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3ACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. BACH&ABEL LDWJPRICES. As very little has been said about buying goods cheap for the past week or ten dars, we wiïl have somcthing to say on that subject. We will sell this week at private sale or aucthe following goods (preler to sell at private sale) at prices quoted : 10 Fieces Black Brocaded Silks (all Silk) at 90c. worth $1.50. 2 Fieces Black Surah Silks at $1.00, former price $1.25 3 Pieces Black Surah Silk at $1.50, former price $1.75. 2 Fieces Surah Silk at $1 75 reduced from $2.00. 5 Pieces Black Grain at $1.50, reduced from $1.75. Ever yard of this silk is guaranteed not to crock and to give satisfaction. It will pay y ou to spend 5 or 10 minutes to examine these Silks. Handsome warm quilted skirts at $1.00 cheap at $1-50. 1 Case Ladies' Wool Pants and Vests at 5Oc, cheap at 65 cents. 1 Case Ladies' all-Wool Pants and Vests, red, at $1.00, former price $1.40. Extra quality all-Wool, red, Underwear for Gents at $1, reduïed from $1-40. This underwear at the price is a great bargain. 1 Case Gents Underwear, the best value ever offered, at the low price of 50c. Special bargains in Children's red UnderwearBACH & ABEL. We propose to sell Parlor Furnlture at euch priees that will astonish everybody. Come in and convince yourself. AU goods are markeil in plata Usures. Koch & Hai.ler. Tlie most scientific compound for the cure of couglis, colds, and all throat and lnng troubles is Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure. It is pleasant, prompt and safe. 50 cents and f 1. The Berrien Spring Era think8 itsees the handwriting on the wall: "We have named the New York repiiblican ticket the winning ticket. It will win because it deserves to win. The convention resf onded to the highest requirements and the voters will ratify its action at the polls." "100 Doses one Dollar" is truconly of Hood's Sarsaparilla. and it is an unanswerable argument as to strcngth and economy. A peculiar virtue in Ayer's Sarsaparilla is that while it cleanses and purges the blood from all corruptions, and impurities I and thereby roots out disease, it builds up an invigorates the whole system, and inakes one young agaln. Ed. Courier, Bear Sir: Please give me space to correct a mis-statement in your last week's issue. With the endeavor to close up certain saloons in this city and to directly accept bonds from others who are directly in league with them is certainly inconsistent. I would say, that the liquor bond presented then, and the one since, was not approved nor recommended by the comraittee. The chairman wished time for investiration, whicli wus rofused. No individual who des es strict conformity to our laws could consistently accept such when there secms no possibility wnatever of niaintaining such law. Jf our laws are not good, letB have sonie new ones ; when men can ride over them every day and night In the year In direct violation and defiance of the same, some one is to blauie, who is it ? Wm. Bicas, Chairman of Committee. A Creat Victory A Terrible Case of Scrofula Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla " In the winter oí 1879 I was attacked wltb. Scrofula in one of the most aggravatlng fornis. At one time I had no leas than thlrteen largo abscesses over and around my neck and throat, continually exuding an offenslve mas of bloody matter disgusting to behold, and almost intolerable to endure. It Ís iinpossible to fully describe my sufferings, as the caso was complicated wlth chronlc Catarrh. After three years of mlsery, havlng been treated by threo physicians, I was worse tlian ever. Flnally, on the recommendatlon of W. J. Huntley, drnggfst, of Lockport, I was induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, after h.iving taken twelve bottles, witliin the last twplve months, the Rcrofulous eruptlons have entirely eeued, and the aliscessea havo all dlsappeared, exeepttheunsightlysoars.whk'h are daily beioininc ' smaller by depreca, and beautifully less.' I do not know wnat It may have dom: for others, but I do know tliat in my case, Hood's Barsaparilla has preved an effective speelfic Indeed. As an evideneo of my gratítude I send tliese faets unsolU'ited, and I ain ready to veriíy the autlientlclty of this cure, liy personal corrcspondcnm with any one who doubts it." Ciiaiu.k.s A. KobKRTg, Kast Wilson, N. Y. This statement is conürmcd by W. ,T. Huntley, druggist, of Lockport, N. Y., who calis tho cure a ffreat vlctory for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Send for book glving statements of many cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drugglsts. íl ; six for $5. Madol only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. I 100 'Doses One Dollar.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News