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Faults In Journalism

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The fllppant, jotmir manner many journals have of chrouicling hu accident, recordinj; a calamlty, or givins; publieity to uu item of news, is one of tlie many great weaknatwei observable to-day in American journnliMti. orijíin ia puiely metropolitas, in that reporter and writers on the great city dailies were the tirt to apply and mnke use of the cbaracterUtlce to whlch we refer; imitators were soon foand throughout the entire lengtli and bréadtli of tlie l;ind, and as the imitator, is weaker tlian the charaeter lie Imltates, or tlie original, so is it that their productlotw aboiint] in groas iinlecent exjjressions.which btcaiise of the elegauce of style ind the smoothncsa il expression, ure hidden in the productiong of the original, tliough conveying exactly the same meanini;. The unfortnnate worktnan, Peter Mnrphy, whT li ft his lnmible, unpretontious Dome, on Poverty strcet in ome poition of the great city, to carry brick and niortar to tlie top of a seven story biiililinji, ;oin:_r up on .-"me one of the reat avenues, who made a mis-step wlth tlie hniden he was binrinjr, and fallís !o the pavement below, a uhapelesa niass, s hs deservin; of decent mention ns the Hou. llaniilton Moneybaüs, who was dar-hicl against the timbéis of a bridge by a runaway team in Central park, and instautly killed. Well, wliat is the difference in the newspaper mention ? Why poor Peter Murpliy gets an indecent squib very likcly in tliis fashion: "Murpliy, a laborer, tuinblnl, tlils niorning trom tbe top of a brink Uructure goiug up, corner of eight anü Elizabeth streets; they serapcd liis reniatns luto a box, and sent tliem hunie to hij widow on a druy one Murpliy hs-." Well huw about HOM. Mi. Moneybag? Wliy he gfts tic in one to live columns, accordins to liis commercial standing or his rascally transactlons; ets statement after statement of flllsome praise and his death and funeral Is of such great(?) Interest that it II kept before the pttblic fot a week or ten dttvs; hisfaniilv and triends imtliizcd with untll I's sickehing and even flunkeysjand dojfs comr in for ;i rlghtful share. Of tliis we ilo itot coinplaiu, but we do claim that tully one-half of the records made, of deatlis and acckients of people ü tlie lower walks or life are siuiply barbarous, shameful, and deserve the mi of decent men and hotiest joiirualists every wlieru. JoscdIi Brown. a factory employee, Iridicr f laijjo t'umily f)f l'lli II Irt-ll. whose six days' wages are Öeeded t reed Uie little ones God Img i'vcn to liiscare; wlio must look clotsely and see tliat evury expenditure is oue tliat wül count, either for rent, raiment or actual necessaries, looses bis situation throngli a week's illness and is forced to seek empluyinent in some new field: he tails in tinding it, and la clespür, beoBiwe laekin;; the ineans to feed the hunuiy ones at lióme, suicides by putting u bullet through li b hcad. A serinn mij;ht witli profit be woven froni the miseiy, suUt-rinfr, want and destitution vvliicli comes into tliis unfortunates home; of the struggle for existence; of the denials practioed; of Mie aniicipations;tnd blafted; of the ruin wliich is to follow, and of the goïlla sent to a living heil on earth. All tliis, we say is matter for a biblc sermón whicli is never preached, either by gospel minister! or newspapers, secular or reHgionat Well, wiiat does the newspapers, say of Brown, the suicide!' Say, why thcy head tlie article perhapt with a headline - "Done it up Hrown," "Josepli Brown, a sUoemaker, 216 144th street sent a ball waltziug thföügh hia brain, last eveuin, and leiives a wile and six chlldren to be fed at tlie expense of the city. A man with a family of six children would be iustifled in blowlug the top of his hi-atl oll; BMwa w:ib a philosopher." Well, so It gors, the ridiculous nonsense which Is writtm under the caption of "Didn't know it was Loaded," WQUld lili volumes, while men, woincn and children who are iujured by muolllDi r, wlien terribly cut aud rnutilttted, disiisured and dlgubled, perhaps for life are of ten mention in items written up by bralnless idiots fot publication in the neuspaper in tiucb. a manuur aa to ndiculc tliat a premium was paid or a pri.e pfltered for its record in lome disgustlng mauncr. People have for years lx-en crnii;down tliis f;rave wrong being done agaiust unrurtunate huiimnity by the 'H'?s; the Union bas frequeiitly allmled to it in a brief way, aiul whenever we have fouiid in tlie pages of some obscure print, an indecent squib written by some cunning(?),jukiuí, hinuiiffc twiatkog. feeblebrained and poviity-slricken Imitator, we have feit that t was tlie duty of decent journalists everywhere to to begin war fare npon the entire brood; loaferith vernacular should have 110 place in the C1umnaof ewipper wnlch claims to be decent; clean fuu noliody objeOtl to, but this style of ouialism about which we have been writins is not decent; besides it's educatin; the generation ari.-ing to the idea that wealth glTe cliarnctcr, wlien apon close investlgation Lnatead of givin' cliaracter it often buy tliat which we cali virtuc at a givi-n price.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News