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TWENTT-Kivic National bunks in Now York rerently bejjuu suitsagainst the city toresist taxation on tho ground that thüir stock is not legally liable for taxes. Lïon Cockrili,, the negro who murdered Deacon Wazz a few veninas a;o at Piue ürove Church, Mis., wliile ho was kneeling in prayer, wa killed on the l.'ith by John Beale, one of the posse which had been scouring the woods la search of him. Two ui were fatally iujured a few days ago by the bursting of a fly-whel in Grecnville (Pa.) rolliug-inill. An expresa train on the Kontucky Central Kailroad was wreeked on the lith near Lexington, Ky., th engineer and flreman being killed and many persous injured. Thb Willowdal Company, a Boston Corporation engaged in the manufacture of blankets at Meriden, Conn., f uiledon the I.'ith, with liabilities of $404,01)0. The 250th anniversary of the settlement of Hingham, Mhss., was celebratod on the lSthatthat town with appropriate exurcises. Thk New York Produce Exchange on the l'th flgured the visihle supply of wheat at 42,248,200 bushels, and of cura at 7,1j3,968 busbels. Thk bodies of about three huudred CMnamen, supposed to have been gathered from cemeteries in all parta of California, were discovered on tho lfith in a San Francisco cellar, whare they were beinglprepared hy fellow-countrymen ior shipinent to the Flowery kingdoiu. Tbe Treasury Department at Washington on the 15th purchased 200,000 ounces of silver for delivery at tho .Now Orlunns and Philadelphia mlnts for coinage into standard dollars. Th Chief of the Bureau of Statiatics at Washington reports that tho total valué of boef, pork and daily produtts exported during the eight months ended August 31, 188Ö, were $84,217,516, aainst $62,917,178 for the similar period of 1884, Thk Dauphin County (Pa.) centennlal celebration took place at Harrisburg on the 15th. Thk twenty-seventh annual convention of the Independent Order of Red Men of the Unit.M States was held at Washington, I). O., on the 13th. Ninety-two out of one hundred and eleven tribes were represented. Whilb attamping on the lóth to rescue their brother from imprisonment at Owingsville, Ky., James and Moses Ballard were shot dead by officer. Fox & Co.'s glass-works at DurhamTille, Oneida County, K. Y., were burued on the IC'.h. They covered three acres. The loss was estimated at $150,000. It is said the corn erop of Missouri will be somewbat below the averaee for the past flve years, which has been 101,000,000 bushels. Thk seventeenth annual reunión of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland began at Grand Rapids, Mich.,ou the lütli, Generei Kheridau presidiug. Thk second race between the American sloop Put Han and theEnglish cutter Genesta, which was saileil ou the lüth at Ne York, twenty miles to windward and return from Scotland li-ht-ship, was won by the American sloop by about a quarter of a mile in four hours, nine minutes and flftoou secouds, and the international championship cup will therefore remaln in this country. A decisión on the ltith by United States Judge lirewer that 27,0J0 acres oi land held by the Kansas Southern Kailroad were legally a part of the public domain, caused Wild xcdtemenf in Bouthern sas. í armera were flockiug to Woodson and Greenwood Counties, and were staking off claims, and some were building ahauties and breakin the sod. Fivis indictments forillegal cohalitation were returned on the ltilli by the Federal Grand Jury at Salt Lake City, and two women who refusod to testify were sent te the peuitentiary for eontempt. The mili buildings and ü,(XJ,000 feet of lumber owned by the Southaru Pump Company, at Jiashville, Teun., were burned on the KJth, eutaíling a loss of '.00,000. A freioht train went through a bridge on the 16th near Charlotte, N. C, wrecking twenty-three cars, killing two men and iujuring sereral others. A mas who robbed a bank of $800 at Attica, N. Y., on the 16th, was caugut while escaping with his booty aud handed over to the polioe. Maud S. has been retired from the turf, for the season at least, by her owner, Kobert bonner. Haii. full üve miles south of Granite Falls, Miau., on the lGth, damaging farmhouses. Drifts of hail formed three feet deep, aud gome hail-stones measured ten iuches in clrcumference. The Chinese Consuls located at San Francisco left on the 16th for Rock Springs, VVy. T., to investígate the recent massacre of their countrymen at that place. Threi men who had recently wrecked several trains on the Denver & Rio Grande Road by ubiug giaut-powder were arrested on th I7th near Denver. They were discharged employés. Dr. Adki.aidr Richardson, a teacher ofphysics in Mount Holyoke (Mass.) Female Seminary, and a popular physician, comniitted suicide on the 17th. Temporary insanity, caused by over-itudy, was the cause. A computation made at the Treasury Department In Washington on the 17th showed that the bulllon value of a Standard Bilver dollar according to the London rates of sil ver is 79 7-10 cents. Five HUNDUED feet of track on the West Bhore Road, near Kingston, N. Y., sank twenty feet on the 17th. Quicksand caused the siuking. Owinu to the long strike, nail dealers at Pittsburgh, Pa., reported on the 17th the supply smaller than in the past twenty years, and cWiimed that an order for two hundred kegs could not be fllled in that city. Advicis of the 17th state that during the last ten days the Apaches have murdered siz citizens in Grant County, N. M., nd have also destroyed McKnight and Keith's ranch of horses near Lake Valley. A freioht train on the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad was burned on the 17th near Delano, Pa., One man was fataliy burned, and a los of $100,000 was caused. James Pinkston and John Pinkston, father and son, were murdered with an axe in their tent, thirty miles from Sidney, Heb., on tbe night of the 16tb, after wnich their personal ffects were stolen. Th Cincinnatl Price Current of th 17tn placed ithe [eorn erop of tha country thls year at 1,990,000,000 bushels, 195,000,000 in xcess of last year's yield. The anima] statement of the Northern Pacific Railroad, made on the lTth, shows a decrease in earulngs of over $1,000,000 as compared with last year. Articlss were signed on the 17th for a double-gcull race between Hanlan and Lee against Courtney and Conley, for $1,000 a side. The contest will be decided at Troy, N. Y., October 10. Charles Loflin, a prominent ('anadian, and two companions, while hunting buffalo recently on the Missouri Rivor 800 miles northweat of Bismarck, D. T., were killed In a stampede. A terrible windstorm caused a herd of about 200 buffalo to change their course and charge down upon their pursuers. Tuk aale of the one hundred thousandth bogshead of tobáceo at Louisville on the 17th was celebrated in that city by a procession orereight miles long, represeuting all the important commercial and industrial interests of the community. Prairie fires were raging on the 17th near the towns of Bteale and Buffalo, iu Dakota. A number of barns and a large amount of grain had been destroyed, and a woman lost her life by inhaling the fiamos. WA. Haiqht, of Barnum'8 show, naid at BufTalo, N. Y.,on the 17th that Jumbo was killed while trying to save Tom Thumb from lmpending death. As Jumbo saw the train he made a rush for hls pretege, end. irrasDlnz hlui iu hls truuk. türsw mui way acrossi the tracks as Ir he bad been a kitten. Jumbo then tried tu gt out of th way himself, but it was too lata, and h was crushed betwuen ths angina and th cara. Advices of the INth state that hostil Indiana had coiumitted five murderi ia the Mogollón Mountains, New Mexico, duriug the past few days. John Siuiip, a Bishop of ths Mormon Church and a director of the Union Paciflo Railroad, was fined $300 at Salt Lak City on the 18th for Uegal cohabitatlon. The barge Oriënt was wrecked on th 18th uear Galvesfcon, Tex., and the craw of uve uien were lust. Miss e Sali.ik McDonald, of Boyl County, K v., claimed on the INtli to bar been cured of an obstinate spinal coniplaint through the Iprayer and lay ing on of hands of a Cincinnati parson. iii'iiiii.s SxDwni (colored), confinad in jail at Ellicott City, Ml., on a charge of assaulting a child, was taken out the other niiiht and hauged by men of hU owa race. Adam Brabendir, ex-President of th County Haviugs Bank at Erie, l'u., was on the lHth soatenced to two years' imprisonment, tha extreme penalty of the law, for fraud and conspiracy. Th defeudaut is sixty-two years old. The extensivo manufactory of the Smit h American Organ Company, at Botton, was destroyed by flre on the 18th, entailing a loss of $100,000. Prairie flres were raging fiercely on the 18th near Ayr, D. T. Fifty farmers had been burned out, and many others were in danger. The Government Directors of the Union Pacitic Hoad, after investigatlon, reportad on the IS. h that the condition of affairs at Koek Spring, Wy. T., the scène of the recent massacre of Chinese, was such as to jeopardiza the Government's interest, and suggested prompt interference by the military. The Chinese Consuls, who also investigated, stated that twenty-flv Ctkinamen had been killed, and that not a single Amerioan-borncitizsn participated in t h" rioting. llKi-oitTS on the 18th to Bradstreet's showed that the receutlv recorded improvemont in trade circles was fully inaintained. Thk man who robbed the Attica (N. Y.) Bank a few days ago was on tha lttth sentenced to thirty years' imprisonment. He is tweuty-one years old. Miami Universitt, at Oxford, O., which had boen clüsed for twelre year.s, '.vas re opened on the 18th. The tobáceo erop in Virginiaand North Carolina was on the 18th said tabea f allure, a drought of long duratiou having "fireil" the plant badly. A ( explosión on the 18th at Mount Hope, Kan., destroyed tha postoflice and several other business buildings. In the United Statas and Canada ther were ltiü busiuess failures during tha garen days ended on tha lSth, against 204 the previous teren days. Th distribution was as follows: Middla States, 34; New England States, 24; Western, 62; Southern, 25: Pacido otates and Territories, 13; Canada, 18. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. On the 14th Harrisburg, Pa., celebrated the centennial anniversary of lts incorporatioD, the venerable Simón Cainerou presidiug over the exercUes. John L. Hullivan, the pugilist, pleaded guilty at Cleveland on the Hth to the charge of Sundoy ball-playing, and wa lincd one dollar and costs - a total of sixteen dollars. The registration of f emale voters for the city election in Boston cloited on th löth with a total numberof 1,843, against 271 tu 1884. Rkv. James G. Townsend, for eighteen years a prominent Methodist clergyman of Búllalo, N. Y., resigned his pulpit on the líHh because he could no longer adhere to the doctrine of eternal punuhmenb. Undkr the provisions of the Liquor law of Wisconsiu, elections were held throughout the State on the l.'ith to determina th rate of licenue to be charged in the several cities and towns. Low tícense ($200) wu rarried in Milwaukee, Madlson and a mijority of the other citiei and towns. S. L. Burdktt, Coinmander-in-Chlef of the Grand Army of the Kepublic, issued a geueral order on the lüth calling upon nioiiibers of the order to contribute flfteea cents each toward the erection of a monument to General Grant. A committe would s. uu be nuiiiei) to determine th place of erection. Tuk Moryland Democratie Convention met at Baltimore ou the lüth and adopted rtsolutions indorsing the Administration and denouncing th existing Civil-Serric law. J. Frank Turner was nominatad for Comptroller and Spencer Jones for Clerk of the Court of Appealg. A.ndrkw J. Bates, the tallest man in Indiana, being iseven feet ten inches in height, died at Warsaw on the 16th, agd fifty-flve years. ï"WKNTr-NiNB deaths rrom smaii-pux occurred in Montreal ou the 18th. An earthquake shock, lasting eight econds, was feit at Naples on the 18th. Ijí a recent engagement between tha French forces and an intrenched body of Hovas at Tarafat, Madagascar, the former sustained a loss of thirty-threo killed and wounded. Thkrï wcre 881 new cases of cholera and 334 deaths in Spain on the 18th. LATER NEWS ¦ A meeting of Anarchist at Paris on th 20th eadiK1 in a riot, In which niany persons were wounded. Thikty-thrke deaths from siuall-pox occurred iu Montreal on the )9th, and th discase was reported to be spreading to other points. Whitk Cap, the Sioux Chiof who participated in the Riel rebellion, was acquitted on the liali of the charge of troason-folony. The appointment of Mr. A. F. Seeberger as Collector of the Port of .Chicago was announced ou the 19th. T ii k he were 811 ne w cases and 313 deatha from cholera in Spain during the twentyfour hours ended at six p. ra. on the 2Uth. In Palermo, Siiily, 224 new cases of cholera were reported and 19 deaths. The prairie fires raging in the vidnity of Diekinson, D. T., were on the 19th believed to have been started by Indiana. Miles of country had been burned over, and the entire erop of one hundred farms between Jamestown and Diekinson had been destroyed. Kicint heavy ralns throughont Lonisiana have materially injured the cotton and rice crops. A youno son of Edward Turnbach, of Hazelton, Pa., died on the 19th from the effects of hazing by other boys who ttended the same school with him. l St. Paul and Minneapolis have been raised to the flrst grade iu the free-delivory postal service, i Information was received at Washington on the 19th of a revolution in progresa inJGuatemala. A state of siege had been declared. BYap, the chief island of the Carolina group, was oceupied by the Spaniarda on the 20th. Stewart Rossfiei.d, an escaped inmate of the iusane asylum at Indianapolis, hanged hiniself in the woods near the iastitution on the 20t'i. Thk Governor General of Kastern Rounielia was deposed on the 19th by the populuce of the capital city, Phillippopolis, who had ])roclaimed aunion with Bulgaria and establlshed a provisional Government. Y On the steamship Etruria, of the Cunard Line, wbich arrived in New York on th 19th, the iollowing were among the passengers: Hon. Roscoe Conkiing, Rev. Dr. John Ha'.l and Hon. Abram S. Hewitt. Minneapoljs milis, for the vear ended on the 19th, produced 5,430,163 barrels ol lour, an increase of 002,823Jbarrels over he previous season. Thï exchanges at twenty-six leading cleanng-houses in the United States durng the weekeuded on thn lith aggregated 717,'JC3,8S9, agaiii8t (710,927,19 the previous week. As compared with the corrponding period of 18S4, the inereait anuiunts to 0.1 per cent.


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