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short, dvortlsemrala not to excced tbree linea "I Lost mul Fomid, Housos for Sale or Ilini, Wiuis. i(c, Inserted ihree weck for .% cruis. Bltuatloaa wanted. free. AN1! om. dealt hik place for llght houaekeeplng,ean tl n t a desirnble locatton n the roonm over No. 6 Baat Harón st. The furulture in the apartmenU kan be bought or rented il dealred bj u reaponalble tenant. Knqulreal theoffloaol Egau Imperial Truss Colnpany. -:i ÜNUMIMSHKI) front room, wtth closet, necond door, inr ren!. Kumaos heut. No. - Thayeru, nau UlghSobool. F]; 8 ALE A Furin of 94 eres cholee land, irniis, and good bolldlnn, i i of nh, Mtuaioil about two miles soiiihni rjnlveruty. Fot terma, enqulre at lamí ui Chipman Bralln. WAN i I I ! lirtt' or l'our Kooms for younff murrled oouple wiiii or without oonncen tor l-L!iit lionseket-plng. Address Box 2,864. X1OR Tliroi Btoretand qunntltyof . l'in' extra Largfl OotA Stove for Store. One mediara sisea Coal Btove and one Wood 8toe. A. L. Nuble, 85 S. Main 8t. 'IMON' acres good land wltb rood bonaeand i other building near Dextor, to aell or xi iin ihoi city property. Appiy t ¦ 1, Miiilh.-ws, lti-al Kstalc Agency, Anu Arbor, Mloh. 3 A YOUNGlTWYER W1TH $1 OOO CJ-A.SH '!'¦ tiiki' half interest in Land nnd Loan bualneaa in u v County Beal Town 1m wauted. Addreu OLD R, 1 la.sklns, Dakota. Í1 RNITÜRE- Good bnrgalns In bed room au t, liiddlng. etc, at the Coukikr offlee. HOUSE and lol f'ir sale v ry cbeap on rv Klrst slreet tu-ar lluron. Loeated WDAre t m ill alwaya root. Aiply t Mattbew'a Ueal igenoyt Ano Arbor, Mlob, O- Al uw line grade Holsteln Calves for sale by Milla Brotoen, Anu Arbor, Mloh. ALL WAK CLAIMS promptly attended to. Many penalonera are entltled ti Inerease and can h'ive ït by making applicatujn u onver the oaae properly. tío ree anlen anooeaaful. Apply tu O. L. Mattheivs, Tensión Agent, Anu Arbor, Mlob. F uil BALE- BOOM, Bom and out bulldiDgs wllh 2 LoU, obeap. orwiil sell tlie buildings wiih ona lot. líulus Cale, No. tí .Mayniird st., Aun Arbor, Mieli. O.). OOOto lonn on best reul estáte securlty, _ and in amona of MOO or more, J.Q. iV. s.ssliins, National Bank Block, Aun Arbor, Mloh. F: SALE or Kxchange for city property, 1U Acres ui land aboulone mlle froiu the ('ouri House. Address P. O. Box 1664. JOANING- Money to loau on flrst-class i V....A Murtiriurc ui Current rutes pf terest. Satlsiactorv arnmííemt'iitH inatle uiiti -:ii htli.sts dasinag raofi lnvestmentH. Kvery oonveyanoc And innaAotion in abBl ntcta ui liilrs oarefally examlned as to legal eflfeot. Z. I'. K1NU. Aun Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News