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Board Of Supervisors

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Wednesdny, Ootober 14 - County Treasuror Belser presented li is annual report wblch was refcrrud to the eommittee. On motioii of P. O'Ilearn, the vote Ctianglng the court house doek to staudanl tima was recomWerod and tablcd. Tlie matter of ligliting the jail was retened to a committee consiaüng of Wbeeler, McCorinkk and Bcnoett. Supfiinti'iiilciits of the poor feqtwfted to report next Wednesday. Thunday of next weck ut 10 o'clock, electlon of Buperlnteodent of the poor made the special order. The subject of depoeitlng oounty funds made special order tor Monday. Speneer Crawford vh re-elected janitor of the COUIt hon-e, with sulary and (Unies as heretofore. Hou. Win. D. Harrinian, .Tudge of Probate, preseoted his annual report showing ihat six persons had been committed to the PontUc asylum during the year; Maling tliat insaiie pattettta must hereaftei besent to Kalamazoo; Mkingthe board totix the amouut to pay attendauts (:iknií patiënt to theasylimi; and recommendetl that the board by resolution authorize the elerk to draw warranls on the contingent fuud to meet such expenses. Thunday - Comrtlttee on claims made an extended report. The elerk was authorizetl to let the fornlsbing of the eouit house with Ice to the lowest bidder. Clerk was instructed to reeeive bids from phyiciaiis for attending prisoners at the county jail. Supervisor Bennett from county jail building committee made all extended report, thowlng the progresa niade, etc, wbich was nceepted and adopted. Hv a vote of 7 to l' the amount puid by the ,-herill' for tobáceo for prisoners was allowed. John Hciuzmaii was allowed $47 ior ïnoney paid out by hini in huiitinr the thicves who stole leather from his store last sumiller. ïhe County Clerk was autlion.ed to furnish supplics for the county offleet t the lowest responsible bidder. Friday - This day the board met ant went in a body to the county house, hai a arood dlnner, looked over tbinga fouiK thcin ra good condition and the Board as a committee of the wholc BO reporte) Towday follow'mg. Saturday- After allowing a lot of bilis a motlon to elect county diain conimis sioner was tabled. The matter of depositing money was referred to a committee constettng ot SupcrvisoiiWheeler, Purtell and Gilbert. Mr. Graves offered a resolution flxtnfl the rate of expenses to be paid insane patiënt and attendantt was lixed at railroad tare, one meal and $1 hack farc, nu $'i per day for time actually spent in such service, and the clerk was orderei to draw orders for such bilis when propcrly certifled. Mouday - A Committee consistí ng of Supervisors Case, Kress and Graves wal appointcd to Investígate the claims of exSheriff Wallacc. Tuesday The following persons werc appointed aa guardián for indijjent soldiers. Undcr a law passed at the last session of the legislature it will become their duty to see that any such persón shall be properly interreu hl bu i " n- not to exceed $40: Chas. H. Greenman was tlien elected county ilrain Commissioiier, by a vote ol 17 to 8. ______ _ Soinething new and exquisite in tlie lint of water cnlor4nlnting8, from tlie brush oL J. Aug. Beek was uoticed by ye local at Raadall'l yesterday. Tliey rival an o' p&iaUÓg ia beauty, and ure quite as exquitiU as a - well, as a - chroiuo, t'iin.-tance. Because a civilian is debarred trota holding the office of pension agent, is no reaion why the office should be taken f rom this district or county, is itf Tlieie are old soldiera In tliis county wlio are capable, willing, and wliose .record is clear. l!i tlien, it's none of our p's and q's. Mr. Hut.el inforins us that the water pipes are all l.iid except 40 feet. Nbrth Ingalls street didn't appear to get any ol that extra mlle and a half after all. Mr. Hcnderson inforins us differently. He ¦ayi the tri-neb (liggers, caulkers and worknun have all gouo to Hillsdale to work on the tronches thera, and that Mr. Carruthers and .son have gone home, but that there are leveral blpcka of 4-inch pipe }'i't to be put down, if the pipe eyqr (reta here. ttnen delay hna been occatloned iy the non-arrlval of pipe, lend, etc., etc. The K. O. T. STfc, in otlicr wonls the Macoabees, are to give a grand buil on Thunday, November ütli, in Hanggterfer's hall. This hall has been entirely refitted. re-floored and is now in the vcry be.-t of dancing condition. The following comnrittees have been appointed to make the necesary arrangements: Committee on Arramjemcntê - Sir Kulglits Ilantislrrft-r, liarker. KJMlg;ltr Mid Mtllara. Dicoratlon - 8ÍT .Kulübta Htaucb, Sniitli, Martin and BohalL itrittiiion- slr KnkhtK Lutz, Borg, Flscher, 'iihr ii ik l RloharÜê. Rtoepttm OommUtH - Hlt Knlghts II. T Morton, Bandford. Wahr. Willis, Richards, tiiiclfrey, JucohiiM, ftutU and Hrown. f'lonr Mimaer.iüir Knlghts MtUard, DenKier, Hangüti i Ter, Sihall nul PUoUer, The lentor oIam of the literavy dupartnient eteoted otticers Satuiday, with the followlng rcsult: Kl'resldent- W. A. Mc.Vndrew, Ypsilanti, Delta Tan Delta, Vlce-Presldent-Mls Fannlo Kahn, ConKtilll tl lie. Orator- S. P.Tudd, New Shefllald. l'a. HUtorlan- M. I). Atkln, Lima, N. Y. Poeten Miss Helen Owbod, Aun Arbor, Seer-H'. B. Wl.xson. I'hI Dptllon, Oara Treasurer- C. A. Wbeuler, Deltu Upsllon, Kalamasoo B oretary- F. T. Wrlght, Plil Kappa Fsl, Eldrldge, N. Y. .MiU'sliul- B; Ij. Dom, Muskegon. Our Parlor Goode tuuet go, as wc want to keep our men busv, henee thecreat re ÜUCtloíl Ín piiees.


Ann Arbor Courier
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