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0% CREAM POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE Prcparn.l bj .¦. rh ¦ p. ctel rt'Kjird to bttltb. js,u Auiiuuiiia, Liuiv ur Aium. r ,?=Í5?i-J-C' .íiípSCCNE IN rRINCE' '%$ Gathering Grapes for Making Cream of Tartar fbf OR.PRICES CREAM BAKINQ POWOER I SPLcul SPECIAL m EXTRACT Hextracts MOST PERFECT MADE Parestand stronpest Natural Fruit Flavors. anilla, Lemon, Oninge, Almond, Rose, etc., llavor as dellcatety and natunilly as the Iruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. 8T. LOUIS. CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Blotch, or Ernptlon. tg worst Scrofnla. Salt-rhrii ni, "FciT..iiics,"SfaIyorKon)(h Bkln, ni inore, ali diseases caused by bad blood are con.juered by this poworful, purifyín, and ínviguratimr medicine, (reat KatliiK II'r rapidly heal under its Innisn intluonco ¦ -inlly has it manifrstcd its potency in ¦iinujr Tctcor, BOM llaali, HoíIh, CarbmiclON, Sore Kjr, Siroi'u Ion Sor- '""'"'"lp'' Hlp-Joiiit DiRoaKe, Sv'11Ihkk, Ooltre, or 'Ihl.k Nockj iitkI liilai'K'l Ulaiidw. Pcnd ten oenta m slumps for a lurge treatiao, with colI 'l.i ii-s, on: Skin Disoases, or tho same aninunt lora trcatiso on Scrofwlous AfTectlons i ni: iilood ís thi: ufe! ' horoutfhly (deaoae it hy usinu Dr. Pleroe'n ;llcii lledical Discover), and iood diceatiou, a fair Hkin, biioyaul "plrü-, vital lr iiuili, and aouiíduesa ot t onslitutiou, will bu fstablished. CONSUMPTION, whloh Ís Serofulous Diaease ot ttae I. un us, is promptly and certainly arrp8ted luid cured by this God-piven remedy, if taken before the last stajres of the discase are reached. From its wonderlul power over this terrlbly fatal dlaease, when flrst offering: thia now eeí ebrated remedy to the public. Dr. Piibc tluiui;lit sK-riously of calling it his "Con. su ni pt i oh Cu re," but abandoned that name os too Umlted fir a medicine which, from its wonderflü oumbination of tonic, orstrentheninfir, alterativo, or blood-eieansing, anti-blllous, pectoral, and nutritivo propcrties, is unequaled not only as a remedy for consumption of the lungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES OFTHB Liver, Blood, and Lungs. Tf you teel dul], drowsy, debilltated, have Rallow oolor of skin, or ycUowlsh-brown spots on faoe (ir body, frequent hiadache or dizzibad laste in moutb, interna] heat or chilla, alternattng with hot flashes, Jow spirits and ffloomr borcbodlngs, irregular appetite, and id tongua, you are sufferin? from Indi. BC{iii,IyHiicpla,and Torpid Llver, ar "BUIousneM." In many cases only part of tbcso symptoms are eiperlenced. As a remedy tor all such cases. Dr. Pierce'n ¦oldcii Medical Discovery has no cjual. Kor Weak I.iiiikn, Spitting of Blood, SliormcsH or Brcalh, Bronchitis, Severe ronche, CoiiMumption, and klndred affectioni, it is a soverela-n remedy Bend ton cents in stampa for Dr. Pieree's book on Consumption. Sold by DruggistH. PRICE$I.OO,?VêTS World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, 663 Main St., Büttalo, N. Y. sEVfcYCfc's LITTLE oolkOö'Vta puls. ANTI-BILIOUS and CATHARTIC. Sold by DruggUts. 25 cents a vial. i ï$500 REWARD 13 S&S '" "fpred by the proprietors Wllfef of Dr. Sage 's Catarrh Remedy KV F f or a ca8e of catarrh which they W ¦¦ 1 cunnot oarBi It J If you have a discharge from IVoA i' tlio nose. offensive or otherwwf ) wise, partial lossof smell, taste, or licarins:, wcak eyes, dullpain or pressure in nead, you nave Catarrh. Tbousands of casis termínate in consumption. Dr. Sage'g ('atahhh Kemedy cures the worst oases of ('nlnrrli, 'Told In the Hcad," umi Catarrnal licadacho. 00 cents. MMUNITY from ANNOYANCE Pt. Ost. 3Qth, 1883. J Marte only f lie finowt nnd bestqnal ily ui'.lusH Tor wltliNtuuding beat. Evory good thingf is Cotmterfoitod, and consumere are CAUTIONED agrainst IMITATIONS oí these Chimneys made of VERY POOR GLASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney asabove. The Pearl Top is alwayffclear and bright Glass. Mituufactnrcd OXLT by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Plttsburirh I.cikI OIwm Works. FOR SALE BY DEALERS. ' '


Ann Arbor Courier
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