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Miss Edith Taylor is visiting friends in town. Bert Thompson rcturncd Saturday from Minnesota. A. L. Noble took in Detroit OT Detroit (ook liim in yesterday. Miw Lucy ('ole was the alto singer at the M. E. chureh Sunday. Miss Clara Wheeler has returned from a visit to friends in Grand Rapids. Loren Mills has gone to Rochester, N. Y.. tor an absence of a few weeks. Mayor Kapp is up in Kalkaska eounty, takin: in pleteures of the hunt. J.y Kelth of Dexter, is in the city this weck visiting relatives and friends. M. C. Sheelran, .Ir., Monday night, 10 lbs. Will keep M. O., Sr., dancing: this wintt-r. Judge Joslyn returned home yesterday, bavtatf completed the Livingston eounty docket. C. A. Persons, of Cortlaud, N. Y., vls'ited K. A. Phillips and family the last of the week. 1. B. Bent is expected home this week from Uis extended trip through the eastern states. Miss Clata Gott returned Saturday from a two weeks' visit at Bishop Gillespic's in Qrand Rapids. Miss Ktta Field of Alpeua is visiting her aunt, Mrs. R. A. Beal, whlle on lier return from a trip east. Mrs. Jas. B. Gott left yesterdny inornnp; for Cleveland, Ohi, to altend the marrlage of a frlend. Mr. and Mrs. Gay of Boston, who have been visiting Mrs. Gay of División st., returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Gapt. ]{. M. Barker, oTFlint, is in the city, having an eye treated, and visiting relatives aud friends. . Miss Nettie Br.iley and niece of Albion, X. Y., are visiting Mrs. L. A. Howe and other relatives in the city. Mrs. Macaulay, of Jeffersonville, Iud., is visitin her daughters, Mrs. J. M. Wheeler and Mr?. Anna Warden. Mis. William Braley and daughter of Plainticld, Mich., have been spendiug a few days with friends in Ann Arbor. Mr. and .Mrs. ('. H. Milieu have gone to Chicago to spend a eouple of weeks wlth tlieir danghter, Mrt, I. Giles LewU. John II. Miiynard, of San Francisco, Cal., arrived in town Monday, and is visiting his parent?, John W. Maynard aud wlfe. We are pleased to note that Chas. Spoor lias so far reeovered fiom his long and serious illness as to be on the streets once more. Prosecutlng Attorn-y Geo. F. Robison of Detroit, stopped over last night wlth hi9 parents in this city, on his way to Lansinj;. Miss Lillie J. Boughton returued a ftw da}rs sinc from a visit to her old home in Victor, N. Y., and has resumed her place in the P. O. news depot. Mrs. II. W. Rogers and 'r.s. Koyer leave to-day to attend the annual convention of the Woman's Home Missionary Society at Philadelphia. Mrs. Robeson of Port Huron, and Mrs. Ijiutlow of Detroit, are spending a few weeks with thcir parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, on División st. Kanene Mann bas returned from the California skies which were not briglit and bland enough for liim. Michigan is good enouh fir Eugeue, hereafter. Rev. H. F. Belser sprained hls onkle home, on Mil Ier ave, by stepping off the walk, and it bas, been very painful. Louis Bentz who was nearly bünded by having some particles of'lime rly in bis eyes while he was slacking the same at Eberbaeh's drug store some weeks ago, lias resumed work agaiu. Editor Smithe, of the Ypsilantian, was in the city Monday, looking up the supervisors proceedings. It isthoughthis sarcatic pen will not llow as rluently and freely upon this visit asupon the occasion of the recent fair.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News