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The appointment of Mrs. Gen. Custer to t...

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The appointment of Mrs. Gen. Custer to the po8tion of pension agent t Detroit, advocated by the Saginaw Courier, is a move in tlie right direction. Civil service reform, justice to the wife of one of the bravest generáis who ever served hls country, and niuny other considerations urge this appolatment. Will it be made ? The Supervisors of Bay county bave voted a tax of two milis on the dollar to be devoted to buildflig stone roads. That will raise $25,000, an amount the county will neyer regret expending. Good roadl are an evidence of a good civilizatiou. At a meetiDg of the Star Mountain Mining Co., held in this citv Thursday p. m., a board of directors were chosen who elected their own offieers as follows : President - Wm. D. Ilarriman. Vice-Presldi'nt- Ui-o. A. Dooglaa. Sec'y and Treas.- Heurv D, Beooi IX, W. 1). Hnrrlmnn, E. 1!. Uwls, C. U.Taylor, H. D. Bennett, John J. Kobison.U. A. Douglas, of Anu Arbor; Wm Danslngbnrv, Augusta; A. J. Wllkerson, DaQdee; una Klng8ley CalkliiH, South I,yoii. Advlsory Directors- Allred Davenporl, York; Chas. Htark.Salem; Duncan Uymliuan, i' ""¦, mi -- ""- -Ut lcinr o The sketching club bas been n'-ori:iized agaiu this year, baring a inenibershlpof upwnrdá of fifteen to start witli. It meets every Mondny afternoon and evenir.g, at Handall's, and the members are now engaged upou sketches froin models and life botli. The followlug offlcers have been chosen for the year: H. Rundall, president; Mrs. W. S Perry, vice-presiilenl; II. C. Markham, sccretary; Miss Kate Douglass, treasurer. Sonie of the sketches made are certainly tueritorious, and a great deal of interest is thus being arouseJ in art. The regular monthly meeting of the Chautauqua Circle was held Monday evening at the residence of Miss Emma E. Hayley, and another chupter of Roman History was considered. Severa! new members have been added to the circle recently. The following ara the oilicera for the onsuingyear: President- Prof. Levl D. Wlnes. Vloe-presldent- Miss Kmma E. Hayley. 8eeretry- Miss Flora Seymour. Treasurer- Miss Ella Klsher. Program t'oramltlee - l)r. C. G. Darllng and Geo. L. Bolen. NoinlnatlngCommlttee- Miss Julia Koys, Eugine UpBoii. Muslc (Jommlttee- Mrs. Wlnes and Jlrs. Darllug. Oneof the K. T's. tells us the reason why Tuesday of last week was a bad ciay for the parade. " It was," says be, " because the order issued for the parade was dated the 13th, the number of Ann Arbor Uomuiandery is 13, and the day fixed npon for the parade was the 13th, and three thirteens are pioductive of great misfortune, ahvays." But if the members of the order care to solve the mystery they can do it more easily than by throwing theresponsibility upon those inuch abused ligures. They might have knowu better than to select au election day for a gala duy. That'l what did the mischief. At the meeting in Mt. Andrew's chapel Friday evening of last week to perfect the organization of the society to be known as Hobart Guild, in honor of Bishop Hobart, Bishop Harris was present, but Bishop Gillespie was uiiavniiJably detained. The following offlcers were choseu, the rector, ttev. Samuel Earp to be the president ejcoffl'-m: President, A. A. Boyer; vice-president, Mi-s A. M. Soule; aecretary, E C. Garrigues; treasiirer, K. W. Hes. The object of the society is of a social literary and religious nature, and it is intendcd in the near future to erect a building in which the exercisc8 of the guild may be held. A course of lectures, suppleineutary to the University course will be ;iven. Both Bishops Gillespie and Sarria will bear the relation ol official visitón to the organiziition. The dailles of Monday con tuin cd qnlta an account of CongreíSiuan Ehlredge's üvely postoflice doiaga It appeais that :he lollowing lourth class appoinlmenls jave been made in this county: At Salem, T. J. VanAtta vice Geo. S. Wheeler, an offensive partlsan, removed. Dellii Milla, James E. Davis in place of Krank W. Goodale, removed. The papers further state that Mr. EMredge ha decided to lave the following appointnunt made as oon as he can prcvail upon the president o make the change : At Ypsilanti, Frank . Bogardus in place of Miss Francis L. Stewart,though itis thought .Miss Stewait tands a good chance to hold her place. Mr. Bogardus was one of the principal mckers of the lady whom be is nou ecommeudt-d to supersede. Mr. Eldedge has not yet found a place lor his ,wo faithful lieuteüants in Ann Arboi1, who are left out ia the cold.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News