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WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, witu StE BY EXAMININO THI8 MAP, THAT THE u ¦ _ ; - , . ' " j i - ¦ - j - -- ' y i ' SiPt ÍB$P i s c n s i . . %gnf--' "-""" n _ -'' CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY By reaaon of lts central posltion and close relation to all PrintíPaJ ""e fiJif Westrat initial and terminal polnts. constituios the most important mid-cOTtjnentallink In that system or througb. tranaportation which inv tea and Wtates travel and trafflc between cltles of e Atlantic and Pacific Constó, lt 18 also the favorlte and best route to and from points Enst, Northeast ana íS-iitvioiat gnd mrmHnnndlnir Doints W est, Northwest and faoutnwest. BWÍS?H wSSTfy tSÍSlS3Sle in lia main lino i !&"&wS$S'' Jollet, Ottawa, La Salie, Peoria. Geneaeo, Moline and Rock Mand, In Illinois , Da" enport, Suscatlne, Washinfirton, Kalrfleld Ottunjwa, Oskalooaa . Wet k'u&í.bHe108 KSXoe??L%nadMrpoánnd %%& lfSJP&të Dakota, and hundredsof Intermedíate dties, towns, villagesand stations. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guáranteos lts patrons that sense of personal eecurlty afforded by R eolld, thorouiihly ballaated road-bed; smooth tracks of contlnuous Bteel ral . substantlally built culverts and brldgea; rolling stock as near pertection aa human sklll can make it; the safety appliances of patent buffers, platforms and alr-brakes: and that exactin discipline which governs the Practical operation of ali lts trains. Other speciafties of this route are Transfers at afi connectin? points In Union Depots, aud the unsurpassed comlorw and 1?rPaitiLfT?ïnfföiStOhlco and the Missouri Blver re oompoaed of well ventilated, flnely upholsterod Day Coaches Magniilcent Pullman Palace Sleepers of the latest dealarn, and sumptuous Dining Cara, in which elaborately cooked meals are lelsurely eaten, "good DiKestlon waitlng on Appetlte, and Health on both." Between Chlcagro and Kansas City and Atchison, are alao run the Celebrated Becllnlngr Chalr Cars. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the direct and favorite line between Chlcafiro and Mlnneapolis and St. Paul, where connections are mada In Union Depots for all points in the Territorios and Brltish Provinces. Over this route, Past Express Trains are run to the watering places, summer resorts, plcturesque localitles, and huntinr anu nsning grounds of Iowa and Minnesota. It is also the most doeirable route to the rich wheat flelds and pastoral lands of Interior Dakota. Still another DIRECT LINE, via Séneca and Kankakee, has been opened between Newport Newa, Richmond, Clncinnati, Indianapolis, end Latuyette und Oouncil Bluffs. Kanaas City, Mlnneapolis and St. Paul and intermedíate points. For detailed Information see Maps and Folders, obtainable. as well a Tickets, at all principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada; or by addresding . R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, President and General ""aaer. Chlciao. General Ticket and Passenger Agent, Ohic;-qo.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News