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Chelsea is to have music tauglit in her CllOüls. Milim has a new restaurant at the Wa;ihh depot. Behoo! esblbitlon at Whitmore Lake, ext Saturday. Milanite" tiirncil out uell to the couuty fair, the Leader says. I.i-t reek Dexter Bbtpped Heven car loads of boga and cattle. ('has. II. Lenimon occuplesthe Episcopal parsonage at Dexter. (co. clarke of Whitiuore Lake, lias goiie lo Yei montville to live. Winter wheat is uil sown, and sonie piecea are up and looking line. The Hoy Bro9., of Dexter tlireshed 2,734 ImshcU ofwheat oll'ot' B3 ROtB. Many of Washtenaw county-iti's are atUudiiiLtlie fair at Stixikbridye tlii veek. E. M. Lewis, of IC;it Mllan, própoaefto funiisli 20,000 baahels of clmrcoal per month. Mis. Jos. Reala, of Dexter, h:i jrone to Chicago to visit relativos lor sevcml weeks. At Ypsllanti, Sept. 28, Burton Taft and Jliunie Fali'Child Ware united in marnaga. The editor of the Milán Lrader has liad a 05 Ib. pumpkin prusented to him by an admirlng sub-eriber. Mr. C. A. Couj;don of California, sexpeoted here soon to pay her many frind a visit. - Chelsea Echo. A musical and llterarjr concert viil he given at the Baptist church, Mllan, Friday evening, Oct. 16th. E. S. Prudden, of Clielsea. got a fragment of a lile uto I) is left eye reoently, causlng him severe pain. Jolm Taylor ha received $1,440 hack ien-ion, and trtts f 8 per monlh hereafter. Whltmore Lake Sun. Wheat moves a little more freely sinoe seeding, and the pnce lia.-i alsn inipicneil a linie. - Chelsea Echo. Webster farmers rejuiee over the fact tliat their fall and winter apples are a miicli better erop than anticipated. The way the Dexter people cariied ofl" tlie county fair premiuma was enougb to - ivell, to niiike them happy, atleiist. Herman Williams, of' Webster, istieing visited by hlêdau)ihter,M.-8. Nok D. Piatt, of Nebraska. for the tir?t time in y years. The new school house at Sulem will mon ha in pandition tor hnalnw. utd Samuel Blackwood will be the principal. Peopie living aear Bridgewater station are quite indignant over the reportad renoval of Postmaster Burn8, and will iemonsLrute. - Enterprise. In sinne sections of the county farmers have been plowlng luider sod, tliat it ruay rot this f 8 11, in the hope Of starving out the out worm next Hpting. Next Satiirday at 2 p. m., at the office of A. D. Crane, in Dexter, there will !¦ a meeting of those interested in the HndtOD cemetery, to ippoint a sexton. 'l'here is a general compíaint of potaoes rotting, tb I fa.Il, both before snel after (ligging. Always something to worry people, and keep them busy. you know. " Our only excuse for not appearing on time this week is that we went to the Wa.-htenaw counly lal r, and weinteod to go next year if we live. - Dexter Leader. Hii-ain McCarty, of Augusta, died Sept. 27, aged 83 years. He had been a resident ot tliat township47 years, and was a man esteemed tor nis energy. sobriety, and integrity. The EU. Hennett property, of Dexter village, was sold on mortgage Saturday forenoon, at the court house, for $869.38, subject to a seeond mortgage. Lewli Britten bid it in. Will M. Warren bas entered the pharniacy department of the university. Glad to record the above. and hope more of our young men will tind their way to the same inslitution. - Dexter Leader. The Dexter school let out last Friday to allciw everybody a chance to attend the fair, and by the crowd at the fair tliat day, it locked as if everybody took advantage ut ilic opportuiiiiy and came. Tliis column is open to the biggest 8to ry - a lie is as good as the truth if well stuck to - about husking corn. Come, BOW, boys, honest Injun, how tnany bushels of oorn can you huok in a day 'f The Dexter Leader refuses all Ann Art)ir adverti8ine, prel'eting to depend upoi home house for business. Dxter mercliants slionld appreclate tliis fact uu deal liberally wilh the Leader man in all ÜlillgS. Five of Ypsilanti's mercliants agree to close their stores at 7 o'olock p. m., fron Oet. 12. '85. to Blaren 15,'86, Saturdays anc the holfcUys exoeptad. Thisisa niovelhat should iind imitators all over the county - yes, und all over the country also. The amotint paid for wheat t the bank of (iregory A Son was $10,730.31 fron Sept. -':'! ú the80th of thta wheat 9.000 hu-, was pul in the clevator at the depot and oor milis and Sein took the balance WV1I done for one week.- Dexter Leadi-r A. Case is engaged cxtcnsively in the iranlrnuiii bualneM tliis seasob. He has iold 1,100 headt of oabbage and has i couple of thousand more in the rteld. ik lias also ntised about onc htindred bushels ot toni atoes, which he is now marketing - Milan Journal. In the Washtenaw county champion sliip polo g IOU at the rink last nlgbt, l)iuveen the M liu-hcster and Chelsfa clubs the latter carrled ort' the palm. The Dra three games were won wlth scarcely ai ili'iirt, bnt. t ti; i'ourlli rat elosely contest ed. In the litth game Albert Winans, uut of the Chelaea club, received a blowon the head froin a polo stick, which broke up the game. - Herald The project of cstabiishing a branch o th Y M. C. A in this place has been re vived. The Y. M. C. A. of Detroit Mavr . iniiasiiim, and employ a profeselona gymnast aml teacher 01 bioyclc ridint.' tap a Y M 0. A. hete could makt the nuk available, and add a ikatoria profeHor- Tpsllantl Sentinel. The idea A n editor who objeets to standard Uní niakiiiíí such an au.-tird propoSltlon as th above! Prepoateroua! The last issue ot (bt Saline Observcr lias this aniiooncement, ilgued by (' F Overacker and Orin Stair : -'The dlffei eiice heretoföre exUtlOK between Ciis I ( veracker and Orin Stair, in regard t the Observer olllce, have this day bee auucably settlea. and the Obaerver news puier, office, good will, etc, revertstoth OWilWShip of Mr. Stair. All subs.ripuo account! dow duc will bc oollected b M, Overacker until Nov. 1. 1886, whe the balance uncollected :t that date wi become the property of Mr. Stair. Eac account will be balancee! to Nov. 1H, fw.