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Robust Health I not always enioyed by those who seem to possess " it. The taint af eorrupted blood may be seerctly imdcrmijuug the ruiiHtitutiiJn. In time,' the poéon willcertalnlyshowitspfletbi, and wittmlltheinore vlrufence the longer it has been allowed to perineatethesystem. Kuch pimple, sty, boíl, skin disorder and senso of unaatuzal laasitude, or lauguur, ia oue of Nalure's warnlnga of the conscqucnces oí neglect. Ayer's Sarsaparilla o " Ig the only remedy that can be relied apon, In all case, to eradieatc the taint of heredltary diseaae and the special corruptions of the blood. It is the only alterativa that U sufficiently powerful to thoroughly the syst'rm of Scrofulous and Mercurial Impurifica and the pollutfon of Contaglous Dlseasos. It also neutrallzcs the polsons left by Dlphtheria and Scarlet Fover, and enables rapid recuperation from the cnfeeblement and dcbility caused by these dlseases. m Myriads of Cures Aehleved br Ayer's Sarsaparilla, In the past forty years, are attested, and there is no blood disease. at all possible of cure,: that will not yield to it. Whatevcr th llments of thi clags.and wherever found,! from the scurvy of the Arctlo circle to the' veidt-sores" of South África, thls remedy ha afforded health to the suffere by whom it was employed. Dnggists everywhere can cite numerous cases, wlth-( in thelr personal knowledge, of remarle-able cure wrought by it, where all other troatraent had boen unavailing. People will do well to Trust Nothing Else than Atkr's Sarsaparili.a. Numerou crude mixtures are offered to the public as "blood purlfiers," which only allure the patiënt wlth the pretenso of many heap doses, and wlth whlch it is folly to xperiment while dlsease is steadily beoming more deep-seated and difficult of cure. Some of these mixtures do much lasting harm. Bear in niind that the only medicine that can radically puriTy tli vltiated blood is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PRrPAKED BY . Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mui. Sold by all Druggists: Price $1; Six bottle f or $5. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S IlIUilÜlil AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep conetantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Ketall Trade. Wc sball siso keep a supply of SWIPT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, Re Flour, Buckwlieat Flour, Corn Mcal, Feed, Etc, At Wholesale and Retal!. A general stock of &E0CERIES ant PROYISIÜNS ConstaDtly on hand, whlch wlll be told on as reasonable térros as at any otber house In the city. C'ah pald for BUTTKR, EGGS. and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. Uood delivered to any part of the cuy without extra charge. RINSET Sc SEABOLT. TTT"T f for workfnR people. 8end 10 cenu II poxtae, and we wlll mail you frte. a H n I y royal, valnable sample box of goods I that wil! pat yon in the way of makln more money In a few daye tban yon ever thought poesible at any business. Capital not requlred. Vou can live at home and work in spare time only, or all the time. AH of both sexes, of all ages, grandly flacceesfnl. 60 cents to $5 easily earned every eveniug. Tbat all who want work may teet the business, we make thisnnparalleled offer: To all who are not wel! satlsfied we wlll send f 1 to pay for the tronbleof wrltlng us. Kuil particulars, directlons, etc, sent fret. Immense 8ay absolutely sure for all who start at once. Dnn't elay. Addrees Stiksok Co., Portland. Malne.


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