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" CANDES " ARCTICS - with - i DOUBLÉ THICK BALL. TwoYearsjÉ The " Candsk " IUibbe Co. giye a better Rubber than can be oblained clsewhere f or the aam money, with their graat improvetnent of tha DOUBLÉ THICK B1IX. The extra thickncs o rubber rightunder the ves DOUBLÉ WKAR. Ak to fee the "CIJtDEE" Dooble Thlck Bal Rnbbera n Boot, Arctics, Uverehoes, Alaakas, Ac A Common ense tf I For sale to the trade by K. & J. CUMMINGS & CO., Detroit. AYER'SV Agne Onre conulm an antidote for all malarlal dlaimlera wliicli, a (ar as kuown, la uaed In no other remedy. lt oqutaloi no Quinlue, nor any mlDCral nor dclelertoua tubbtance whaterer, and dOmliiHIHy proJucca no Injurious effect uuon thü con-l lution, but Icárea tha ¦ystem aa healtLy as it was bcioro lUe uil&ck. WE WAEEANT AYERES AQÜE OÜEB to enre erery cuse of FV-vcr aml Ane. lntcrmlttent or Chili K.ver, IfonUlMt rti-,r, Dnmb Agne, Bilioua Kever, uJ i.ivor Cciuplalntcauaed by malaria. In eaae of faiiure, after du trial, Uüalora nre nu'.lu :.:.,!, lv uUr circular dated July lst, iss', to rvfuml th money. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lovc:!,rúass. Sold by all UnM Buckeye Evaporator . -Ja f'-.vl,,spruiitIv II ivo-.;uiJ inrolor n! t-tf eqimi lo uiy cnnïied (i v 13. N' tunilsr Han IfofO lo W illn.u: ilu fCyan dt-a;'r afttr liavintf ihhjéi ujw1 tt. U will pav for itMit In tïiree lays. It luit simitle any chilcl can vork lt. S'n.) for ilhistr I rirrtil:ir K viiiíf full (Wtcrlptlon. AtíGKTfl W4KTF.D. Atadtvu, Ht'CKKYKKvAruttJkruii.ti Uciliüi at..Ci[iciuiiaU.U. , , _ THE -- - ANNARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $BO,OOO. Oreanlzed under the General Banking Law of tlila Htatt-, the atockholdori are indivtdually Hable Tur au additlonal amuuut eqnal to the stock beid by ttiem, tbereby creating a uuaraatee Fund for the benefit of Depoaltnrs of $100,000.00. Taree per cent. Interest la allo ed on all Htvlng Deposita of one dollar and upwards, accordinK to the rules of the Dank and Interest corapounded aeinl-annually. üoney to Loan on uolncumbered real eiiutc and othur good aecurity. DIUECTOUS: IHRISTIAN MACK, Wm. I). HARK1MAN, W. W. WINE. DAN1KL HISCÜCK, WILLIAM DKOBKL, WIl.l.AHU B. SMII'U. i)AVID RINSEY. OFFICERS: C. MACK, Proa. W. W. WINKS, Vlce-Pree. C.B. HISCOCK.riHShler. Mmore money than at anythlng ele by Uk Ing an aeency for the best nelllnR hook oat. Beginners ancrecd granrily. None fall. Term (ree. Hallitt Book Co., Portland, Maine. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special attcutlou glven lo Collection of Renta aai Muugeseai of Heul Estáte Interest! For Non-Resldents. Entlre SatUfactlou to Owuers Quaranteed. A. DEFOREST. FIRE INSURANCE I I uu agent for a Une of Oíd and Htaunch American aad Fcreign Fire Insurance Cosp's I.owet Rates, Honorable Adjustments, and I.DSHfs Promptly Pald. A. DEFOBE3T. WE WANT 1000 MORE BOOK AQENTS F0U THE FKKnONAL HISTOKY UK TJ. S. C3-R.L3XTT. end for Special Ttrnu to Agents, or secure agencyat once byseudlog .VI ets In suiuips tor outfit. Address KUHNHKK de HIcHAKIS, Clnlnnati,O.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News