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THE LIMItCLBOTCBSVTHI U. I.OOV'T TO CARRY THB FA8T MAIL. PVVVI It is the only line with ts own track (rom CHICAGO TO DENVER, Either by way of Omaha. Pacific June, St. Joscph, Atchlson or Kansas City. It connects in Union Depots with through trains from NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and all Eastern points. It is the principal lino to SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND 4. CITY OF MEXICO It traverses all of the slx qreat States of ILLINOIS. IOWA. MISSOURI. NEBRASKA. KANSAS. COLORADO with branch lines to all their Important citics and "rom CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST. LOUIS. It run every day i the year tfom one to three elegantly equipped through trains over its own tracks beiween Chicago and Oenver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Counclt BlufTs, Chicago and St. Joscph, Chicago and Atchlson, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Rapids, Chicago and Sloux City, Peoría and Council Bluffs, Peoria and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points in Northwest, West and Scuthwest. ltsequipment Is complete and flrst class in every particular, and at all Important points Interlocklng Switches and Signáis are used. thus insurlng comfort and safety. For Tickets. Rates. General Information, etc. regarding the Burlinnton Route, cali on any Ticket Agent in the United States or Canada, or address T. J. POTTER 1st V.P. A Ge. Mgh., Chicago. HENRY B. STONE, Asst. Ge:.. Mor.. Cmicoo. PERCEVAL LOWEUL, G..N. Pass. Aot., Chicaoo. Estáte of Jlarffiirot C. Kin?. hT 1'BuP MHJHIiiAiN.i-oaiiij ot Phleiiaw, M ¦! MMlna of the Prob te Conrt for the Coant of Washu-naw, hulden t toe l'Mhaie offl ¦ In the city "l Ann Arbor. on Wedii'-sday, ihe twentytli rel dij "f Sc;iM-inh.T in the y-nr "tio th Ur-and etghl hnndred and ehrhtT-ftYe. Present, William D. H-irriinnn, .Jude r Pmbate. Ia the mattn dl ih. atole 01 Margaiet V. King deceasu. uu rea.liug mul fliini; ü.e pt'tition, dulv verifli'd, of Benjamin .1. ('onral praying that he muy be llrersed to ell ihe Real Kstate whereol s iid deceased dled set d. TiMtaoi on it i ordered. tbat Thurs.lay, the twemy-socond dy of Oc'oher next, at ten o'clock ¦ In ê f i r i 0011. be asslgned lor llie hearing of aid MtllloD, Binl ihnt the beir at iaw of said de ceased.and all other perBonsiuterested in said estáte ure mjuind loappeirat asenlon of siid court.then 10 be bolden at tlie Probate offtVe, in tlieclty of Anu Arbor, and show cause if nny thcre bc, wby the prayer of the uetltloner shou'd not be Krantcd. And it is Inrlber wderedi ihat uaid petülgner give notlce to ttie persons lnteresied in said estáte, o' the pendenry of said petfUon, tnd the burini I thereof, y c.iuslng a copv of thls order to 'c publilie'! in the Min Arbor Courier,ti nrwppaper printj edand circulatlni; iu -aid county. three pacceisive weeka ureTtoaa to r-ail day f hearing (A trne Copy.) Wir.LIAM D. HAKKlMAN, Ju.iüe of Probfile. WV1.G. DO Y Probate Reuipter. 1285 ïaüi Eslatí' of Jacob II. H;eks. -TATEOl' ÍICi1IGaM, (JoiiQiy o! Waubtenaw. )ss. U isosulonot the ProbateCourt fortheConnty of "¦Vhtenw, tioldoo at . h Probate Office, in th il Ann Arbor. on Frlday, ;he S6th day of 8ep'eiul)er in t'ic year, tti menud elglit uandrwl anu et((lity-4vo. i'r, it, William L Harriman, .lodae ot l'r'OHti'. In tfce matter toe etaie ol Jacob H. Hicka, .1 coaaeA. On readine aT'rt ti nsr thé uetttlon, riuly rrtiBed, ol V. Blckf , prajiut; tb;ii adm)nlBtratt'n ol la'.d eitatu nu) be jramed io Comstock F. llü , OTWBie nUiemottibla per.-on. l'hereuaoi' it !¦ ordetsd, tba' Vomlny, the ¦ilitli dny ol OctOhér nexf, tt er o'clock ir. the foreuoon, he nnuljineu (ut ih-, heurit.i; of ïlJ plitioTi umi ib the hdiM al Ui ol astd dceapeil, and ui' olhcr hilONatad 10 BritaU-, :ire i'enuirt'd 10 apprar t a ee xion nf "uid conrt, then to be hulden at the l'rolmte dflice. In tlie city ol Aun Arlior, nud show cauce, if any thrre be, whj the prayar of ihe pniitioner r-hotiid nol h graul ud. And it is l'uither ordered. 'liai itttd uetlüontii 'ive to thepetton inten:tted m said c-t .tt of the peiKlencv o( sanl petltton, tint the hwirint theriof. bv eausiuK a couy of ihi order to bc pnb liMhel in' .in Arbor Uovritr, Qi-nxpaper prlntei! 'niirlrcalated in Tatd rouutv. thr. .¦ sacrea recka prevlom niu(d ilsvn' henitnir. (A tro. BOnyO W1I.I.IAM 1) II ARKIMAN, JnrWaol ftotatf. M. :. DOTT. l' Hctiater. I2Bi-120fl E.slatcol Nal ka Welib. STATU lF MICHIGAN, Cuontyol Waihtsnaw. At a íuBtíion of the i'roba'c Couit for the County I ;.l Washtepiiw, holden ai Uie Probate otllce. iu thi I ei of Al;; Albor. tui M(llduj , tl'.e 1 eüty-t-ii htli Any of ScptcmhtT, iu the oim Tho'iHnd eieht handred and ui;hty ave." Prwunl Wlll:aio D. Barrfman, Jttdti of Prc'bate. In the mattr ol the euu ol Nathfin Webli d. i-.'. Charlea McCorkie tbe tdolniatmtor oi s-.Ui aetito, Oiiniee int" r. -nrt anl rep eMBtfl that he Is ii'.w pn;;ared to render Mi final nccouut au uucli adnii; islruior. Therf apon it ik urdered, rtmt Saturday, ttie seven teeuiti day ol October bext( ;tt len odock in the forenoon he aplLned for examinltiir and allowlnt; p-uch account, and Ihat the betra at law ol faid de ceaxed, and all other pereooi iMeraoted in ald enlato, are required to uppear ii rt it-Kpion of eald court,tbeu tohe holden at tin i'roiiaie Office, In th'city of Anii Arbor, In id county fitid tñow cauae. 11 any there be, w hy Ihe said account sbould not be allowed : And it ip iurih-r ordered. that -aid udinlnitr.iior t:ive nottce to the peraonp intereuted in said eetate, of the pendenry of said account and the hearing ttierrof, by .-nisintr a copy of tbls order tobe pahlifhed In trie Aun Arbor Courier. a neWHDaper printe.i wndcirculating In (nid county two ncocMlve reek' previous to naid day ol hearing. (A true couy.) WM. D. IIAKKIVIAN, Jude of Probate. WM (. UCTY, Probate Heelster. 1Ï6H-H68 Estáte of John Mitihell. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuiy of Waphtenaw. w. At a see-Ooii of the Probate Court for th County ol Waahtenaw, holden ut the Prnbat" office, in the City ol Ann Arbor. on Wednesday, the 30th day of Septi'inber, in the year one thousand eight handred and iu-hty ti v. Present, William u.llm i imaii. ot Probate. In the matterof the etateof John Mltcbell, deceaied. Seorge H. Mitchell and Sailie A.Crane, the cdiniiiift .mr?, with tlie will ai.nesed of eaid estáte, come luto court and reprenenl that they are now preHred to render their tical account i such admint'trators. I Thereupou it Is ordered. Ihnt Tueed::y, the 7I;h day of October next, al teu o'clotk lu the lorenoon, bc Malgned lor examininc and allowine such account, and that the devmeeë, legstee, and htirit at law oí naid deceapeü, and all other person interented in said estáte, are required to ap pt ar at a aeegion ot naid court, then to be holden .it the Probate Office, lu the city of Ann Arbor, in aid county, and whow cause, if any there he, why the said account -imulil nol be i llówed. And it further ordered. that aid administrator give noticc to tlie panoni Uilereeted in i-aid esute ol the pendency ol n.iid accouni, and the hearing thereot, by cnuaiiiK a copy of ihis order to be pubiixhed in theAunArborri)rrr.finewipaperprlnted ai.d circulattn iu paid county. three paccessiYe week previoup to aiil dav ol bearine. (Atruecopy.) W1LL1AM 1). Jl ARK1 M AN. ¦Tudtre ol i'robate. WM G. DOTY, Probate KeL'liter. IMnic if Abigrail L. Maynard. STATB OK MICI1HJAN, County of Wni-hte l..iu, rm. At a sesslon of the Probate Court tor ;he üoant) ol Woshtenaw, holden ntthe IrYuhaU Offlcr, iu the cit ot Ann Arbor, onTüepnny, the iwculy nmth day olSeprtrnher, in the year one thonsund elght hundted and eichty tlve. Frerant, William 1). Ilariuuan, Judgeot Probate. In the mattei of tlie eBtiite ol Ablgail L. Maynatd, incompetent, dn readlnu and the uetiiton, duly ver.fled, of Krancla B. Lal s:n, L'uar dian, prit ing tbat he nviy be licenwed lo Mil crtain real estáte belont.'ln: to said Incumpetent. Thereapon it m ordered, that Thnmday. the Ï9th day of Oeiober next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be asbirned for the heaiiii of aid petition, and that the next of km ol said incompetent and all other petlon imeresti'd iu said eotaie, are required to appearat a sesnlon ofsald court, then tt be holden al the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor. in paid county and any there te, why the prayer of the pelitioner should not be grant ed And it lp further ordered, thut euid petniom r give notlce to the persons iruerested in paid estáte, of tlie pendency of said petition. and the hearing theroof, by cansinf n copy of thip order to he pubItahed in the Ann Arbor Courier, & newspaper prlnted and rirculatiui; tn paid county, ihree buccesrtive weeke prt'vion to eaid day ol hearing. WILLIAM 1). I1AHK1MAN. (A trne copy.) IndL'eof l'rniai. WM. G. UOTY, Probate Renipter. 1266-1289 otice to ('rcdilors. O l'ATBOFMIOHIOAN.Oountyot Waxhtenaw.sp O Notice ik hereby given. tbat by an order ot the Probate Court for tlie County of Waahtenaw, made on the twelith day of Ostoner, A. i). 1885, slx months from that date aere allowed forcrtdliors to preaeni their claim? aainst the estáte of Walter 11. Kendall.late otnld iouni,ili-cra.-ed.and that all creditors of said deieasetl are ri-quired lo ptetaní tlicir claims to said Prebaie Court, at the Probate Oftlce, in the city of Aun Arbor, for examin ation ani' allowaucc, on or bei.'ic tlie 12th day of April next, and that siuii claims will he heard oetore aid courl, on Tuesday, the 12th day ol January, aud on Monday, tlie lith day ol April next, ai teu o'clock lu the forenoon ot cach ol said dayp. Dated, Ann Arbor, October IS, A. D. 1SS".. WII.L1AM ü. HAUKIMAN, 1268-1271 Judïe ol lrobaie.


Ann Arbor Courier
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