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Stuurt aüvorllseiueuU nul to exoeed three luien, uf Lost aiui Found, House for Sale or Ki-iii . WauU, rif., lusertod Ihree weeks for 25 cuuts. situullons wantod, free. THE B ARRY HOMESTEAD For Sale or Rent whole or In part( Centrally lOOkU il, t 'onvenient to the Unlverslty, Public Bonooi, MsrkeU Uld all parts of tlie city. Kor Abstract ol Tltle and other Information, apply ut the premiaos. F OU SALE OR RENT- Barry Homeatead. No. 'is 4tn street. Apply at the premisas, AKiiif .'WO Acre farm good buildings, near ii :ism Lake to Rell or trade for smaller farm. o. L. Matthews, Keal Kstale Agency, Anu Arbor, Michigan. 6- TTNUJKNISHEDfroutroom.wllh Hoset.seuU oud Hoor, lor rent. Furnaco heat. wltli or without curpct.No. l'.'s Thayer hl, neur High Sihool. FOK RENT- The Henry C. Waldron realdeuceon Ellzabeth atreet. Iu the best repair umi as good as new. EnqutreofJ. (i. A. BnMlorn, Keal Kstale and Insurance Agent National Buuk ltlock. 3w ANY ONE deslringa plaoe for llght housckct'plug.can tlnd a desirable locatlou in t tu; rooms over No. 5 Kast Huron st. The Inrtnlure in the apartiiit'nlN mn be bought or rentad lf desirel by a responsible tumult. K.iiciuirc at the olllce oi Egau Imperial Truss Coinpauy. -3 IjOR 8AI.K- A Farm of 91 aerea cholee luiul, rlne fruits, and ttood bulldlnH. i.ikhI view of city, slttiuted about two miles South of UniverBity. For ternia, enqulre at farm of Chipman Sinllh. WANTED Three or F'our Rooms for young marrled couple wltli or without couvenlanoM Tor llght housekeeplug. Address Look Box 2.SW. FOR SALE- Three Stove and quantlty of Pipe. One extra large Coal Stove for siorc. One medium slied Coal Stove and on Wood Stove. A. L. Noble, Ï5 8. Main st. A YOTJNG LAWYER WITH $1OOO CASH To take half Interest In I.nw. Land and Loan business lu new Counly Seat Town Is wauted. Address OLD LAWYKIl. Hasklns, Dakota. ÍiURNlTURE- Oood bargalns In bed room suit, bedding, etc, at the Coukiek offlee. A HOUSE and lot for sale very cheap on First street near Huron. Located wnere It wlll always reDt. Apply to Matthew's Keal Estalo Agency, Ann Arbor, Mlch. - Ai'ew line grade Holsteln Calves for sale by Mills Brothers, Ann Arbor, Mlch. a T7VJR SALE or Exchanga for city property, I 1(J Acres ot land aboutone mile from the ( 'ourt House. Address P. O. Box 16M. r OANING-Money to loan on Hrst-class I i Real Estáte Mortgage at Curren t rates of interest. Sutlsfactory arrangementa made wltli capltallsts deslrlng such lnveatment.s. Every conveyance and transactlon in abstructs of lltles carefully exumlned as to legal .11. .1 . Z. P. Kl.Nii. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News