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Labor Demonstration

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There vul big labor demonstraron at Detroit last evening, for the exprew parpóse of showinj; the 6trength of the orgiiuizod labor element in that city. WliLtlier it will he of more valué than a ¦Imple advt] tircinent to politicians of so many votes to be pandeml to, cajoled, ooaxed or bought up. is a question. It is eertain that organization is a good thing tor iiny party or any class, and success canouly be reucbed through organization. But bir parades are not alwnys benelicial. They often show the weak poiuts quite as much as the itrooK ones. Some of the transparencies carried, as publfehi (I, rere very sensible whilesome were very foollsU. In the iirst class may be quoted the ibllowing: " He who wotild be free, liimself must strike the blow." Ill paii tubvr o ¦ n.-o tr, Ht)rirty ' "We demand a fair day's pay for a fair il iv'swork." "Agítate, edúcale, organize." '"Tbey that will uot be counciled cannot be hlped." "Au injury to one i Dm i'.hu'itii of all." "Schools for children - work for men." Among the foollsh ones maybe quoted: "Rent, inteiest nild prolit are robbers." "Down with convict contract labor." "Poverty is a crime for whioh society is to blrtine." "Clilld labor is the product of our boasfed civilization." "Snioke only unión labor cijíars." The lüttcr tl extremely llly. lt' carried into elfect how many laborero woiild it Ihrow out of emplojrmentl lt conviot labor is to be wiped out of exislence, wliai i to be done willi the convicUy Ke[jt in idleness, as iliey miw are lu our county jails? Supporled by the tollen in idleuess, laziness and confortable quarters, a uow done in cvery county in the state? Wbattafbeant by tbis, is a mystery: "The dynamite of ideas more powerful than the dyuamite of the intendiary." lt tlu pyrutechuic display of words as poured forlli by ucb horny banded sons ot loil as the famous Dick Trevellick, is retened to, theü Mich ideas are Indeed extreiiiei y combustible, and so on lo the eud oi tiic ohapter.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News