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Frank [j. York, crows over a new girl baby. üeo. P. Wright, of Clinton, was in the city l:ist. week. Vill Tuomey spent Sunday in Chclsca - or neur tier. Mrs. S. S. BHtx lias returned from lier visit in Canada. Lueius Smitli has gone to Adrián to enter a dental office. Ex-Sueriff Wallace and wlte of Saliue, were in the city yesterday. Mrs. Warren and son of Albion, N. Y. are visiting at A. L. Noble's. L. W. Lyons, of West Hurón st, has been quite ill for sotuc time. Mrs. C. J. Kintncr expects to return to Washington next Wednesday. Miss Stella Runyon went to Detroit Monday to visit friends fora time. Mrs. S. C. Randall went to Dundee last week for a few day'sstay with frlends. Miss Ellen C. Frueauff, of Leadville, Col., is visiting at Eugene K. Fiueauff's. Stephen Pratt and vvlfc, of Detroit spent Sunday with F red H. Belser and famiiy. Porter Lathrop looks giniltng in the book-keepefi desk at 8. C. Andrews & Co. 's. Mrs. Margaret Bower returned Friday from a two week's visit to her son Frank, i ti Detroit. Jiulge Joslyn took up his residence in the classical shades of this modern Athens, Oct. lat. Mrs. Dygert, of this city, vlsited Mrs. Corbtn and other friends in Dundee duriiiij the week. Dr. Ward, of Grand Rapids, has been visiting relatives and f rienda in the city during the week. Miss Anna Donnelly, who has been yisUnr her f.inisin Miss Maloy, at Kalamazoo, has returned home. Irving K. Pond, of Chicago, spent several d.iys in the city the past week, visiting liis home and friends. Rev. John Alabaster, formerly of this city, is to be the pastor of Trinity churcli, Chicago, the coming year. Mre. Capt. S. A. Johnson and Miss Jean Root, nieces of Mrs. Lewis, of Coldwater are visiting at .lohn H. Miner's. Prof. Kdward Olney arrived home from 3hurlevoix Saturdüy. much improved in !iealtti, but not fully rocovered. Pr. Will Terry has been vcry nmch worse for the past few days, and is considered in a precarioiiB state of health. Mrs. Dr. Darling returns to-day from tí. Y., accompanied by a sister of the doctor, who will reruain here for a time. Dr. P. B. Rose spent Sunday and Monday in the city with his fiimily. He reports his Chicago enterprise as booming. S. A. Moran was called to his home at Eldora, Iowa, Thursday last, by a telegram stating that his mother was rery sick. Mrs. B. F. Moore, of Lapeer, who bas jeen visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Brower, for a few weeks, returned to her lome Monday. Mis. A. L. Noble and mother, Mrs. W. F. Warren, of Albion, N. Y., returned Monday from Bay City, whore they had jeen epending a few days. Dr. G. A. Hendricks went to Charlotte fcsterday mornjng as the delégate of Ann Arbor lodge Knights of Pythiae, to the grand lodge in session at that place. Rev. W. W. Bamaèj and faniily arrived in the city Monday for permanent resdence. They will be the gussts of Chas. H. Worden uutil the parsonage is in full epair. John P. Dolau MUM from Jliicago 8nt urday to return home with his wife, fornerly Miss Nellie O'Keefe, who has been visiting relatives and friends in the city or some time. Dr S. H. Adam attends the Hoek Ríter, 111., conference leaving Ann Arbor lierefor last eveniog. He has charge of lie examiuation of candidates for admission to that conference.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News