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'¦ Tlie best on eaith " can truly he said ot'Griggs' Glycerine Salve - a speedy cure forcuts, Inuises, scalds, burns, sores, piles, tetter and all skin eruptlone. 'Jïy this Wonüer healer. 25 cent. Guainnteed. An Ad rrtiscr's Novel Expedieut. One of the Inroest advertieer In ew York saya: We once hit upon a nove! expedieut ibr ascertaiiiing over what urea our iidvertisenients were read. We published a couple of half-column "ads" in whicli we purposely ïuisstated half a dozen hisiorical facts. In less than a week we received between 300 and 40U Wttere froin all part of the country f rom people wiahiug to Wnow why on earth we kept such a consunimute fooi who knew w linie about American history. The letters kept pouring in tor three or fonr weeks. It w;is one of the beat paying "ads' weever piinted. But we did not repeai our experiineut beeause the one I reter lo served lts purpose. Our letters came froin school-boys, girls, professor, clerfrymen, school-teachers, and in two in stances froin eminent men who have a world-wide reputatlon. I was more imprese.d witli the valueof advertising froii tbMt two adveitisements than I shouk have been by volumes of theories. A Kemarkable Escape. Mi-8. Mary A. Dalley, of Tuukhannock Pii. was atflicted tor six years with Asthina and Bronchitis, during which time the best phyicians could give 110 relief. Hei Ufe was deepaired ot, until in last October slie procured a bnttle of Dr. King's New Discovery, when immedlate relief was feit and by continuing te use fora short time she was completely cured. gaining in flesh 50 Ibs in a few montlig. Free trial bottles of tlilsceitiiin cure of all Tliroat and Lunjf iliscases at Eberhach & Soli's drug store Larg; boltlcs $1.00. A gtudant, uiideriroing examination in the principies of Mechanics, was asked ' Why will not a pin stand on its point ? ' He returned the followiug answer: "II the lirst place a point is delined by Euclu as [li it which liatli no parts and no magDitude, and how can a pin stand on tila which lialh no parta and no magnitude In Uk.' second plucu, a pin will not stanc on its head, much lexs, thcrefoie will i tülld on Itl point. Thirdly and lastly, i will if you stick it In hard enough." The Terrible Draln Which scrotula has upon the Kystem must be arretted, and tUe blood must be puri fied, or serious consequences will ensue Kor piirifying and vltaliziiig effects Hood's Sarsaparilla lias been found supelior to ftny olher preparation. It expels every trace of impurity from the blood and bestows new lite and vigor upon ev ery function of the body, euabling it to entirely overeóme disease. A New York lirm applied to Abraham Lincoln, some years before he became President, as to the liuancial standing ot ¦ome of his neighbor. Mr. Lincoln replied as follows: " Yoursof the lOth inst reeeived. I hui acquiiinteil with Mr , and kuow his circumstances: First of all, he has a wife and baby ; together they ought to be worth $50,000 to any man. Sccoiidly, he has an office in which there is a tullir worth fl.50, and three chairo woith, say $1.00. Last of all tkcre is in one corner a larjje rat hole which will bear looking into. Respectfully yours, A. Lincoln. These are Solld Facts. The best blood purifier and system regulator ever placed wilhin the reacli of sul lering humanity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivlty of the Liver, Blliousness, J ut n dice, Coiistipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urlniry organs, or whoever requires an aupetitzer, tonic or mild stiniulant, will alwny8 flnd Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act suroly and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to giveeutire satisfaction or uiiiney refundcd. Hold at tifty cents a bottle by Eberhiich & Son. liucklen's Árnica Salye. The Bent Salve in the world for Cuta, Hruises, Mores, Ulcerg, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, (Jhapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cent per box. For Sale by Eberbach & Son. ¦ale'i Honey the f reat Couii ctire.Mc.soc 11 Clenn'sBulphur Soap be&l k baautlflea. Ka. litrmanCoi n Rr morer kin Corns Banlon Hlir Htlr n Whiiktr Oft-BUck ui Brvb.Mb. Fl k e i Toothaehe Drapi cur In 1 Mlauu.Ma UJ' UiuaiUc riXU trt at % Mkv


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