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C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Malu St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. Eatabllshed over a quarter of acentury ago. Representlng the followlng flrst-class companies, wlth over $60,000,000 npilal and Asscli. HOME INS. CO., of New York. u CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIAQARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of LondOD.' LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON. FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Bates Low as tlio Lowest, Losses Liberally Adjustcd and promptly l'aid. C. II. MILLEN. WE WANT 1Ono M0BB BOOK AGENTS FOR THE PERSONAL HISTORY OF TT. S. C3-:R. A3XT11. Seud for Special Term to Agcntt, or secure agency at once by seudlng oü cis lu stamps for outfit, Address VOIINHKK !fc ItleMAKIHT, Clucinnatt,O. Ann nnfi'" vresmtt, given away. V Uil I sí B cents postale, and #ft I I I h? mail Jou wllf get tree % VuUiUUU package of goods of larpre T J w " Talne, that wlll Btart you In work that will at once brlng yoa in money faster than anything elae in America. All tboat the $200,000 in preseiits wilh each boi. Agente wanted everywhere, of eiiher scx, of all aees, fnr all the time, orpare time only, to work ?or ne at their own homen. Fortunes lor all workern ahsolntely ssured. Don't delay. U. Hallktt & C., Portand, Mrtine. T) Tl T f7 Tl Send six cents for póstate. H U U I I 11 Dd feceive free, contly box U I n I ¦ P of 8ood which will help you II II II . 'o more money right away than 'anything else in Ihis world. All, of either sex, pucceed from flrst hoar. The broad road to fortune opens belore the workers, ahiolotely uure. At once addren, Trub Co., Augusta, Maine. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $50,000. OrpaDized nnder the General Banking Law of thls Stati-, the etockholdors are individually liahle for an additional amouut equal to the stock held by tnem. thereby creating a Uaarantee Fund for the benefit of Depositors of $100,000.00. Threc per cent. Interest Is allowed on all Saving? Deposits of one dollar and upwards, accordlng to the ruleo of the Bank and interest compounded eemi-annually. Koney to Loan on unlncumbered reul estatu and other good securlty. DIRECTORS : CHRISTIAN MACK, Wlf. D. HARRIMAN, W. W. WINES. DANIEL HISCOCK, WILLIAM DKDBEL, WILLAUU B. SMII'U. DAVID RIN8EY. OFFICERS: C. MACK, Pres. W. W. WIN ES, Vice-Pre. C. K. HISCOC'K. Cathler. THIS TPAPËR SaffiS Ticwspnppr Advcrtising Bureau (10 Spruca Strooi) .wheit? ad BP1 llflllir tisiiifrcmitrai-tsiuny MhHI Vli be made ibr lt inlikWI I UflIVa fTTTp flforworklng pcople. Sond 10 eenta II po tape, and we wlll mail yon fret a r1 p I p royal, valuable sample box of (joods I that will pat you in the way of makIng more money tn a few days than yon ever thought poesiblc at any business. Capital not rcquircd. Vou can live at home and work In spare time only, or all the time. All of botta sexes, of all ages, grandly snccessfal. 60 centa to 15 easily carned every evening. That all who want work may teet the business, we make thls nnparallcledolTer: To all who are notwellnatiefled we wlll send #1 to pay for the trouble of writing ns. Fnll partlcmlars, directions, etc, sent free. Immense pay abgolntely sare for all who nart at once. Uon't dclay. Addruss Stinbon Co., Portland, Maine. The "Servitude and Freedom" cotnpany, that played in the opera house last Fridny evening, went to pieces here, and had to put up some of its baggage to raise the necessary funds to get out of town with. Liku spring chickens in February, thcatrical troupes thia time of year are ratlier premature.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News