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PAY YOU Tü GO TO DETROIT ¦ AND HAVE YOUB EXAMINED AND FITTED "WITH 8PECTACLE8 OR EYE GLASSES BOEHJI WRIGHTS, IMPORTER8, JEWELERS AND m TICIAN8. 140 WOODWARD AVE. I THEY MAKE NO CHABGE FORl TESTINQ EYE8, AND 8ELDOMÍ FA1L TO GIYE REUE" Twin Foes to Life Aro Indlgc(io:i rml Constlpatlon. Their priniíiry HviiipioniR are unioug the most dbtrewlng of minor human ailmenU, and a liost of dincUM., peedily rcsultant from thein, innluully ;i rirravate each olher and uwil ut once Uiu v liólo machinery of Ufe. Nausen, Foul Breath, Sour Stomach, Di..iiios, Headaches, BiLious Fei-or, Jaundoe, Dyspepsi, Kldney Disoases, Piles, Khoumatism, Neuralgia, Dropsy, mid vailous Skin Disorders, ure Miioi) the Hymptoms aud niahdirs uuuctl bv denmciuciit of tlie stomach and bowcls. A ThorciiQh Purgativo medicine U tlie i!rt aecjwlty for cure. Tlion tlio i'iitliuiiio effect muit be malntaiued, in a Dillil (tegreo, jut siifflclent to piwont a rcvnrrotK'6 of iostivenes8, and at Uio mav. li ll' livi r, kiilncys and BtomiK'll must lic :-liiiiii!aii'il uiid. Htrcugtluikd. Ayer's Pilis Accoinplisli t lii rwtorntlve work better than any olhT nicdiriiic. Tlipy aro Bearcliin nnd llioruiuli, yet mild, 1 ti thclr pnixntive actlon. Tliey do uot pripo the patuMit, mul do not induce a costive reaction, un ím the effect Of otlii r calliiirties. AVitliul, thcy poweu apeclal propertles, diurolic, licpiitio nuil tonic, of llio alghest Uled'n nal valuó und Absolutely Cure All dkraM prooocdiiu; from disorder of the digcrtlye inul unslinlUtory organs. The prompt ne cif Ayku's I' to correct tbe flmt InUioUioiu of costlvenass, rvimís tbe vi iímih lllnrssrs whlch neelnctof lliat condltiqn wouW lncvltably Induce. All nemilaiïLies n the actlon of the bowels - loORoncra a well as pation - are benuflcUlly controlled by Ayeh's 1'ii.i.s, imd for tho stlnmlatlou of digestivo ortniiH weakened by lonycontinued dvr 'j, one or two of Aykr's Pilis rtnllj , nfter dluifer, wllldo more good tbun nnylblug else. Leading Physicians Concede That AYEü'a Ph.i.m re tho lcst of sil ctthartiu mnllclne, ttml innny practltioner, of the btgbest stundin, customarily prescribe them. AYER'S P2LLS, PRKPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. [Analytlcul CbemlxU.] For salo by all Dmgarlata. WHAT IS DYSPEPSIA? Amongr the many symptom of Dyspepsia or Indigestión, the most prominent are: Variable appetite; faint,gnawing feelingr at pit of the stomach, with unsatisfled cravlng for food; heartburn, feellngf of welght and wind in the stom ach, bad breath, bad taste in the rnouth, low spirits, general prostration, t headache, and constipation.' There isno form of disease more prevalent than Dyspepsia, and none so pecui1 lar to the hlgh-llving and rapid-eating American i people. Alcohol and tobáceo produce Dyspepsia; also.bad air, etc. - BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS, will cure the worst case, by regulating the bowels and toning up the digestiré rgans. Sold everywhera. 885. SICLER'S 1886. CALIFORNIA . p. P. P. P'S Popular Pullman Palace Parties. Crand Excursions _ , Wlll leaTB Chipaco, St. Pnul and Ht. I-onl for Loa Anio-lra, San Franclaeo and Honolulú, Monilay Opt. 1, Jiov. 1, and Jee. 14, 1MHS. Kor partlctilars addrosR. 1. C. 1IOLÏK, Manager, !A Clark St. Chicago. T. UPTU H. El! jJ. KGAN'S IMPERIAL TRUS8. B Tlili ntw Tru hu m tfixral frrino ftnil ouwjHBg Tki rKuirM ; ytvldi to ver)' uiotlon, niUlfliiig "" ib. hftnílwvi. WornyftDd NtAi witticmn. OHb ' ¦¦"¦ N.1M Trial. EeioMSlmpfirCircUr. Ul fa blh Unlvanltjr Hoaplult. ffiIAf'S IMPERIAL TRUSS CO., ox ii8. Ann Arbor, Mlch. Office, Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor. Obtained in the United State and ForeitnCountricl. GIM.H.I.OTHIIOP, TO Criswold Vt.t Detroit, mich. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency in tlie city. EntabltBbed over a quarter ofacentary ago. RepreSfutiiig the iollowlng flrst-class companlee, wlth over $00,000,000 Capital and ii. HOME INS. CO., of New York. y, CONTINENTAL INS. CO., oí New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. QIRARD INS. CO., of Phlludelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London." LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON. FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Ratos Low a tlie Lowest, Losse Llbcrally Adjusted and promptly Pald. C. H. MILLEN.


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