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N "¦ comes the toothsome oyster stew Tu clieer the yuum umi niald, And, beiter, there Is comlug loo, A boom lo trade. Theu be wbo'd rake the shekeU Ín Wheii trmlf beglna to rlte, Wblch snoii It will, must now beglu To Schools close to-morrow for the fair. Wm. Gerstner is building a new house on Miller ave. Sherill' Walsli took Jackson and Wax to stute prison Tuesday. Part of the Jacob II. Hicks farm in Lodl, lias been sold to Geo. P. Sutton. The pomological meeting next Saturday will be omilted 011 account of the county fair. The peculiar fragrance of burning leaves once more permeates the air and vuur uostrils. Rev. Francis Childs, of Jouesville, will uccupy Dr. Steel' pulpit next Sundny, and tlie Ur. will preach ut Jonesville. Arrangements are being perfected for soincthing unusually fine in the way of invitations for the coming K. T. reception. Rev. Geo. W. Benson, the new.'pastor of the A. AI. E. church, occupied the pulpit for the lirst time Sunday aud was wcll received. The Infant classes of the M. E. Sunday school had a very happy time last Saturd:iy aflernoon at the residence of Mrs. Clotlgfa, on West 1 1 ui on street. For the October term of the circuit court the calendar shows 72 case?, of whicli 6 are criminal, 30 jury, 17 court, 7 ilivorre, and 12 other chancery cases. A lar;;e docket. On Tuesday evening of next week the M. E. society tenders a reception to their new pa3tor, Rev. VV. VV. Ramsey, in the clmrch parion, to which the entire congregatloD is invited. If you had arisen from your downy coach sufllciently early last Friday inorniag you could liave viewed the total eclipse of the moon. It was visible until nearly 5:30 a. ni. solar time. The recent unión of the M. E. conference concerning Rev. Dennis Dawe of the Adrián quarterly conference was not in the sliape of au acquittal, but rather, on the ground of a techulcalily it was sent back for u rebearlog. The Washtenaw county fair is now in full blast. The entries in many of the departments are very large, while no deputment is behind. The only thinjr Deoeaaary tor complete success now is the crowd, and if the weather Is propitious tliat will he fortlicoming. Oor friend of the South Lyon Excelsior evidently has a somewhat hazy Idea of what ii Knijjht Templar ordimtrily wears, for he tlius comraits himself : " Knight Templan will exhibit their white aprons in a trrand parade and exhibition drill at Ann Arbor, Tuesday, Oct. 13th." On the 12tU of this month a Scotch terrier belonging to Mr. C. T. Henion got left in the vacant house and was not discovered until Monday. When found and released he made for the water trough in a hurry, but he was not much the worse off for his seventeen days fast. Last Sunday the Methodist church was crowded to hear the first sermón in that pulpit of Rev. W. W. Ramsey. The speaker is a polished orator of great power and eloquence, so that all hia auditors weutawnywell pleased at havlng heaid one of the most in.isterly sermons ever preached in Ann Arbor. He is a strong acquisition to the city clergy. The Ladies' Llbrnry building, now in course of erection, Is handsomely treated by illustrations In the September number of the Inland Architect and Builder, a magazine by the way, whlch it would seem as though every one interested in building woald want to have. Of this neat little strueture there are both exterior and interior views. The designs are by Irving KPond. Au expensive new cloak belonglng to Carrie, daughter of N. II. Winans, was taken from the cloak room of the high school building last week. As this is not the lirst offeiise of the kind, it would seem as though some system or plan could be Otten iip to protect the property of childreu tberein, It is a quetioo, however, thut has puzzled the board considerably, to know what to do. Today, or this evening rather, at 5:30 o'clook, Miss Hattie, danghter of Wm. P. Gn.vfs, of Xorthfleld, will be uniteil in marrlage at the home of her parent?, uiih Mr. Wtlfred Qanson, of the same tnwntbip, H-v. Dr. Bteelr, of this dty perforniing ilic oeremony. A bont 7.r) frlenrta of the couple wlll be present upuJl tbe oceaslon, aud overal times will wili for Ihetn h happy and long continued lili-. Prof. s. s VauBljke wrlte ftrom the Sandwich Iklmids: " I anivcil il Hunolulu, s.pi. stii, after a mcit delfgliifnl '"¦¦ i voj ,,-r ol OM weck. A very warm, pordial receptkm awalted me, I had formad nttber htjtb expectatloDi renardiuf the beauty of Honolulú and ite surroundlngi bnt the reallty fnr purpussed uil loliclpation. I commenoe work Sept. II. with iwo hoiirsof teaching per diiy.'' Th mail Cakeajtut twoweeka in coming. A tett "f Mr. Ii. B. Morgan's autoni. car-coupler w:is made öaturday aitcrnoon on the tracks of the T., A. A. & N. M. roail. Mr. Aliley and several Othen were interested spectators and the uevloe worked very satisfactorily. When lomethlng of this kind becomes generally adopted it will save many livea and limbs "t liiiiiinrn. However, this curious fealure is noüceable that they like the busi"' -- because of lts dangers aud are slow m wiuhing to have them removed. Biuder's Arcade opcns Up this weck. Comraunion services at St. Andrew's church next Sunday. The new postal delivery goes Into effect to-morrow- Oct lat. Work had to bc Btopped on the tronches again ycsterday for want of lead for niulkinjr purposes. Pew renting at tlie Congregationa Church to-morrow, Thursdiiy, evening. At the sessiou of the court Monday Judge Joslyn presiding, E. S. Crawforc was admitted to the bar. The annual renting of pews in the M. E. church will tuke place on Monday evening, Oetober 5th at 7 o'clock. It took 65 gallons of ce cream to tickle the palates of the guests at the Masonic recepüon last Thursday evening. Some of the youths who ride bycicles on the siilewalks had bctter study up the city ordinuiices relative tothe sume. Washtenaw county was transferred from the Pouthic to tlie Kalamazoo asyluin district, ut tiie recent meeting of the various asj Hun boards. Two more public examinations of teachers this fall, according to Secretary Lehman. One to-day, at the court house, auother Nov. Otli, at Dexter. Uev. Frank B. Cressy, of Detroit, will occupy the pulpit of the Baptist church next Sunday, and speak at Ihe temperauce meeting in the afternoon. A hint to wives who desire to make their husbands cranky : Lend bis lïest lawn mower that lie has recently put in good shape for bis own use. On account of domestlc lnfellcity, so stntcil, Cha?. Dorr, of Sharon, a farmer 63 yeartoM baan hlmself last Monday. He was old ciiDugli to know better. Miss Mina Adams, of Albion, who attended the marriage of her friend, Miss Miimie Gregg, in this city, on the 3d inst., dled In Detroit, Wednesday eveuing last, f paralysis of the heart. Wm. G. Eynon, of Utica, N. Y., the accomplislied organist, who is attending the medical department, haa returned and commenced liis second year's engagement at the Presbyterian church. On Oct. Oth there will be a special sale y Dr. W. B. Smith, administrator, of the personal property of the late Eugene B. Arnold, to take place on tlie old hometead in Scio. Kemember the date, Oct. 5tli. Last week we gave our readers the plviidid utterances of Bishop Merrill on lic temperance questlon. This weck we Efive our readers an excellent article uport he same subject from the pen of a no less noted divine, Kev. Dr. HatÜeld, of Chi:ago. Heud it. The following are the offlcers of the St. jawrence society for the ensuing year: President- P. O'Brlen. Vlce-presldent- Jas. Giellek. Secretary - Wm. Caüpary. Treaaurer- A. Klsele. Marelial- John O'Brien. Trusleos - E. Dufl'y, John FliiueKan. P. O'Brien. The new Elkerton hotel at Dowagiac, vhleh was to be opened October lst, and of which Fred Cutler of tuis city was to e clerk, WM destioved by fire Saturday vening Tlils is pretty hard luck both or F red and the proprietor. The former osing liis sltuation, the latter's losa is )laced at $10,000 with $4,000 insurance. If the "gas calendar" by wliich the ghting of the street lamps appears to be un, does not ailow of the lihting of aid lanips such nights as Monday and 'uesdny last, for instance, ivhen Ihe moon id uot show itself until about lOo'clock, lien said calendar oogbt to be recoutructed and mude over aguin on a coinii mi sensc plan. Word has recently been received by S. ). Andrews of this city, of the death of lis sister, Mrs. Florence N. Andrews ieal, of consumption, on the 18th of August, at Aintab, Tuikey, where she md her liuband were stationed as misionarle of the Congregational ('hun-h. tfrs. Neal had many frieuds In Ann Aror who will regret to hear of her death. Among the exhibitors at the Ypsilanti 'air trom Ann Arbor we notice the folowing: Mills Bros., of their 95 head of Holsteins showed 7 liead; 1 yearling buil, weiffhlug 1840 pounds; 2 cow's; 4 heifer calves; 11 thoroughbreds, 2 imported. Of the Jerseys there were tour only on exhibition, aud N. B. & J. P. P. Covert of Ann Arbor owned three. In horses, Win. Clancy, had a fine stallion. If there vere others we failed to note them. Ground was breken Monday, Sept, 28th, for the new African Wesleyau Methodist Union Chureh, which is to be erected on Fuller st., in the 4th ward. It s expected that the corner stone will be aid Xov. lst, ne.vt, at 12 o'clock noon, and the address upon the occasion will be lellvered by Dr. Daniel Mills, of Detroit. The trustees of this chureh are Samuel l'hompson, J. L. Manning and A. Oreen, fhelr enterprise is to be commended. A dispatch in Tuesday's Detroit Post, rom Alpena, says that the Hon. Frank imeriek, circuit judge, was marrieü Monday night to Miss Lettie A. Comstock of that city at the residence of H. G. Beacu. The ceremonies were private. I'lie newly-married couple left on the steamer City ot Mackinac tor Detroit. Judge Emerick who is so well knowu and higlily esteemed in this county, will recelve many congratulations upoii this mportaut aud pleasing event of nis life. Last Sunday moruing. Dr. Steele, announced in his sermón that H was just 5 years since he became their pastor. He then gave a brief history of the work accomplished durfng these years. Over $22,000 were raised by the society, to liquídate a burdensome debt, to defray current expenses, and to meet the demands of benevolent objects. One hundred and seventy new naines have been added to the chureh meinbership. Lr. Steele commences his seventh year under inuch brighter auspices than when he fint ussunied the duties of his pastorate. Yesterday's Detroit Post contained the followiiig letter fiom Prof. Lanjiley, that rxplaius iUelf: Ara Arbor. Spt. 28. Bryant Walker, Xtq., Secrelary, Detroit, Mch.: Dkab Sik- At u meetiiiK of the execulive cominltteeof the cltlzeiiH commtttee on the receptlou of Ihe American AHHOCtatlon Tor lh Advaneement ol Science, held tlil week, I was flirecLeü to transtnlt to you, anit the u' iiii.-iL..-ii aüsoclated wllh you. the Mimik I tins cuninii 1 for the very uccesKful anti ili-liülitlul excurnluu to St. C'lair uul lelurn, -xlt-ti(led to the Assuciatiou hy certaln citleiiNof Detroit, on alunlay. August 2U. 1 will also nilü Ihut no feature of the week' . nii-i tin iniK-ii i ({uve mora plwunm to our KUeMta i lift ii the ubove uieutluued excurstoa. Very respi-ctliilly, JOHN W'. LANOI.EY, 8EC. By Ihe f allitir out of u snmll holt or screw in Ihe lock of the Inner vault of the wie in the Savings lact Satunlay, a frreat deal of trouble as made. An expert was telegraphed up from Detroit, and with the aid of four or five men, conunencing at C o'clock Saturilay nlght they effeetad n eatranoa to the vault at 1 o'clock p. m., Sunday. To give an idea Of tlx; amount of work made neecssary by this slight accident, it inight be stated that the brick wall of the vault hul to be dug open, the safe rulled through the opening and turned on its side - which was no small job confidering that the safe weighs 11,000. Cashier Hiscock thinks If it takes five men twenty hours to get through one door the bank is tolerably safe as there are four or íi ve other doors to go through before reaching this one. It was ezceedingly fortúnate that the accident occured on Saturday.


Ann Arbor Courier
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