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LI PAY YOU Tü GO TO DETROIT ¦ AND HAVK YOÜB EXAMINED AND FITTÈÏT WITH 8PECTACLE8 OR EYE CLASSES roehm: wrights, 1MPORTER3, JEWELERS AND m TICIANS. 140 WOODWARD AVE. ¦ THEY MAKE NO CHARGE FORÍ TE8TINO E YES, AND 8ELDOMÍ FAIL TO GIVE REUEFi "ORTHY Of Confldence. AVrR'C Sarsapar illa Is a medicino that. HItn u during nearly 40 years, la all parts of tbe worlii, bas proved lts efflcaey il tho best b lood alteratlve known to medical sclence. SARSAPARILLA iiïÏÏLÏÏ?Z Kt-uuine Honduras Sarsaparilla) Is lts base, and ita powers are euhanced by the extractó of Yellow Doek and Stillliiia. the Iodldea of I'otassium and Iron, and other potent Ingrediente. iQ your blood vitiatcd by derangemenU O of the digestivo and asslmilatory functious? is it tainted by Scrofula? or does it contala the poison of Mercury or C'ontaious Disease? TUF l'adin;j physidans of the TTnlted Int State, who know the eompositlon Of AïEH'3 SaKSAPARILLA, Say that nothing else o t!ooi for the purification of tho blood is within the range of pharmacy. nMI V by tho use of tn's remedy Is It Ulll-T passible for a jorson who has corruptcd blood to uttaiimound health and prevent trautmission of tho destructive taint to posterity. ; TUnonilPUl V efTeetiverenoTatloa InUnUUunLT of the system must lnclude not only the removal of corruption from the blood, but iU enrlchment and the strengthening of the vital organs. nri ia Dl E witnpsses, all OTer tha ntLIABLt world, testifT that this workisbettcr accomplisbedby Ayer's Sarsapaullla. than by auy other remeJy. i Di finn tna' '9 corruptcd through dfsuLUUU case fa raade pure, and blood weakened through diminution of th red corpuscles is made strong, by Ayer's Sarsapakilla. ( Dl I Dl C VI MP tho ''lood and building rUtilrlliivI up the system require time In serlous cases, but benefit wlll be derlved from the use of Aykr's Sarsaparilla more peedily than from anythins clse. urniriuir for which like effects are mtUluinC. fal.sely clalmed. Is abunlant in the market, under many names, but the onlv preparation that has stood the test of time, and proved worthy of the world's confidence, U Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARKD BY Dr. J . C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, MaM. Sold by all DruggUU: Price tl; Öix bottles for $S. AlfíHS IN REFERENCE TO Printing anl Binfling. Tlie Clieapest place in the County lo procure Priuting of any description, from a Yisiting Card to a Mammoth Pus ter, or a 1,000 page book, is the nu iü ir fik for instance: 100 Full Sheet Posters, $2.50 1.000 1-16 Sheets, - $1-25 1,000 1-32 Sheets, - $1.00 Bill, Letter and Note Heads, or any other Printing deslrcd at proportionately Low Prlce8. BOOK BINDING. Magazines, the sfze of Harper's and Scrlbnrr'.s in Uood LIbrary Binding1, at 50 CENTS FEE VOLUMEOther Stjlcs of Binding at Priesc Equally LOW. DON'T FORGET! If you have anylliing' in either line you want done to cali and get Figures at the COURIER OFFICE. B.UPTUHH! ,_ EUAN'S IMPERIAL TRÜ88. OW 5 TIjI. l.ew Truiiliinfir.Ifrc.,iii,liiUMBr -4TIO rniuiM ; yteld U t tery motioii, rtutniüK " hcrni lwM. Worn Hay nd mgfil wlth cnm¦fe '"¦' ¦!! Trll. Siiii Tur Circular. -Mrf In b..lh Unlv.rlly Hmpluli. COAK'S IMPERIAL TKUSS CO-, Box 22S8. Arm Artnr, MM. Office, Ilumilton Block, Ann Arbor. Obtaincd n tho United Stutes nd ForeignCountric. EO.H.I.OTHKOP, 70 CrUwvid SU, Uitruil, aicli.


Ann Arbor Courier
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