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Satunlay eveniiijr, Sept. 2Cth, Aim Arbor people, for the first time, will have the privilege of listening to Jacques Kruier n the roaring comeily entitled " The Skating Rink." If you miss it you'U wisli you had'nt. llere is what the Mil waukee Scntinel snys about it : A more thoroughly araused andicncenever assembled ia Iho Academy of Muslc than Ihat whleh greeted Mr. Kruger in 'The Skating Illck" last nlght. The piece has been descrlbedasa satlrlcal musical comedy. It is a broad satire on the prevalltng roller skatlnRcraze, llghtand üketcliy, lut ujinmrlously funuy. Tlie author lias Mimjly provlded a Irame-work, leaving for Mr. Kruger the task of tllllng lu wltb hls dtllulilful nonsense. The fun beglns wlth the star's appearance on the stage as the audacloua manager of a roller rink, a man of adamantino "gall" glven to osculatlon and the other arts and it contlnues in a reglstles torrent to the end Mr. Kruger bears the weight of the performance iipon hls sboulders; hels the center of attraction, the light around whlch the It-sser lluhts clrcle. Hls humor may be broad, but it Is lnfectious- It carrles the aiullenoe witb hlm. There is DO relaxatlon, no rest for ones achlng sides when he Is on the stage. There arepeals of laughter and shouts of merrlment, whlch continue to echo through the honse long after he bas ccased Tbere Is an unctlousuess to Mr. Kruger's fun and a refreshlng Impudence that always provokeslaugbter. He bas the confldence and sympathy of hls audleuce and he Itnowi Hheatlraots tlielr attent on and be bolds It lo the end by shear lorce of hls ablltly. The burlesque of ' L'amllle " in the last act, Is a IHliuK climax to the entertainment. It sen. In the audience luto paroxysuis of laughter. Notan unlmportant feature of the show is th roller skating of Harry Steeleand .lean Canfleld, who go tbrough a serles of graceful evolutlons and grotesque movemeuts. A nuraber of catchy songs are also introduced and nicely Bung. The performance as a wbole, is genuluely funny. Of tlie wonderf til cliild skater, who is to open the Palace Skating Academy, Oct. lst, tlie Lmidon Free Press of Sept. 8th, says : " Miss Adele Barron, the nine year old roller skater, attracted quite :i crovvd to the Princegs Hink last night, and delighted all who had the pleasute of being spectators, by her exhibition. She is a daisy skater." THK MC DOWKLL COMEDT CO. The Ottowa Daily Press, of Sept. lCtli, has tliis to suy of the JlcDowell Comedy Compatiy in their great drama of Wedding Bell?, to be produced at the grand opera house Monday night, the 28th : The McPowell Comedy Co., will play ' Wedding Bells' to-nlght at the Urand Opera House. Su much lias been sald by the pres tn praise of thls drama that we feel assured the audlenceat the (JranU lo-nlght wlll have a genulne treat. ¦ Wedding BellH' Is a drama of KriijllHh doinestlc llfe, aboundlng In strong slluatlon and thrll Ing Interest. The McDowell Comedy oorapany have bronght a car of scenery spectally for ' Wedding Bells.' The trellHsedcourtat llavenscrag- Ttiebridal chamber In the castle at itaveuscrag, and the elabórate setting of the Pearl concert rooms on the banks o? the Thames river, London, deserve special mentlon. Inoideutal to the play lg glven a burleaque of Poenhontas wlth new Bcenery, coatumes, fresh Hongn and muslo, and allve wllh soul-BÜnim; run. The burlefqne closes wlth a reproductiun of the famouH Bartholdl Stalue of Liberty KnliKhtening the World, lighted wltli eleclrlc llght. and Introduclng for the rlrst tiruo In tliiR city, M'lle. Llzzle Hlms, the fasclnutlng and llghtnlng change danm'UHu. Nothing so Interestlng as Wedding Bells has been presented here lor many a day. They will present Monte Cristo or Uie Private 3ecretaiy Tuesday cvening. The Palace Itink, hereafter to be known as the " Palace Skating Academy," wlll be opened for theseason of 1885-6 on Thursday evening, Oct. lst, wlth W. C. Hollands as manager, in place of onr genial filend Watts, who is managing the Princess Hink in Detroit. The attraction for the first week wlll be Miss Adele Barron, o ily 9 years old, who will gi?e an rxhibition of fancy pkating never equalled by any child skater, The Detroit 'ree Press of Sept. 17th, says: "IJttle Adele Barron is delighting large audiences at the Princeas Hink evenings this week by cxliibi tions of fancy skating never cqualed by any cliild skater in this city." There will be two sessiou8 every Tuesday, Wedntsday, Friday and Saturday's nfternoon and evening, diiringthe season witlifull band every evening nained, and the building will be for rent for private skating parties on Monday and Thursday's. Slanager Watts, of Detroit, and Mr. Wyman will be present at theopening,and'a jolly time is expected. The skates to be used this season are the celebrated Evans pin-bearing, anti-friction club skates which, with fine rink, flnefloorand good management ouglit to make a successful season.


Ann Arbor Courier
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