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Prof. Taft went (o Cincinnati last Monday. Senior law election Saturlay A. M. at 10. Saturday evenlng, Iï. J. Burdette, at university hall. Field Day, Oct, .'ilst, will of the events of the year. The tooth pullers and pluggers have all the work they can do. J. E. Duffy is the new foot-ball captain of the freshman lit. class. Prof. Francia Wayland, of Yale Law School, addressed the laws yesterday. Tlic l'ln ( ihl'S, Of the pharmRcy departïnciil. occupy a house on N. State st. A coinmittee on ciass hats lias been appointed by the junior lita. The univer.aity glee club will be one of the university institutions agaln thisyear. ( ieo. Osius & Co., have just issued a new editlon of Prof. Hennequin's French gramnar. The freshman dental class a the largest ever known in the history of the departnent. " The Tragedies of Séneca " is the Bubect of a special oue liour course by Prof. Frieze. F. V. Job has retnrned, and is now ¦iking a lecture course in the law department. The junior pharmira have accepted the challenge of the seniora to play a pamc of foot-ball. Prof. W. H. Payne is absent at Burr Of this week, in charge of a stata teacher'3 In8titute. Uev. Dr. Eells will deliver an address before the Students' Christlan Asociation, Nov. 10. Standard time will be adopted by the university Monday, classes meeting thirty minutes earlier. Prof. Adama and family, accompanied by JU ss Healey. left MoDday tor their future home at Ithaca, N. Y. The subject of "Bob" Burdette's lectm c Baturday evening, will bc ' The Uise and Fall of the Mustache." Prof. Demmon has returned from the northi'rn part of the state where he conducted a state teacher' intitute. Tlirouffh the inlluence of Prof. Ford an uppropriation the purchase ofskeletona tai been made by the regenta, yi'he Dramatic Club have elected J. H. Lee and and D. Boyleto membershipand propote to buckle down to business now. During the absence of Prof. Taft Prof. Ford entertains the dent. freshman claaa ,„ naatomy., at 4 p. m., except Wednesdays. The hours for Dr. Martln's lectures In the dental dept. on patholofty and surgery is at -i'-'M Mondays and Fridays and 4::iü Weüiiesdays. Prof. Morris gave the flrst of aseries of talks at St. Andrcw'g cliurch last Sunday, at 12 o'clock, in the cliapel. Everybod'y invited. . The Philosophical Society, of which Prof. Morris.ia president, and Qeo. Idolen, secretary, now enters upon its third yeaï, and is "doing a good work. A junior hop orjrantaatSoa has bren efiectwï wiUi AV. H. Parker, 1). K. E. as president; Towusend, Alplia Delta Phi, seoretary; and Mills, Zeta Psi, t reasure r. Hccretary Wade bas conferred a great favor upon strangers at the university by placing in eacb hall a list of rooms entered t'rom that hall. It was a thoughtful (hing for him to do. The public rehcarsal at university hall, giren by the school of musicFriday evening last, was ucll attended, and the entertainment very nmch praised by those wlio are judges and critica. The Argonaut displayed a great deal of enterprise In issuingan extra within a few BlomenU aftet the close of the foot-ball game Saturday, giving a full account of that exoiting and interesting event. J. B. Thomas, Jr., of Dayton, Oblo, lms been chosen president of the junior Hts., and J. M. Jaycox, of Ann Arbor, foot-lmll captain; W. J. Kennedy, marshal. The remainder of the offlcers are the same as lust year. The junior pharmaey class have elected the followinir offlcers: President, C. D. Vilcy; vice president. Miss F. Hendershott; secrctary, V. li. Johnson; treasurer, J. C. Standart; foot-ball captain, Robert Mann. MÍ6S Augusta J. Chapín, who has been appointed amember of the facultj of Lombard (111.) university, Uuitarian, spent the greater portion of last in Ann Arbor, attending lecturcs, and taking advantagc of the university library. Tlie fdllowing memben of the junior medical class will travel through the ycar with the follnwing titles weighing down their shoulders : President, L. C. üackus; vice president, Miss McLaren; secretary, MIssBlake; treanurer, J. Kiinura; football captain, C. D'A. Wright The following ojiicers have been chosen by the senior medios: President, Warren B. öextón; vice president, Fred. . Bonine; secretan-, David McKacliran; treasurer, James T. Upjohn orator, J. B. Tedrow; poet, Hiirry Marsh; historian, J. II. Bwanson: seer, G. B. Taylor; marshal, E. J. Hughes. The Shakesperean books bought by Jas. MacMillan, of Detroit, and presented to the library, have arrived, and consist of 306 volumes and 120 rare pamphlets selected from the Crosby library by Prof. Demmon, and costing $552. This gives the University of Michigan the fïuest and most complete Shakspearian library in America, ritu one rival only. At the meeting of the Philosophicn) Society Saturday erenlng last, in Room 34, Prof. Geo. S. Morris read a very entertainIng paper upon his recent visita to rminent plillotopliical writers in Kngland and Germany. Dr. C'. E. bowry's paper on " The Philosophy of America, its Charicter and Alission,1' was not read, but will te given at a future meeting. Several papers have stolen an item, original with 8ome paragraher, probably, that "a Jackson foundry is casting a toa of dumb-btlls with which to equip the gymnasium at the Michigan university." It must be reiuembeicd that Michigan University has no gymnasium, tlíe legislature refusing to look upon thnt parlio ularly desirable object with favorable oyes. John P. Delphy, lit'S2, wliile in college was noted for his persistent attention to vaiious young ladiea who struck bis susceptible nature. Now in Toledo he Is at t again, and for liia latest " mash " lie was horsewliipped last spring by a rival Tor the affeeUuns of a fair young organist. But that did not coo] hiin olf enough, so last Honday the same one gave him a pounding wilh b;ne knuckles. The lovt etters he wrote were prlnted and nmke rich read ing.


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