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Postal Delivery

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The new system of letter delivery went into effect lust Thursday. It will be remembered tbat this liew system so-called requires the delivery of all letters directed to persons living williin two miles of the postofflce to whicb the letter is addressed, ihü unvelopc of which bears a ten-cent Itnmp. In view of this f act the government israei a circular of instructions to postmasici. "Among otlier thins thu circular MJTliea postmuten to impress upon the Mnden of letters hearing the special delivery stamp the nnnnwitT of au accurate addret, giving name of stieets and uum bers of hoOMI whcrever pnicticable, or lailing in that respect, au icdicatiou of the bn.sintss of the person addressed. This last precautiou is deemed necessary in small towns where no system of numberDg liouses prevails, and where there may be two or more individuals hearing similar ñames. The public ie also reminded of the advantage to be derived from writintr reqneitt t'n the return of non-delivered matter upon envelopes." In tliis connection allow asuggestion in referenoe to this city. The numbering of the Btreetl is very defective, and only upon a few corners are there signs tellii: the iiHincs of ttreets. In view of this fact would it not be wlse for the couocil to have proper signs placed upon all street corners - the lamp postg are good places for tliei-e signs - and also take somemeasuii- to have the proper number placed upon each residence and building in the city ? The Frec Press was fifty years old the other day. Old eriough, certainly, to be a better paper. Here is whiit the Ypsilanti Sentinel, the very best of democratie authority, says of it : " It was once an oracle; and its fane is rich i the ex toto of the paal ; but it trípoda wlience proceeded the lates of paities and politiciaii8 are silent, or give foith only the jests of the harlequlna, who mock the old ministrations Ht its allars. Cooipared with sonie of ts former state, it remiodsone of a deKlted temple, in whose cornices owls blink and lioot, and in whose niales satvrs juinp and gibbei." When the editor of the Newnygo Tribune dies lie deserves to have engraved upon his tombstone a vivid picture of a piekliiif: val, no horribiy horrible is the terrioly terrible portrayals of that awfully awflll plací wiillen on his mind. Now that ¦ creamatory lias been deeided upon by reaident of Detroit, the fearfully fearful editor (jí the Tribune ehould expend soine of bis direfully direful energies on that excruciutingly excruciating mode of sepulchre.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News