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D. C. Fall visited the state's metropoli Monday. H. J. Brown and wife are expected home tomorrow. C. L. Goodhue, of the Water works Co is in the city. Will Becker is back in his old place ngain at Watts'. " Don " Brigga was in town yesterday chattitig witli old friends. Dr. Breakey is out again after a few days conllnement by sickness. Miss Ennna L. Behr, of Detroit is the guest of C. Hack aDd family. J. J. Goodyear and J. E. Beal are in Chicago thls week on business. Homer Henderson has been quite ill for a time, but is recovering now. E. B. Abel is rueticating in the rural wilde of New York city and state. Joe T. Jacobs " helloes" from his farm now, just as natural as from town. Miss Inez Brokaw of Northfleld left last Monday for Detroit to attend school. Joe Stimson goes to Omaha next week to enter the employ of his brother Fred. Mrs. Stephen J. Pratt of Ann Arbor, is visiting friends in tliis city.- Flint Demoerat. Dr. G. E. Frothingham goes out to Minnesota thi9 week to look after hls property there. It is Professor Knowlton now, though the professor claims to prefer "Jerry," after all. Mrs. A. M. Fall, of Albion. is visiting her sons D. C, and C. S. Fall and their families. Willis J. Abbot, of Chicago, has been visiting friends ia Ann Arbor during the past week. Dr. C. G. Darling and wife are spending a few days in New York state at his tonner home. Probate Register Doty and wife wentto Manchester Monday, for a few day's rest and recreatlon. Edwin F. Mack, of Detroit, spent the Subbatu at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mack. John Mapes and wife, of Stockbridge, ïave been visiting friends and relatives in the city tliis week. Mrs. Wm. .Noble has gone to Kalamazoo tospend the week with a brother and sister living there. Miss Carrie O wen, of New York, has reurned to lier unole', Dr. Breakey's, and entered school agaln. Mrs. Renville, of Brooklyn, N. Y., accompanied by her little son, is visitingher ister-in-law, Mrs. Dr. Breakey. Mrs. L. M. Remick and Mrs. C. Cook of Detroit, spent Monday witli Mrs. C. R. lemick, on E, Catharine st. M. O. Graves and mother left last evenng on a trip to the Dorth. They will visit it Petoskey, Ionia and Grand Rapids. C. S. Du rand, of the express office is nway on a week's vacation, which he will pend in Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, etc. Miss M. Cook, the new preceptress, isa ou ng lady from Ann Arbor, and boards vitli Mrs. II. P. Wheeler- Howell Rep. M iss Josephine Davidson returned on kionday even ing from a four week's stay vith friends and relations at Grand Rapds. Miss Emma Cook ofthis city and L. F. ïatch, ot the medical department, are to inite their lives to-day for all time to come. Jas. II. Parkhurst, an uncle of W. F. Stimsn,ha9 removed here from Harrison, int, and will hereafter be foutid in J. D. Stimson's store. Miss Emma Melhorn, of Marshall, is in he city and contemplates entering the nedicnl department of the university thls all fora three years' course. Fred Cutler, who has clerked in the ''ranklln house for some time, left Monay to take charge of the new and elegant ïlkerton house, at Dowaglac. Homer Drake, leader of the Chequamejon's was in the city over Sunday. He ms settled in Marquetre, but will occaionally hunt duckg in Ann Arbor. Harry Hawleytheaccompllshed former ditor of the Register, now on the Minnepolis Tribune, is expected in Ann Arbor o-day for a short stay among old friends. Miss Mary McCullough and brother Jen, of Ypsllanti, accompanied by their riend Mr?. Mattie Jordán of East Sngiaw, visited Mrs. Geo. H. Pond in tliis ity Friday last. R. C. Sellman, Miian's new principal of schools, was a rlsl tor at ye local's house lie last of tlie week. Milan is to be congratulated upon securing the services of o gnod a teacher. Mrs. J. C. Knowlton and family, Mrs. J. Pettengill and daughter, and Prof. A. I. Pattengill and mother, arrived home Wednesday evening last, from thöir cotagc life at Charlevoix. We had mlssed the cheerful ; "Any exress to-day?" of Chris. Donnelly for overal days, and come to flnd out he is way over in Goedrlch, Ontario, haring ome fun with the boys. Col. Grosvenor and sou, E. O., were in own Monday attending to some business matters. The Colonel has recently removed li is family from Ann Arbor to his arm near Monroe. - Dundee Reporter. Rev. Hubert W. Brown preached in the 'resbyterian church Sunday evening. Ie is returning to his charge in Mexico City, after a vlsit at home to aee his sisters )revious to their departure as raissionaies to Syria. Mrs. H. Cole and daughter, Emma, of Biddeford, Me., accompanied by Mrs. C. 3. Chick of Grand Rapids, have been visting their aunt, Mrs. C. R. Remick, on S. C:itharine st., during the week past. Vir. Chick spent the Sabbath with them also. Eugene Mann lcaves to-day for the golden sliores of California, but it is not so much gold as health thathe is in search of and hopes to flnd. Mr. Mann has been one of the gubstantial young men of Ann Arbor, and the best of wishes follow him 0 his new home. Winans & Stafford expect to have over 2,000 bushels of potatoes off their Pittsield swamp, and have been offered 40 cents per bushei for the lot by a Detroit flrm. The invitatlons of the mafonic fraternity for the grand dedication of their new and elegant temple are out, for Tluirsday evening, Sept. 24th. The occasion will be one of the events of the vear 1885- a vear which has been very eventful in raaking history for Ann Arjor. The new ten cent delivery stamp has been received by Postmaster Duffy. It Is a beauty in the stamp line, blue in color, ibout one inch deep by two Inches wide, with a picture of a youth running with a etter in his hand, upon the left hand side, and the balance occupled with instruc;ions. A writer in the Whitmore Lake Sun bas tliis to say of Ann Arbor's R. R.: "The T. A. A. & N. M., is constantly managed by gentlemanly officials and employees and is becoming a good road. One thlnjr we noticed that was a very pleasing attraction, and a thiii(t of very rare occurrence in railronds; that is the directness of this road. It runs in a continuous straight line for ruany miles. In fiict there are but two sllght curves between Ann Arbor and Toledo. If you want a nice ride and pleasant slghts, go to Toledo with the next excursión."