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Dcri.víí a thuuder-st Tin oa tas tu ac Watwrford, f'a., i,wo brotuers llamad Wall wero killed bv lihtnin. A cvci.iiNK. iwapt over Brunswick Couuty. Va., a few ninhts ago, oompletely de¦troving the tobáceo and cottnn crops. Muy huililms and fences were algo deinolislied. The dairy stadles of C. I Johnsou, at Atlanta, Ga., wnre burned a few nights ngo, 128 Hne-bred cattle beiug crt-mat4;d. The loss was 160,000, with bat .0H iutaraooe. Thk National Cottou-Exchange erop report, issuod on the uth, estimated the average condition of cotton throughout the belt on October 1 at 87 í, against seventyfiveon the corresponding day of last yeur. Fhost and mow were reported on the tilh at various points lu the Nortliwest and Canada. The annual rounion o{ the Grand Army of the Kepublic at Pittsburgh on tlie (ith attracted great crowds to tUat city. The parada of the Tetraus was an iiuposing aifaii', about ten tuousaiil men lmiu; in line. Extexsivk nail-mills at Hhiirun, Pa., wliicli had been elosed tor sonie IMJa, !- slum d operations on the lith at lust year's wages, with several hundrod ainploy6l Thousanus of fliut-lass workers i Masaai-huëotts, Connecticut, Kew York, New Jii-snv and PennsylvauU stiuck on the Kth for Higher wages. The authorities of Cochise County, A. T., on the 6th offored a reward of ióW for the capture of Gerónimo, dead or alive, aud the citizens of Tombstone promised .+250 for every Apacho scalp brought into tllHt tOWIl. Thk issue of standard silvw dollars f rom tho mints during the week euded on the :d wns $621,110. The issue during the corresponding partod of last year was $4H1,I)!M. OBOROI Tiiiivimis, lui, a few months ago, cut with a razor Lucy Lawton, a beautifiil girl, at Cleveland, disftguring her for liio, was sentenoed on the (tli to twenty years in the penitentiary. The threat nml strike of street-car employé at Ut. Louis for shortor workiug hours was inouguratpl on tho lïth, threefourths of the men taking part. Thk (irnrid .lury at Green River, Wy. T., after an investigation of the antiChinese riots at Rock Springs, adjourucd onthe6th without rettiruing any indiotments. The New York Clearing Housi A3sociation held its thirty-second annual meeting on the Hth, electing G. G. Williams, President of tüe Chemical National Bank, President for the ensuing year. The total transaotions for tlie year ended September 30 reachod $'),,")4, Uii.Wtí- a daily average of $87,030,500. At U tic, N. Y., on the (h Mrs. Druse was sentenced to be hanged November 36. l.ast December, aidod by her children, she murdered her husband in Warren, N. Y., and cut up and Uiried bis reinains. Thk Piegan, Crow and Cheyenne Indiana in Montana were reported on the Gth to be on the war-path, aud were killing cattle and burning building. Thk Post-offlce Depai tment at Washington on the lith recelved a number of reports from postinasters as to the first three days' working of the special deHvery service. The reports showed that the system was receiving supiort, and indicated that it woald be fairly guccessful. Thk transfer to the United Statea Treasury of the (10(400,000 in silver brought from New Orleans hy the steamsliips Sivatara and Yantic wu completed on tito 7th. Whilk mixinc mortar a few days ago at Lafayette, Ind., George Barkiey was Htrurk'-u with iarulysi, and fallinií into a bed of hot lime was burned to death. Mrh. William McClüskt, of Urbana, O., poisoued herself and babe with morphine theother night, the husband ñnding buth in bed, arrayed in their best clothing. vv-iimi iiamod Huntley was lynched the other day near Tuckerman, Ark., for a criminal assault upon a young lady. Pittsburoh celebrated on the 7th the opening of the Davis Island dam, which has been Reven years in constructluu, and cost 3,ü00,0iiu. Eioht Italiana, two of theml woraen, were arrested at Washington on tha 7th for passing counterfeitjcoiu. A BTATKMKNT preparad at the Treaury Depurtment in Washington shows thut the amount of stundard dollars put lnto circulation during the mouth of September in the regular course oi business was (27,000,000. Skvkka i. riots occurred in St. Louis on the 8th owing to the strike of the streetcar employés. Cars were suiashed and numerous persons wero injured, gome fatally. Thk jVeto Enyland Homestead reports the Eastern potato erop as fully one-third below the average of last year, aud smaller in size. Upon returning from the Jerome Park races to New York City on the 8th Mr. W. H. Stedeciter left his book, containing $8,000, on a seat in a car, and had geen nothing of it since. Nkmii.y all the glass manufacturers in New York, Pennsylvania and the New England States were closed on the 8th, owing to the strike of the employés for higher wages. SHOW feil for three hours on the 8th at Ringtown, Pa., and ice fornied an inch thick. Fivk white men and two Indians who were engaged in the recent anti-Chinese riot near Beattle, W. T., were indicted on the Sth for murder in the first degree. Mías Arabklla Kentnkr, of Wüliamsport, Pa., ia a suit for breach of promise, recovered $10,000 a few days ago from Lewis Zaner, the Sheriff of the county. At Lafayette, Ind., August '2H last Mist Amanda Sturgis accidentally swalloweil a needie. Within a few days her lat't knee had caused her Intense pain, and on the 8th she applied for relief to a physician, who extracted the needie from the ¦uffering limb. Clarenck Clark, formerly a wealthy business man of Bellefoute, Pa., committed suicide a few days ago, and on the 8th his widow, once the belle of Belle - foute, took her own life at Williamsport, in that State. The unfortunate couple had been living in penury for several years, owing to thuir love for whisky. Mrs. Verónica Bulla, a demented woman, bsga to fast August 10 at Syracuse, N. Y., and died on the nst. For fifty-nine days she lived entirely upon water, in which was dissolved a smalt quantity oí morphine. Thk Commissioncr of Pateuts at Washington reportet on the 8th that during the fiscal year ended June 80 last 22,928 patents were issuod. The total raceiptg were $1,074,074, a slight decrease from the pre ceding year. H. S. Crockjer & Co.'S imininiHi stationery and printing establishment in San Francisco was totally destroyed by flre on the 8th, the estimated loss on building and stock beiug 5600,000. Two firemen were fatally Injured. Advices of the 9th to BradsCreet's from leading merchants throughout the country indicated that the fall spurt in business had subsided, and the outlook was very unfavorable. John Steinhart, of Barnesville, N. Y., accidentally swallowed his false teeth a few days ago and was choked to death. Prairik tires were raging on the 9th In the comitiva of Pierce, Cedar, Wayue and Knor, in Colorado, doing immense damage. Countkrfeit seven per cent. $1,000 bonds of the District of Columbia are in circulation, and som of them were recently sold in Kansas City. In the United Htates and Canada there were 204 business failures during the seven days ended on the Uth, against 195 the prerious seven days. The distribution was as followc Middle States, 44; New Eugland States 31; Western, 58; Southeru, 23; Pacific States and Territorios, 23; T etiou abotit. CiOllIla f'.iirt-Hous, Va., was nhakeu by an MTthqaak alrMf niMuight on the Mtli. Turks men were drown"d iu Boston : harbor on the (Rh by the capsizing öf a '¦ row-boat. Mobs at St. Louis on the 9th mad (ifiiiiMiMliiitinns iu severa! localüii'S, thrnw ¦treet-can trom the track, and in soniti c;i's gave the orriipunts liarely tinia tu leuve the cara. The skull oí one j ductor was brolten by a Wow, and a policemau shot and killed a rioter. The United States Naval Instituto met at Aanapolis, Md., on the flth. Llt'Utenaut DenunhimiT read a paper " whidi he contended that tho scienUflc knowlcdgo to be obtained by polar explorations is not wort li the loss of life entailed. Thrke thousam pavona on the 9th witnessd the exocution of Chris l'etrioz at Augusta, Ark., for the murder of a woman about a year ago. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Cknkkal Hazkn, Cliiet Signa] Ollieor, arrived in Washington on the ."ith from an extended tour in Eorop Thb Ottoman Lagatlon at AVasbington denied on the 5th that there was any foumlation for the report that the Sultan was becomiug demented. Dr. Thomas C. Dubant, oue of the projectors of the Union Pacific Hailroad, and President of the Adirondack Kailroad, died on the fith at North Creek, N. Y., after a brief illnoss. He had over $1,000,000 invested iu Adirondack hotols. The nominations of over one thousaud postmasters will come bufore the United Stati'B Senate at its next nession. A. H. Bodman, an old and weil-known journalist of Chicago, and for many year editorially counected with the A. N. Kullogg Newspaper Company, died recently after an illnesa of les than three weeks' dmation. He was fifty-nine years of age. The trial of Ferd Ward, the px-banker, will begin at New York October 19, JüOQI TilKODORE H. WlSTBBOOK, of the New York 8prene C'inrt, was found dead in bed at a Troy hotel on tho niorning of tho titli. Heart-disease was the cause. He was sixty-three years of age. Governor Talbot, of Massichusetts, died on the Gth kt I.owell, aged sixtyseven years. Miss Mahy Asdkkson, tlu actress, rechol New York on the Bth trom Eqgland. The Michigan Supreme Conrt han declared the new Eloction law of that State unconstitutional. Ex-Oovernor Jahks E. Emumsh, of Connecticut, was married in New York on the 7th to Miss A. R. Morris, of Brooklyu. He is seveuty-three and she a bright brunette of ahout thirty. Subsoriptions to the (ira ïi t Monument fund were opened on the 7th at San Francisco. Senator Leliuul Ntanford headod the list with $5,000. The President on the 7th appointed Jabea L. M. Curry, of Virginia, Minister to Spain. Thk Democrats of the Fifth Illinois District on the ïtb uominated Hichard Bishop, of McHenry County, for Congressman. The American Free Trade League annouuces a National Conference to ba held in Chicago November U and 13 nxt. Captain Thomas H. Kootes, for thirty years an offleer in the United States navy, died on the "th at Bowling Uresu, Mo. The Massachusetts State Democratie Convention met at Worcister on the "th and nominated ETrederlck ü. Prince, of Boston, for Governor, and a full State ticket. The platform congratulates the country upou the electiou of a Demoerat. President; expresses confidence that Mr. Cleveland' policy will esfcablish tho civilservice on a "broad basis of justice and equality," and demands better State laws for the protection of the laboriny; classes. The first doublé conviction under the Eduiunds law occurreil at Salt Lake City on the 8th, W. D. Neusom being found guilty of polygamy and illegal cohabitation. Judqe Dli-BK ruled at Neivark, N. J., on Hl tl. fi..ii h, are not obliired to admit colored persons to {he common dining-room. At the semi-annual conference oi the Mormou Churt-h. htl'l ia Logan, Utah, on the 8th, the inembers declared their beliaf in the rightfulness of polygamy, and ai I they would not stop the pr Three men were Üued in Puüadelpliia a few days ago for swearing on the streets. Jüdoe FoRAKEn, Republicau candidato for Oovernor of Oliio, and üoveruor Hoadly, the Democratie nomines, engaged in a joint discussion of political matters at Toledo on the evening of the Xtta. Secrftary Mannin has ritten a letter declaring that he shall vote for Govemoi Hill and the entire Democratie State ticket of New York, and giving tho assurance that President Cleveland will do likewije. John G. Whittier writes to the Boston Advertiser : "I have recei ved many letters from various parts of the country asking information in regard to a projectMi settlement in North Carolina by Clark Whittier, who the writers seem to thlnk is a brother of mine. I have no brotuer living, and I know not hing whittevur of the settlement or its founder." The death of Cardinal McCloskey took place In New York City at 12:50 ca th niorning of the lOth. At the eud h waa urrounded by relatives and clergymen. He was seventy-flve years of age. Returns on the 9th from the recent town meetings In Connecticut showed that seventy-nine wre carried by the Republicana, flfty-five by the Democrats and twenty-eight were equally dividod. Ex -Mayor Charles D. Jacobs, of Louisville, was on the !)th appointed Minister to the United States of Colombia, and Charles Poster, of Indiana, Consul(Jpneral at Calcutta. FOREIGN. The Loudon 'iïuu-a made the signifleant admission on the (th that "it is impossible to disguise the fact that the Government of Ireland has passed, or is rapidly passing, out of the hands of her Majesty'i ministry." Seuvia's warlike attitude compelled the Sultan on the7th to issue adecree mobilizing the entire Turkish army. Mexican robbers on the 4th attacked a pack-mule train carrying bullion, near Parrei, a station on the Mexican Central Koad, killed four of the escort and drove off with the treasure. At Orangeville, Ont, the residences o( two officials who had made themselvesobnoxious by efforts to enforce the Scotfc Temperance act were wrecked bydynaniite on the 7th, the inmates eseaping uuhurt. A deficit of $33,000 was discovered on the 7th in the accounts of Cashier Henry T. Clarke, of the Union Bank of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The inundatlons in the valley of Mexioo continuod on the 7th, and the losses would reach an enormous aggregate. The city of Leou was flooded by the breaking of the works reservoir, and many houseg were swept away. Mail communication was again interrupted. Advices of the 7th say that the Abyssiuian expeditiou, marching to the relief of the KaKsala garrison, after a severe battle, defeated a large force under Osman Digma, tho latter losing 3,000 men in the encounter, It was reported on the 7th that the colony of Methodist missionaries that left this country aome time ago had landed on the weat coast of África desti tute, and had been gíveu a tract of land to settle upon. Thk Catholic Bishops of Ireland have passed a resolntion condemnins acts of Tiolence and intimidation, and warnluji their docks against sngaging in tliinn. Ma.ny fishermen and their families in Labrador were on the Sth said to be dying from starvation. A row of thirteen eight-story warehonses iu Aldergate street, London, wan almodt totally destroyed by flre on the 8th, with the contentH. The losses aggreirated about 816.000.000. Ï3 ñ nMtti on tha Sth bafnr la i 'hurch 1 kmgr8 at Portamouth, Kng., Mr. Horsley, a Roy al Academir.lan, danounced the use of nade modal bv artista a9 demoralizlng. Tbebg were lO.'i uevr caaes of cbolera mul lilty-f uln deatha from the diseaae la Palormo, Sicily, on the 9tb. In Spain 27(1 in-w cases and 11 tl deaths were reportad. Captain Hanson, of the bark Paulina, reported at Quebec on the 9th that while at sea September 20, during a rain-itorin, a ball of fire landad on the Testers deok, prostrating the Captain and two sailors, and then disappeared uddauly without datnaging the bark. The Czar on the 9th orderad all tha Ootprnors and other offloers throughout th Itussiau provinceg to use tha Rusalan language exclusively in the transactiun of public business. Heavy ruina continuad on the 9th In tha valley of Mexico, aud railroad traffle was suspended. The streets of the City of Mexico were inundated and lurroundlng lowlandg flooded. Considerable lost of Ufe was reported from rural rillag. LATER NEWS. Tuk rising in various provincea againai 'Fa: kisli ilomiulon waa reported onthelUth as becoming general, and gonietliing liku a nu' v revolution in tau country was preilictod. Durinu the week ended on the lOth thera woro 28b deaths from small-poz in Moutreal. Kichako Coyle shot ami killed hia wife, Kate, at Weaaley, R. I., on the lOtb because slio had rei used to lire with him, umi then shot himself. A i i i.mi'ts to run the street-cars in St. Louis uu the 1 1 th were unsucceasfuL Two ri"is oecurred, car being demolished and tilt) ilrivers badly injured. FtVB of the crew of the whaling-bark ¦ r.i . hiiimii, from New Bedford, Mass., were lost recently off ÍSU Oeorge'n Igland by the capsizing of their boat by a whale. f'UAiitiE dros had been raging for two I duys ou the 1 lth in portions of Northern Nebiaska, oausing loases which would agKregate au euurinous aiuount, U.N tho li ith two more Mormons wera sentenoed at Salt Lake City to tha extreme penalty of the law for Ilegal eohahitati.Mi. Tmk oxihanges at twenty-six leading clearing-housea in the United HtatuH during tlin itt i'nil.vl on tbe lOth aggregatad 920,530,658, against $831,172,100 the previ nis week. As compared with the corratpondlng period of 1884, tha increasa aniouiits to '24 I) por cent. Khocks of earthquake were feit the other ught at Richmoud, Petersburg, Lynchburg and other points in Virginia. The league base-ball season ended on the lOth, the Chicagos winning the championship. The record of games wou bj the clubs is as follows: Chicago, 87; New York, BB; Philadelphia, flO; Providenca, 62; Boston, 47; Detroii, 41: Buffalo, 08; 8t. Louis, 37. Throuohout Spain on the llth thera were 417 new cases of cholera and 131 deal h . A HWBOa named Olsen and hls daughtar were drowned in the river at St. Paul, j Mum., on the lOth by the capoizing of their boat hy a steamer. Neak Chico, Cal., two warehouses con tainlng lift y thousaud saeks of wheat weie destroyed by Ure on the lOth, tha loss reaching $125,000. One of tho treatest engineering achieTeiii '-uts ou record was consuminated at I1:8J u'clock on the inornin ; of the lOth, lï Klood rock, in Heil Gate ohaanel, Bast liiver, opposite New York, wassbattei'ed by the explosiou of 28,,00i) pounda ! of (lynaiuite stored in the subtorranoan '¦! is ,'in.l i'onii'-c! fd by wires with dntonatIng liuiteries. The shock was feil all over .M inhattan Island, but no accident occuned. The work preparatory to the aaplosión was uominencsd niae rvara ago.


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