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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlspowdernever varíes. A marvel of purlty, strrimth and wholesomeness. More eoonomlcal than the ordlnary kinds, and cannot be gold In competltlon wuh the multltude of low test, short welght, alum or phosphate pnwders. Sold only In cans. Koyal Haklnir Powder Co.. 1O Wall st.. N. Y. QltiCUTÏ A l'oit i ¦ Eurc for I) vorj ;i"orm of Skin and Bloocl Discusc, Trom to Scrofulii. D1SFIMUKINH 11UMOK8, Ilumlliallne, Ernptioni, ltching and Burnini: Skin Tortores, Loatbsomc Sores, and every epecies of Itchtng, Scaly, Pimply, Inheriti-d, Scrofulous, and ContaèIoub Dineaáes of the Blood. skin, and Scalp, with Los of Hairtrom infamy to oíd age, are poaltlvely cured by Coiicuba Rbüolovïnt, the New Iilood Purifler, Internaily, and ('uticura, the irrent Skin ('ure. and Cutioura Soíp, an exquisita skin beautuit-r, externally. WÏ!KH t CURED. I wan afflicted with Eczema on the Scalp, Face, Kan and Neck, which the Drugsiüt, where I got your remedies, p onnunced one of the worct cases that bad come ander hls notice. He advlned me to trv yoiir Cuticuka Remedies, and after flve days' ase my scalp and part of my face werc entlrely curcd, aud ;1 hope iu another weok to have my neck, ears. and the otber part or my face cured. HEKMAN SLADK, 120 E. 4tbSt., New York. HC1B8 V M 8OREH. I have been afHicted since last March with a skin didease the doctora cailed Eczema. My lace was covered wltb pcabp'and sores, and the itchinfr and burnine were altnobt unbearable. SeeiDg your Cuticura Rkmediks o blRhly recommended, I concluded to gve tbem a trial, utag the Cuticura and the Cuticura Soap externally, and Uesolvent internally, Cor four montli. 1 cail myrell cured, in gratitude lor which I make this public statement. MKS. CLARA A. FREDEIfICK, Broad Btook, Coim. Cuticuba IitüBDin ate sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura. 50c; Reolvent, 1.00; .Soap, 25 cents. Prepared by Pottïk Ditos urn Chkjcical Co., lioHiun. Mase. Mend lor "llow to care Nk In Dlnease" nTTf plea, Blackheads Skin. Blemishet and Baby JT X1V1 Humor, use Cuticura Soap. "CRICK Iti THB BACK,'' titch in the ide, crampe, stiouttn and harp pains, rbeumatlc, neurultric. and sciatic pains, and every I tVI-. exturnal pain and acné snothed and l 9 cxpelled with wunderlul celerity by ¦TniH i lij t new oricfjiml. elegant ftnrl speedy m B antidote to pain and lnüammatlon, the M IBP Cuticura Pi.astek. Warranted the perlectlmi of elegant external remedies, and vsstly supe'ior to all othe piasters. At drupirist, 25 rent ; flve f. r 1.(10. Slailed frec. PoTTKK DllUIJ AND ('HKMICAI. C'OHPANY, Boston. CATARRH That pnre, swect, safe, Rnd effective American difltllntion of Wltc!i-Hazel,American Pine, Canada Fir. Marlïold, and Clover-Bloeaom, called Sanford's Radical Cure lor Catarro, with one box Catarrhal Solvent one Sandford's Itnproved Inbaler, all in one package, may now be had of all drug ülsts.for $f. AmL for Sanfoid'b Radical Cuur. Complete Loei! and Constitutlorml Treatmcnt for evcry lorm ol Catarrh. from a Simple ('oíd or InflueDza to Ion of rmell, tiu-te, and Hearint;, C'iiufh, Bronchitis, and Catarrhal Conaumpllon, in every paekauer Clergymen, Vocuilttt, And public speakers without nutnber owe tiieir present nseinlness and success to SANroKD's Kiuical Cube for Cataihiii. Hev Dr. Wigsin sns: "One of the best remedios for Cataarh- nay, the bext remedy we have lound in a lifetime of suffertng- is Santord's Radical Cukk. It clear tbe himd and throat co thorcmwhly ihat, takiiK each morniiiK on risinK, Ulereare no dlíaRreeable hawkln.' during ïhe en. tire day, but an unprecedentod clearnens of voice and respirntory organe." Sold by all drugülitst'rlce, $1:00. _t I rirAB We 'ry sufT-rer from RheuCOUI-I"S matlsm, rei)ralKi# Wenk VOUAIC BfcUCHB0 ,nd CoIdii Weiik j,„cki J) _ - i-Dft Wiak Stomachand Bowele fcAalt' Djipcpsta, Female WeakDP8B. Shootinü piri8 throUL'h the loln and back, try these plantere. Placed over the pit of the Suimiich, they prevent mi cure Aune Puin. Hiliou Colic, Llver complaiutr, nd protect the lystem from a thouKand III. 25c. Potter D rnir and 'liem lenl o., Boston. W. TRÉMAIN," GENERAL IjjDRANCB JHï! OFFICE, Oyer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, CX)R. HUKON AND FOÜRTICSTS., North British Insurance Co., Of Lonclon and Ediuburg. Capital , 13.000,000, Gold. Detroit FIre and Marine Insurance Co., C'usü Ametg $600,000. Sprlngfleld Ins. Co. of Massachnsetts, Cash Aeti 100,000. Howard Ins. Companj of New Tork, Ca.k Asut 11,000,000. Agrlcultnral In. Co., Watertown, N.T., Cash Aiset 1 ,200,000. Louts Ltbwally Adjnsted and Promptly Pald.


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