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After six years of work in this city Rev...

After six years of work in this city Rev... image
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Aftcr six yeara of wort i" this city Rev. Russel B. Pope leaves this week tr take the paatorate of the Euclid Avenue M. E. ehurah in Cleveland, Oliio. During hls reaidence here he his been a most popular preacher who liaa lways filled bis chureli with auditor!. Especially was lie appreclated by the stiideuts, who like fresli tliought in briglit, crisp English. With brilliant 80fiul qualities liejoiusa largo stook of general Information on nearly every subject, so that he always tometliiog for any emergeocy. Tliis matees lilni at all linies happy in extempore speaUintr. He is fearltss in denoiinciiifi wrong and fnuuls, tliereby having Often done good service to thecoinmunity hy clearing it of rascáis. His niemory bas been so coltared that he can without heaitution quote hundreds of passages in the Scrlptures and at once turn to them, retnem bering even the column and place 'f the passage. Moreover, he has mi'inerlzed nearly all the hymns commonly sung in the chareta. Of a restless, active tem pi ramen t he does much outside of the chureli work in maoy otber linea, and that activlty always counts. Mts. Pope ably seconds him in liis labors and has done more than any reali.e in woik for the chureh, the temperance ¦ and for home missions. In going from Ann Arbor, it is safe to say, they will l1 inis-( (1 more than any other family. A strange Btory carne trom Monclova, Ohio, a few daya alnoe, in which a woinan is saJd lo Imve recelved a letter from her husbaad whom she buried thlrtcen years :i;o; thereupOD his grave wns opened and an cmpty casket found. Soine relatives t s s:ti(] took tlit matter up, traced the boily to Anu Albor; concocted tlie tlieory that tbe sald hiuband, Tho=. Htibbell by Dame, carne to lile wbila upon the disBectlng table in ihe medical college liere, and Ita horrors made liim h raving maníac; tliat lie was takeu toan nsaneasylum and li.-ul llred Ibero ever slnce, unbeknown lo any of h!s íriends. It was vcry kind oí the keeper of sald asylum tu tiike sucli a pergon ia and care for him without a n order from any court or couipetent RUthorlty to do so. It was also v tv iinUiiid of Ilubliell to come to lite after haviny enoogli anenic injected uto lila reina to kill a regiment of men (whlch procesa is applled to every body broujrlil to the college.) liotli the superintendent vij the Pontiac and Calatoazoo asylums aasert t hut no such man as Thog. Hubbell h;is ever been ander thelr cbarjre, These sensational yarns ure gotten ii] opee in about so ofteB. Tliry are not only Improbable but inijiossible, md tend to créate in the mlnda of tlie manei B horror for tbe medical college?, - institntions that have done more to ailvance iiM"lic-al cience and alleviate human BuSeriDg Ilian auytbiog in the known world. The enlightened nations of the cart li owe tin ir rcmarkable escapes frurn b weeping epidémica almoat entirely to the knowledge diraemlnated from our medical eollegeft. People tbere learo what disim-i'. are, and how to prevent if not alw:iv how to cure them; thcy learn the neceggity of cleanllnen and good sanltary meaaurei. Ami yet there is a nárrow contracted lol of sentimentalista, in the woi ld who are contlnually hatciiin up somethlng to prejudlce tbe minds of the people Rxainst the awful medical colleees. A law went uto effect Sept. IS requirIng all di uirits (0 be rejíistered. Tliat s to Bay a person who wlsbei to go into the drug buness or has not been in the busifieu three year?, raiut go before a board of examinen and obtuin ¦ ceriificate before he MM mix and compound medicines. If a person has been In the bu-iness three ycars and sends proof and affldavit of tlie facr, acoompaaied by f 2, to the board of examinéis he will rcceive a certlflcate and thus meet the requireniciils of the law. Tb ree montlis are given n wliicli to regiiter ufter tlie law Into effect. The next meeting of tbe itate board of phannacy, compoied ol O. Eberbach, of Aun Arlor; Guorge McDonald, ol K tlamazoo; Jacoh Jesson ot Mugkei, on; Jumes Veinor, of Detroit .-nul F. II. Van Enstcr, of Bay City; wil be held In Detroit on Nv. 3. Tlie firg ineetiDg of tlie board wus held in Lani few we Us ago, at whlcta time Mr. Eberbach WM chocen jucsident, and Mr. je Hotii k in tary. [n the dalllei of Saturday lut is tliia sigiiiüi aiii dbpatcb: "ExGov. St. Jolin will í-tuiiip Oblo, He places the maximum prohibition vote ut 00,000 mul the minimum 40,000. II called on President Cleveland yostruluy." Of course, he called upon the president t'or instrucüiins. Tbe ex-Gov. and las party are miiiiiIv a cattpaw for tlie democratie party, in (I U nut proven by letten niiearthed alter the ]i!-t campuiirn one leader sot wel! jnii'l tot liis Krrlöec n electlng Cleveland.