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Give the roller i ink ils due. It is a sort of an escape-yalve by whlch lots of persons avoid being sent to the idiot or luuatic asylums.- Detroit Free Press. A Grcat Discorerj. Mr. Wm. Thomas of Newton, Ia., says: " My wife has been seriously afflicted witii a conga for twenty-flve yearB, and tliis spring more severely tlian ever befon Slic had used many remedies without relief, and bcing urged to try Dr. King's Xew Discovery.did so, with most n'atifyinfí resulte. Tlie first bottle relieved her very mucli, and the second bottle bas absolutely cured her. Slie has not had so good liualth for thirty years." Trial bottles Free at Ebeibach & Son's dru-; store. Liirge size $1.00. If your neiglibor's dojr injures one of your thickens, yon can oolleet damages. If lie injnres one of your cbildren, you cannot. Moral. Haise chickens.- Boston Post. Bad Drainage causes much sicknt'S8. Bad bloodand improperaction oftheliver and kidneys diaiiiiige to the human gystem, wiiich Burdock Blood Bitters will remedy. The patiënt II the physiclan's eooandrum. The doctor guesses uulil he is ut lus wit's end, and tlmn givos it up.- Boston Transcript. TIrpd, Langruid, Dull, Exactly expresses the condition of thousands of pcople at this season. The lepressive effect of warm weatlier, and lhweak condition of the body, can ouly be eorreeted iv the ute Of a reHable lonlc and btood purilicr like Hoods' Sarsaparilla. W hy Jonger when a remedy is go close at. hand ? Take Hood' sSarsaparilla now. It will :ive you uutold wealtii in heallh, stienglli, and energy. A new fire-aim lias been nvented in Franco whicli can be discharfred thirty times a minute. Every oue Hgbtlnic a (hiel with it requires two seconds.- St Paul Herald. Ncver Giye Up. Ifyou aio suffer-hij; with low and depressed pirita, Iota of apperlte, "eneral debllity, dtoordered blood, weak eonstitution, heiulaclic.or any iliaease of a billious nature, by uil mcans procur a bottle of i-leclnc Hittcrs. You will be snrprised i„ seetiic rapld lnjprovemeirtthtwlll follow yon will bo iosplred witii new life activ' ity and itrenjflh will return : pain and misery will oeMe, and lienccforth you will rejoloednthe prato of Bleotrte Bitton Sold at htty cents a bottle by Eberbach' cc bon, It tales a man with keen eyesight and a braln of mueh scope to sce and graRp the jrolden opportiinity bet'oic it turns the corner.- Chicago Ledgcr. The most stubborn cases of dyspepsia iml ick headaolie yield to the reguluting and ton in nfluences of Hood's Sarup ril la. Try it. When Bby was slok, yn gre her CASTOKIA Wlien she h a ChUd, the cried for CA8TORIA Wliwi she becune MJas, aha olnng to CASTOWA Wliu sho had CtiUdren, she gare thm CASTA


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