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The Knights' Reception

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As has been previoualy announced lo in tliese columns, tlie Aun Albor Oomnisudery K. T. No. 13, propuse 011 Tuesday eveniíifr, Octobor 13, to {{ve a grand reception to their (rienda iti this city and various portions of the stat, 'm honor ol thoir new asylum and templo, reoently dedicateil. Preparatlons have been in prQgrCM lor severa] davs, and no pains or expense wilt be spared to inakc the occasion one of the limt of Uie kind in the city. The vaiïous committees wtlOM naincs were published liave uot left a stone uuturntd tor the suceess of this enterlainnifnt, and i! will . undoubtedly bc tlic cvcnnt of tlie teason. The invitatious lor the Knight Templar recept ion, Oct. 13th, are out today and they will attract no small amount of iiitention trom their artistie beanty and uniqueness. It is an etoblng printed in sepia fiom a copper plato, while in t lic upper right hand corner is the armoria] device of ilie commaudery enibdned In bronzes trom h steel die. The work is the .most elegant '.-ver seen in tltis city rad was done by Jansen, McL'lur;; & Co. of Chicago. I'OKI-.NOOX. 9:00- Hoadquarters In Armory open. llhllO- Assf mbly and (ormutiou of bquad for eaoort- Armory. 10:30 to 12:30- Iteceptlon of vl8ltiug Coraraanderlen. NOOS. Dlnuer at UieElnk for VisltiiiK ('oinmauderlesanil l.mlirs, and sir Kniulii umi LadteH of Ann Arbor ('oiuinuiKkM-y, (Hingle tickets for dlnniT and suplierll.00.1 AFTKUNOON. .l!- (irnnd Concert In front of Asylum. l:4ö- Kormatloa of Coluoon astollows; ünnds on crosslng Mum and liuron Btrefltl : Detroit, No. l,ou Mam, right un Huron si u'fi . Jacks. m No. 9. on Mnio, riht on Ann. Aun Arbor, No. IH, oq Aun, rlglit on N. Mam. Murshall. No. 17, on Ann, rlght on nortli croa wnlk. Battle Creek, No. 88, on Pourth, riglit on Ann. Charlotte, No. 37, on Fourtli, riglit on east crosn walk. Adriuu, No. 4, on Huron street, right on rourth. CarrÍMí;es witli niembors of Grand Cominainlri y oo Huron st., right OO Soul h cross walk. Report to ('hiel íih soon asformed. Column will move at -M5 aharp. LINE Ol' HAKCH. Column will form on North Main street, rigtit restlug on Huron streel, thence south on Main street to Wililam Htreet, theuce east to División street, thence south to Jeffcrson street, theuce east to State street, thence uorth to North Unlverslty avenue, theuce east to Campus. 3:30- Kxlilblllon drill, one hour. 4:30- Heform same ordt-r. West to State street, north to Huron street, west to the Asylum. :00- Snpper at ttink. EVEX1BO. 8:00 to ÜOO- Keceptlon and Solree dansante at tlui VNyhini. Juaic- The Chequaniegons. Caterer- Hangsterfer. The Parlors, lavatories, and dressing rooms of the Asylum are at the disposal of lady guests during the day. Attendants will be in WHlllng. ADM1SSION TICKETS. Persons receiving eards of invitation to the K. T. Keeeption October 13, can procure tickets of admisión of the Executive Conimitte, at the Probate office on presentation of invitation.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News