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The Amphictionic Circle

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The aboye ratlier itiiposing appellation is the name ander wliich the local branch of the ChatiaqU Llterary and Bclantlflc Circle enjoy an existence in this city. The name- whatever it muy mean, and it has a menning - inigut at tirst siglil appear almost a crusbing load tor aiiy organization, but thecircie bas flourished bevond expectutlom lor nearly a year, aud on the tirst of October will begin the readiugs laid down tor the year 1886-88. lt is the pm-pose of these few tin ea to glve a slight idea of what the U. L. S. C. is, in hopes that othera may be induced to joln forees with the original íifteen, tor home readlcga duriug the coming ten months. Foity minuto per day is .-uUieient in which to do the prescritad work, and wiio wuuld DOt williugly umlertake biieh a lask with the prospect of galnlng during the tour yeais" couis-e, not only a C. L. cJ. C. diploma, but i comprehenaive knowleügc, iu bit owu tangiuura, of the usual college course. The readings for the coming year will comprehend a course in Roman history, aud the preparutory and college Latin coursesin EngMáh. Also studies in Political Ëconomy and Human Nature, and a eouise iu general literatura, acuouipanied by valuable readisgi pabüabed each monlh in the " Cbautamjuiin," a magazine whieli lor general readlug is tecond to none Iu the worlcl. The circle wlil meet for the llrst time this year at the residence of Mr. L. D. Wincs, No. 12 SS. Thayer st., on Monday eve., Oct. 5, at Dalí past seveu. Any who may desire to take up the work, or learn more about it, will be gladly welcomcdat that meeting. Circulan giviug full Information can be obtaiued trom the secretary, Miss Kate F. Kimball, l'laiulield, N. J., who will gladly answer any questiou pertaining to ChuulKuqua work. ïVliss E mms Hayley at the bookstore of Andrews & Witherby will also willingly give any desired infoimatiou with regard to the loctfl circle work in Aun Albor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News