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Those library chimes chime not. Still hey are still. F. P. Blackman, lit. '85, has returnedto enter the luw department. The Clironicle tviII advocate the adopion of' standard time by the Uuiversity. Correct. E. L. Mosley, M. A., '85, is teaching the teioncet iu the Qrand Rapids high schuol. Z. Olaik Murray's "Hand-book" will be used bu the plats In Enipirical Psychology. M. C. Sheelian, Fred. Sawyer and Patriek Breiman, have entered the dental dejartment. C. D. May, lit. '84, of Bellvidore, 111., was in the city Friday and Öaturday visting uld acquaintancee. Miss Mollie L. Wood, of this city, so well known to our music-loring public, s teaching music in Delaware, Ohio. We regret to learn that Mr. Jesse Shatuck, the nianaging editor of the Chroncle, is quite ill at his home in Owobeo. Eugene Upson, who has been wlth uciilyear during the nummer, has entered the pluirmacy departinent of the Univursity. F. K. üabcock, fojmerly of '85 now livng in Man stee, was back last week for a 'ow days visiting the scènes of his fornier Tebhmanhood. Breathe it not amonr the Japs. Chang Wau Fou was inarried at Chelsea to Miss iee Tsl Lou - the other evening. 'Twas all in f un, yon kaow. Fred B. Itolison, who is attending the university, was miirried Sept. 17, at Linden, Mich., to Miss Giace Fairbanks, and lioy iuimediately took up their residence n Ann Arbor. Will L. Griffln, of Albion, a gradúate of Albion college, enters the law department this year, and entered the married state Sept. 22(i, at his home, wilh Miss Emma C. Foote, Albion '64. Mr?. Margaret Humphreys having resigned the position ot assistant tothe professor of clinical dentistry in the dental department, Miss Elsie Hallock has been iippoiuted in her stead. In the chapel Sunday, at 9:15 a. m., President Angelí delivered aD address bctore the Students' Christian Association There was a very large attendauce and the address was excellent. The Chioniile will luake its lirst appearance for the year, Siturday, and the Diesent board of cdilois propose making it veiy inlercstlng this semester. It would le ¦ good thlng for you to encourage them with a subscription. Mis. A. S. Peck, lit. gradúate, who has becu travehng extensively in Europe, will spend the coming winter at the famous AmincMii s.liool ofArclieology in Alin'iis. She is the one IT. of M. student who carne as a godsend to a certain scrlbe, reeen tly. The entriesat tlie university still continue to come iu and are far in excess of last year. President Angelí informs us that upon his books are the naraes of 248 applicants, a largar numbtir than ever have applicd before at a corresponding date. Of tlns number about 40 are from other colleges for advanced standing, which is a striking feature, never eqnaled in the htetory of the universlty. The followJBg t'mnres ure trom the registry in Secretar; Wadffí offloe: Llterary deimrtineiit, 4!; Mwlical, 309; Law, 245; Dental, 74; Piiaiinicy .r)!1 ; Homeopathy, 4. All of which is very gratifylng to the authorities, as well as to friends of the iuatitution evsry where. The law departmciit boasts of a live congressman in its ranks, in the person of Bcyvj. Franklin Shivcly of South Bend, Ind., wlio was elected to conjrress in 1884, to succeed Maj. Calklns, wlio resigned to run ior governor. In the office of Secretary Wade, at the i box 10x12, hearing the following inscription : " Set of stencil tools with which a student earoed f 1,657 in four summer vacations, and paid hig wy through the four years' course in the literary department of Michigan Uiiiversity. Placed here in the hope of encouraginsr some student wlio feels that lie must give up and drop out for lack of money.' Wluit has heen done can be done." Hrw many of the boys of the land could "goand do likewise,"' had they only the rif sort of material In their make up. Il is the wlll to do that make men, and the lack ot' th'it will that ruiaa thcni.


Ann Arbor Courier
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