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SPECIAL LOW PRICES IN NEW FALL GOODS THIS WEEK n. f. siiiii 10 pieces Brocade Velvets at $2, $2-25 and $2.5015 pieces colored Gros-Grain Dress Silks at a yard, worth $1. One lot 40-inch Tricots at 50c, worth 75c. One lot 40-inch Ladies' Cloth Suiting at 40c-, worth 65c. One lot 54-inch Tricots at 85c, worth $1. One lot 54-inch Homespun Suiting at $1.25 vorth $1.50. 15 pieces Black andColored Cashmeres at 50c. a yard, worth 65c. 5 pieces 42-inch Black, AllWool Suitings in Serges, Whip Cords, and Boucle Serges, at 50c, would be a bargain at 75c 10 pieces Colored Velvets at $1, worth $1.3515 pieces Colored and Black Velveteens at 50c a yard, worth 75c. 28 pieces Assorted Styles of Fringes Comprising Elegant Chenille Fringe, Four Row Heavy Chenille Marabout, in Blacks and New Fall Shades at 50c. 75c. and $1 a yard. Just opened new styles in Braids and Buttons at Special Low Prices. 30 pieces of Colored Wool Laces at 25c a yard. 50 pieces Grey and White 10-4 Blankets at $1.25 a pair, worth $1.50, One case Grey Blankets at $1 a pair. 25 pairs 11-4 White Blankets at $1 50 a pair, worth $2Onézcase new Fall Prints at 4c. a yard worth 6c One case Cctton Flannel at 5c a yard. One case Cotton Flannel at 6c worth 8c 15 pieces Curtain Scrim at 15c. and 18c a yard. 35 Pieces Nottingham Curtain Laces at 121c, 18c, 20c, and 25c. a yard. One case Ladies' Underwear at 43c. a garment, worth 65c One case Children's Shirts and Drawers all sizes, 25c, worth 35c. Money saved by Buying Dry Goods of D. F. SCHAIEER. THOSE WISHING GOOD rOBIITDBB HUP, CAN CET BED ROOM SETS, CARPETS, BEDDING, CROCKERY STOVES, ETC, At rare Barsaiiis. The furniture of tüo ST. JAMES, but recently new, is belug disposcd or at private sale. Apply at THE COURIER Offlce whore the Goods are shown bel ween lla. m., and 5 p. in. Estáte of John Mitehell. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wnslitenaw, Mi At a nesilon of the Probate Conrt for th C'ounty ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ufflce. in the City ot' Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the 30th day of September, in tlie vear nne thouaand elïht huudred aud ühty-five. Present, Williaui IJ.Uarrlman, Jadge of Prubate. In the matterof the estáte of John Mitchell, deceased. Gcurpe H. Mitchell aml Sailiu A. Crane, the administatorrt with the will annexed if eald estáte, come into court and represent ihat they are now prepared to render their final account as such adiuinitratorp. Thereupuu it is ordvred, that Tuesdr.y, the 27th day of October next, at ten o'clock in the foreiiuon, be asBigned lor examiniui; and allowing Buch acconnt, and that the deviseea, ligatee, aud huirs at lawof anid deceased, aud all other persona interegtcd in said ettate, are reqnired to appearat a sesiou of aidenurt, then to be holden at the Probate office. In the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, it any there be, why the Biiid acconnt sboald mit be nliuwt-d. And it is rarther onlered, thalsaK udminislrator give notice to t tio peroona tntert-sted in sald estáte of the pendency of e.iid account, and the hearing thereol, by caoalng a ci,py nf this order to be publitthed ín tneAnuArbor6'örir,anewspaper printed and circulatini; in siiid county, three successivc weeks previous to said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) W1LLIA.M D. HARRIMAN, WK. O. D0TY. Probate B$tL ' hM


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