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RINSEY &SEA8OLTS lUUIilidil anb Flour and feed Store. We keep constantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Reuil Trnde. Vo sball 1ho keep supply oí SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, Kjc Flour, jBackwheat Flour, Corn Mcal, Feed, Etc., At Wholesale and Rutail. A general stock oí GBOCEEIES and PROVISIüïiS Coustantly on band, whlch will he sold on as reasouablr terms as at ny otber house In the city. ('ah )(d for BUTTER, EO(is, and COUNTKY PRODU4JB ?enerally. Uoodi dellvered to any part of the city withunt extra charge. RIJiSEY & SEABOLT. O ö l The Secret of our great tnule s that we keep the vcry best stock and sell at the lowest prlces. Our Perfumes and Toilet Articles ure of the ver}' finest kind, and we nave a great vuricty to select fioni. Cholee Willes and Liquoi's fnr medicinal uses. The flnest stock of 5c and 10o cigars :iroin:iticaud fragraut bre;itli perftimM DRUGS AND MEDICINES! liric-a-brac- suitable for iireseuis, for parlor, or general decontipg. Wi eau fumish anylhing you want iu this line. Don't forget to examine our full line of fanoy goiKlii iu Urass, Plush jtoods, music boxes, st;itetts. Everything elegant and beautitul. Culi iu aiul exiimiue prices. Pnscriptions iu'curatelv and carefullyl compounded. Cali! NO. 7 S. MAIN ST, J. J. GOODYEAR.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News