered the inaugural adiiri'ss. l ii Hawks and John Stinchcomb, between whora a feud had existed for y. ars, met on the road near Warfleld, O., uu the ;:j, nui bogan flring on each other. Botli wure fatally wouininl. A STiiiKE of fifteen hundred miners occurreil at McKeesport, Pa., on the ,id, and it was expected that four thousand more trOVÜ I soon quit work. K..K ('ni .nsuaw (colorod) was taken froiii tho Lafayette (Ark.) County jail by a mob on the 3a nnd hanged (or he murder of Ilpury Parep. Joiin LOHBllM. 11 wuulthv furiu.T. ing boen accused ol swlndllng mi mee out of a sninll amount of money, hangec bimself to a tree near 1 Ittsburgh on the 3d The freight depot of tb Cincinnati Harailton & Dayton Kailroad at Cincinnati, tbe upper stories of wbich wore occu pied as a grain, was destroyed by fire 011 the 3d with all itt contenta, the loss reaphing $226,000. A patent wu lssued at Washington on the 3d for an apparatus, composed of a system of springg, to run sewinK-machinei entirely doing away with tb treadle. The motive power i producad bjr Biiuply beariug the foot on a reit. BIn Lebanon, Boone County, Ind., Elias Mayfleld shot and killed James Lytton on wj m irom an amDusn. aoth were farmer. An old feud waj the cause. Thomas H. Browk, Jr., a Chicago paper-dealer, met witli a terrible death at Putney, Vt.on the 4th, by falling lnto a large revolving wheel he was inspecting. Thk body of Mra. Emnia Markley, who weighed BBO pounds, wm rtrried ,to the grave at Philadulphia on the 4th by twelve strong men. A revival in the knit-goods industry was reported on the 4th from Cohoes, N. Y., where all the milis were running on extra time to lili heavy orders. A SEVERC wind and hail-storm vialted Jackson Cuunty, Mo., on the 4th, lnflicting much damage upon cropa, vegetable and fruit wy It was estlmated on the 4th that nearly 4,000 miner were idle in Penmylrania because of the trike for an advance of half a cent a bushei for mining. At Butfalo, N. Y., on the 4th Mrs. Mary Miller, while insane, threw her four-year oid child in front of a railroad engln, and the babe was terribly mangled. Kossuth, Marx & Co., Wholesale dealers in jewelry and importers of diamonds, at New York, failed on the 4th for $500,000. Sam Darlino, a ten-year-old colored boy, was placed in jail at Farmersrille, La., on the 4th, charged with murdering Isaac Ihompton (colored), aged six y ara. Advices of the 4th to Bradatreet't say tha iucreased mercantile activity now appareut is confined largely to print cloths, bleached and brown cottons, boots and simes and raw wool. Liohtnino struck a barn at Olean, N. Y., on the 4th, killiug two men and de¦trnying the building. WiLLrAM Hakett, aged forty yean, was uiairied to Sallie Wilson, aged ten years, near Atlanta, Oa., on the 4th, the parents ot the girl giving their consent. Thbke boys were shot by William Kimball, a farmer, near Dayton, O., on the 4th, whila stealing melons. The wounds wcre not considered fatal. Thk Chicago I'ost-otlica disposes of about ninety thousand postal-cards daily, but none could be hadon the 4th, the printers at Castleton, N. Y., being behind Ín their orders In the United States and Canada there were 186 business failures during the sra days eiidod on the tth, against 164 th previous seren days. Th distrihution was as follows: Middle States, 88; New Kngland States, 20; Western, 69; Southern, 26; Pariflo State and Territoribs, ](i; Canada, 17. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Mrs. General Grant, with her familj-, left Mount MacGregor on the 31st ult. for New York City. The Coroner's Jury whioh iuvestigated the facts in connection with the death of ex-Mayor Walkup, at Emporia, Kan., returned a verdict on the 31st uit. to th effect that the deceased was poisoned with arsenic by his wife. Kev. Da. Samuel W. Duncam, pastor of a Baptist Church, in Kochester, N. Y., was on the lst elected President of Vassar College, at PouKhkeepsie, N. Y. Mks. U. S. Grant, aocompanied by Colonel Fred Grant, visited the toinb of her husband at Hiverside Park for the flit time on the Ist She clasped her hands on the railing in front of the vault doors and wept long and sileutly. Hundreds of people were present, and all stood uncorered while the wldow looked at her huabaud's rasket. At its sessiou in Baltimore on the 2d the Natioual Masonic Lodge of Relief elected Martin Collins, of St. Louis, President. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse R. Grant and Mis. Sartoris sailed for Europ on the 2d. Mus. John A. Looan, who arrlred In Chicago on the lid, said the Btory of an aocideut to the Senator and herself by the upsetting of a bout on the St. Lawrenc liad no fouudntioa. The lowa Prohibitionists will hold their State Conveutiou at Cedar Kapids September 23, to nomiuate a candidate for Governor. Ex-Senatob Gwin, of California, died on the 3d at the Park Hotel in New York City. He was eighty years of age. Ta bill of Undertaker Merritt, of New York, for the expense of General (iraní' funeral, amounts to $14,162.79. Judgb G. W. McIlvaine, Republiean candidate for the Supreme bench ia Ohio,, declined on the J to run, owin to U1-. slth. James A. Hikckxet flled a complalnt ia the United States Circuit Coilrt at New York on the 4th against United State Service CowinUsioners Eaton, Gregory and Thoman. The suit i brought with the avowed object of testing the contitutionality of the Civil-Service law. John R. Eakin, Associate Judge of th Bupreme Court of Arkansag, died on th 4th at Marshall, Mo„ where he wa visitin relatires. aged ixty-three years. Da. Stei-hbw H. Tynq, Sa, th well-know-n author and divina, died at hls residence in Irvington, N. Y., on the h, atred eighty -flve years. E The twelfth annual meeting of the National Wouien's Christian Temperanc Union will be held at PhiladeJphia Ootober 30. The application for a continuance in the Mackin perjory case was deuied by th Illinois State Supreme Court on the 4th. The motion for a new trial would next b argued. FOREIGNIt was said on the Ut that üermany haring secured possession of the Carolina Islands proposed to keep them. Thera was no abatoment of indignation in Spain. Dr. O'Dohkrtv, an active participant in thelrish rebllion of 184S, returned to his native country a few day ago after a banishmeut of twenty-six yearf, and the Corporation of Dublin tendersd him the freedom of the city. A niw commercial treaty ha been agreed on between Spain and the United States whieh will work numerous reform in the Cuban customs laws. Durino a Nationalist torchlight procetsion on the Ist at Galway, Ireland, the marchers attacked a detachment of Yorkshiro soldiers and a flght ensued, laat ing four hours, in which niany persons were injured. Ship-tards at Barro w-in-Furneas, Knf., were burned on the 2d, causing a losa of $1,000,000 and depriving two thousand men of employment. The Alian Line mail steamer ïan went asliore off the Newfoundlaud coast ou the 2d and was a total los. The passenger and crew were gaved. On the 2d oue huudrod and forty Prussians who had been expelled iroui Waruaw were marched out of the city chaiaed together, thu women following the men. Moonliqht outrages were on th increase on the 2d in County Kerry, Iraland. The houaes of two bailiffs were flred into by partiei in disguise, but uu one vat in. ju red. The Londun Times on the 2d aaiured Mr. Parnell that Irish indepondence was an impossibility. Thb small-pox eridemic at Montreal stilt continuad on the 3d. Thirty-flv new casos were reportad and uumerous deatha occnrred daily. Mail advices from Panama state that Pedro Prestan, the leader of the mob that fired Aspinwall, was hanged August 18. Thkbz were over 2,1)00 nw caies of cholera reported in Spain on the 3d and 1,000 deaths. The plague still keept iti grip on Southern France and had gained a íoothold in Algiers.


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