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Michigan Pente TPffTTtlflIIIIIÉriiti TTte Miagara Falls (Route. Omtral standard Time. Time Uble taking effect 8ept. ch, 1886, CHICAGO TO DKTROIT. CíL?í?.'fí a. a. a. a. r. a p. a. F. m. r. a 7T ÍMcíro..LT. ÏM 00 3) 400 840 30i ílchiganOlty 10 15111 11 5 17 6 l 1(1 4K ll 4 "" "lU" 1145Í1215 818 7 45 11 50 I!: Ulmuo... 142 7 23 915 120 j'jj"e Jattle Crrek. a 23 8 01 a 01 317 7 5 '""ílí: :::: L e:: .-sak Ubion r . 882 839... _ 9 43 401 lackíon 4 30 4 15 15 8 25 4 yn 2 ib inn Lake.... 4 58 . gn m 'hel.,- 5 17 i. iiS Oexler 5 33 S4H10i. knn Arbor.... 5 53 5 : 1009 .... 4 4(1 607102 rpailaoti 8 io! 545 10 21 .... 4 55 62s!lO wayneJunc. H35I805. 5 18 fl4lls Dctrol'....Ar. 7 20 1 6 45 11 ÍS 80 78olll4i DETROIT TO CHICAGO. I 2 S i M . o 9 á o. a t j 8TATION8. J jft 23 Sh O l_ií!_L A.M. A.M P.M p.M P.M. p w Detroit.. ..Kv. 7 35 9 0 1 00 4 00 .... 8 00 g ?n WyneJunc. 8 33 9 53 181 4 45 8 40 a Ypnilantl .... IM 10 13 147 5 1.... t 6 10 31 Ann Arbor... 9 lü 10 28 15 580 MlOSa Deiter 937 50.. 55 Chelee i 957 605 10 10 (3ra Lake.. '10 37 K 87 110 33 lackíon 1100 114a 301 7 15 UlOáiJu Mrhi.ll 134 848 8321. ...1J08 1 m BattleCreek 1181 4 08 8í2a.m. 13S 1 Kalamaeoo. . . p.m. 115 48ti V15 44ó 1 JO ijj Nileí 4 00 S 45 5 48 40 S 12 4 MichlRanClty 5 33 4 57 7 00. 1808:500 5 lo Chicago.. ,Ar. 8 20 7 10 9 00 110381780 H% Canilla DlvUloa. DETROIT To boppalo.- Staadard Time. STAT.ONS. IÍÍsIÍIm l Uk HmlVr íá II r. m. r. u. a. a. a. m. Dftroit ...Lv 7 11 26 500; 6 20 lt 05 p.k üt.ThomaiAr 1115 2 45 9 40 1 10 0013 20 'A.M. p. M. I TorODto...Ar 8 45] 5 85 8 10 Ottawa pm607 6 17 a. a. Montreal r 9 8 50 Qnebrc av6.Wp. . a m.50p.ii M.lhomaí.Lv 11 JO 2 50 i 2 'J5 10 J03 25 Weiland 2 03 5 28' 8 85 1 1226 08 Falls View 5 sií 1 S5 ti 32 N. KhIIh. 01 t. 2 31 8 00 Ï 00 6 Ï7 Swp'ii B'df. 2 40 6 10 i 2 15S47 N. FallB,N.Y. 2 56j 6 81 1 2 28 8 51 r. u Eaotern time ! a. M. a. a. p. a. p. h. p,. Btifflo....l.v, 4 50 8 10 9 00 I li Itl Kochie;er.. ri 6 50 9 55 11 00 6 45' 11 00 Syracas 9 :) 12 15p 130 S 80J 1 30am Uttca UW 2 1 3 0 11 35i 3 0K Albany p2 20 5 00 10 a i 30 8 10 Troy ' 2 35 6 55 6 ÍS 2 00 & burlngdel ... 6 8') li 40a 10 57 6 15 10 57i Worcester.... 8 28 5 0 1 18r 8 20 1 18po H'Wton 9 45 6 25 i 45 9 40 S 45 No York Ar 7 00 I 9 OOp 10 30a 7 3(J 10 30u l'fallttdflphla. 10 35 lO 30 7 061'..'..... ¦ urpAi.0 to oiTKoiT- Standard Time. ,f A!." % a. m. r ï. Philadel'a..Lv 9 00 p. a, 8-v New York... 10 30 6 00 v 5 Buston, 8 30 8 0 T Wo'ceter... 8 50 4 0 8 3 Sprliurfleld. .. 11 35 6 06 !10 D Albany 3 ÜOpm 10 05 a St Utica s 45 14lam . .. 5,6 Syracuce 7 40 2 00 7 Koclieeter.... 955 400 10 00 Múflalo.... Ar 12 15 5 50 12 lüp lli.ilalti. .I.v 11 HOpm 6 10 '(u' s'oü'llJS N. Kallí.N Y. 12 20atu 5 56 ís ¦n-ii'n BM'ffe 12 30 6 05 tu X n. Kaiií.Oat. iü 4a a ís a fallé View 6 27 103 Weiland 107 tt 47 I 6 07 10 13 1 % ¦jt.Thomaí Ar 4 00 9 20 10 25 1 10 4 qnebec... Lv 915a Montrial, TJOf Ottawa. 1105 Toronto, 1 % St.TbomiuLv 4 05 '25 8 00 1 30 4 tt Oetrolt . . ..Ar 7 55am U86pm 8 45 , 5 50, 8 4 t Stope nnly to let off paaaenger. t Stops only 011 elísala. O. W. KUOGLK8, H. W. HAYE, G. P. T. Agent Art.. Aun Artxx. Chicago. Detroit, Mackluae & Marquetto B. B. Takingeftect September 28. 1885. Over 300 Miles Sliorter than ny other Lina to ail Poiuts East. WST. STATION tAar. & -s Cl" = D., MAM. R B. 5 áíj J_ ií_ A. L. P.a. P. M. P. M. A. ¦ 6 10 1 3í Marquette % 0U 7 90 4 56 12 43 Unota. 47 Oí 4 28 12 2 Au Train. 3 07 SI 3 40 1148 MunlHinn. 3 40 10 íi 12 íó 10 26 8eney. a 0 I 1 11 35 . 9 41 Dollarville. 6 00 .1 41 11 301 9 37 Newberry. 6 05 ! 15 s o I'itlins. 7 28 SU 8 00 7 85 lv. St.lgnace. a. 8 15 "Tnilns ruñ" by Central Standard TI me. D. McCOOL, F. MILLIQAN. Gen'l Sup't. Qen'l Krt 4 Paaa. Aft Murquelte. Mlch. Marquott, Mlcb. Toledo, Aun Arbor A North MicbifU Rallwaj. TIMS 8CHBDCLB. To Uke effect at 12 o'clock, noon, on 8unday, Septeuiber 27, 1885. (Southern División.) run by Htuudard Time. OOING NdKTH. GOIMO 8ODTH6 4 2 Ï 1 i." 6 STATIONS. L 2 -í a. a. i-. a.m Lettvc. Arrive i.a '";'"; t 9 50 t3 40 7 06 Toledo 9 80 5 OÍS 9 64 8 45 7 14 Manhattan Jnnct'n a4 .i.. ¦ 1000 352 7 23 Aleils Junctiou 9 16,4 .... :i0 07 4 00 7 3T, Uawtboru. 104 ¦¦ 110134 01 7 46 Samarla 9 004 30 11145 4 ll 8 06 Lulu. 8 47 4.;I0 30!4 25 8 15 Monroe Junction 8 42! H - 1037 4 33 8 80 Dundee :8 34Mt rio 43 U 40 8 37 Macón 8 3W ) .... + 1047 465 8 i Aballa S201?4} til 00 500 8 5 MilauJuncüoo 8 03 4iK A.a, 5 08 9 09 Milán 8WJ4lM, 5 23 9 22 rUrania ' K;J 5 35 9 32 Pittííeld Junction 7 403 5 55 9 50 Ann Arbor 7 27 8 10 ttiüóioao L land 7 A?2 5S K 20 10 30 Worden 7 08 2 4 PM. 10 tí Bonib. Lyon SO 2_. Connectlow At Toledo, wlth rallrojdi dlnjIng: at Manhattan Juurtíon, wlth WheeliM Uke Krie K. R.; at Aleii. Junction, wl'b M.L. h. K., L. 8. 4 M. 8. Rv. and F. A V. M B-Hr" Monroe Junction, with L. S. M. S. Ry 1J dee, witb U 8. M. 8. Ry., M. O. Ky-; ! MU Junction. wlth Wabash, 8t. Lonl P'c'c.!i; at Pitíleld, with L.f. M. 8. Ky.; at Ann Arw wlth Michigan Central R. K.. and at SoQtb W with Detroit, Lauelng A Northern K. Mi "" Mich. A. L. Div. of Grand Trunk Ry. . Train ti and 8 runa betweeo Detroit no 10": dally excent Sunday, vla Milán JunctfuBiíJt arrive at Detroit 12:00 noon. No. 3 leei Dw at 2:36 p. m. „ ._. Flat stations. t Dally, eicept 8nnr'Train do uot stop, H. W. A8ULKY, General 9oW. H. BBNNK IT. Gen'l. Pan. Aíent. = 1ÍYÍR'S Agne Cure eonulnf an antidote for all matarl! cU orden whicb, o far a known, U mwl I J other reinedr. It coutaina no QuinlM. any mineral nor deleterioui lubítanc " rer, and coníequeutly produce no W'" ffeot upon the, constitution, but lea' ' yitem aa healthy u it vu beiore Ü lltc WE WASRAST ATEE'8 AOUE 0C& to eure Tery cae of FeTer and Api. '" mlttent or Chlll Fever, KeuiitW Dnmb Agüe. Biliou Feer, and Ur plalnt eaiued by malaria. ín ol „, alter due trial, dealer are aulhorliea. j circular dateU July lst, 188S, to 'cfuU money. Dr.J.C.Ayep&Co.,Lowell,MaiSoU by all Drujgi".


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News