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MiSOVH' DlKKCTOUr. Ann' Akbor Comm ANDKitY, io 18 meets Ilrst ; I Taesday of eudi inouth, V. Q. Uoty. K. C; I W. A. Tolelwrd, Recorder. WASIITKSAW l'HAlTKIt, Nel. i, it A. M.- MiM-ts lirst Monda; eaoh month, Inaac Handy, II. 1'-; - Kouth, Seerateif. BUSINESS CARDS. . j V. H. JACKSO, 3D.1ESH WTIITIIIMIITIL OFFICE : OTer Bach & AbcI's Prv Good Store. Entrancc next to National Bank. WILLIAH I1KKZ, House, Bign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlng, Gleïli-c, GUdtog, anil Culciiolulne, iid work or every d"crlntion done in the oost j style, and warranmd to give eatisfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. . w. w. & a. E. Nicmu, DE1TTISTS. Hoorns ver Ann Arbor Sarlogl Rauk, Masonic Temple BloeW. GAS or VITILIZED AIR .vlminlpUTcel (dr the palniof xtietlon f t.vth. JOKRPII BKKRV, Tke Prartlo! tailör m mm, Ol iho ft'm 01 WISAN8 BBRRY. has 1 ti ü plM "f tlm t NO. 7 HÜRON STREET, wrni ri i.i et' Suitings and Tiouserings, nil wou''.; -uw to hls u'.l r;.'iKi mul i f 0e thatll ihej waniaOOOD PIT iid NOBBT FI ' a' BB8oNABLB PKlCKe, iajl oo Mn nd ih3 wili e sure to get nue. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secarity held for protvetloa ol 'iie pollc;. CHRISTJAii iACK li .)¦-. tl i-iBtna. I - kns rW .VI.OUü.OOO fln lii!-t--H in r-ïx-v-uv ¦ v-i: Jiinn. of Hartfopil $ 8,192,644 Kranklin oi l'liHadelpliiii :i,ils,7!:( QennsnÍH. N. Y 8,100.729 Qrman American, N. 'S 4,085,9 London Assuranw Lomlon... 1.416,788 Micltijran V. ft M., Detroit... 887.608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,56,679 Nntional, Hiirtford 1,774,505 Phosnlx, Brooklyn 3,759,030 LOWM lilK-r.iIlv adjusted .ind promptly Plii.les lagocd ;it ÜM lowet ratcs of preiniiim. liSltr LUMBER! LI7MBSK! LÏÏMBER! If yon oontoffiplate bulliling, cali at FERDON Ll'IUI ïlll! Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., aml g our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! Wc manufacture our own Lumber and gtiamntee AERY LOW PRICE8 -Civc us a cali and we will make it tn your Interest, as our large and wcll gnidcd stock fully hustains our assertion. Tclephonc Connettlon with Otfice. T. J. KKECH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop ISS0LUT10M OP PABTHEE8E1P. N0TICB is hereby kIvcii tlmt the partner shlp heretofore ezlitlns betwean Harvey Cornwcll. IIctiiv Uornwell and Wllllam H French ha Deeu disHolved by mutual con sent. C'redltors of anlil flrm are hereby requestei to present thelr claims Tor payment on or re forn Saturday. Heptember 5th, 18S.S, at the office of (Jornwell Bros., at Koster's, In th TowiiHlilp of Ann Arbur, Washtenaw Couuty Mlchli-nn. Ijated August , CORNWELL. WM. II. KUKNCH. i i fe UNIVERSAL $ m y-J - - - m B A T H . Bllt ivb_ ' % S Sul s3BmTml jj i jS ftcminit th worid. fJ _ II" t Wkolttait t Ktal '¦ B"11 lwnwea. ¦ Z. 8d for curuUr. E. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mlch A COMPLETE ARKAKNOMKNT FOR Piysiciaa and Families. Neater asd Cheipe AND HOKE COISr"VE!lÑriElTT THAN A STATIONARY BATH TUB, WITI NO EXPENSE OP BATH ROOM AND FIXTUHES. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT I!W UI ARBOR. Should advertise in THE COURIER. I T Tl T [771 Sl!nd lx cent8 for PtKe. A I I L "nd receive free, a comly bos II fl I P "' which wlll help yoc I II I l.tomnremoiicyriKhtawHy thai ¦ ¦"x"J-"anythtni; tl.-u in Ihis world Alt,ofeilher sex, pucceed from flret honr. Th broad road to fortunu openiü belore the workere abaolutoly surtí. At oucu addroaa, Tuin A Cu. Auguiu, iluiuc


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