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Robust Health Is not nlvvays enjoyed by those who secm to ptMMM il. TÍio (lint of corrupted blood may bo secretly undernünlng the constituí i'in. In time, the polaon willcertaiulvKhuwitiictViM-t.i, mul wil li uil the more virufence tue ktnger it Iiks been allowed to pcrineiitcthrsystem. Each pimple, ty. boíl, skin diaorder and MOM of uunaturat lassitude, or languor, is one of Nature's warniogs of the coustMiueuues oí neglect. Ayers Sarsaparilla ' O Is the only remcdy thnt can be relied upon, In 11 cases, to eradirate the taint of heredItary disease and the special corruptlons of the blood. It is the only alterativo that is sufüciently powerful to thorouRhly cleanse the. lyttem of Scrofuloiis añil Mercurial lmpurities and the pollution of Contaglous Diseases. It also neutralize the poisons left by Dlphtherla and Soarlet Fever, and enables rapld recuperation from the enfeeblement and debifity caused by these diseases. _ Myriads of Cures J Achleved by Ater's Sarsaparilla, In tbe past iortv years, are attested, and there U no blood discHsc, at all possible of cure, that will not yleld to it. Whatever the alimenta of tliis cluss.and wherever fouiul, from the scurvy of the Arctio clrcle to the "veldt-sorea" f South África, thls remedy has affordcd health to the sufferers by whom It was cmployed. Driggista everywherecan cite numeroua cases, withln thelr personal knowledge, of remarkable cures wrought by It, where all other treatment had been unuYuiling. People wilt do well to Trust Nothing Else than Ayer's Sarsaparii-i.a. Numerous crude mixtures are offered to the public as "blood purifiers," whith only allure the patiënt with the pretense of many cheap doses, and with which it is folly to experiment while disease is steadily becomlng more deep-seated and diffieult of cure. Some of these mixtures do much lastfnff harm. Bear in mind that the only medicine that can radicallv uuriiv the VlllUlL-U U1OVU 13 . Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masa. Sold by all Draggists: Price $1; Six boules for $5. - a?HE ANN ARBOR SATINES BANK, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $60,000. OreaDizcd nnder the General Banking Law of hit State, tbe etockholdors are iadivldnally lla'ole ór áu additlonal amouut equal to tbe stock held by hem, thereby creatiog a Unarantee Fand lor tbe )cneflt of Depositara of $100,000.00. Tkree per cent. intercat Is allowed on all Baringl Deposite of one dollar and upwards, accordinf? to tbe mies of the Bank and interest compouuded setnt-annually. Money to Loan on nninciimbered real estáte and other good security. DIKECTORS : CHRISTIAN MACK, Wm. I). HAKH1HAN, W. W. W1NES. DANIEL UIISCOC'K, WILLIAM DKDBEL, WILLAKU B. SMITH. DAVID KINSEY. ÜFFICERS: C. MA0K, Pres. W. W. W1NBS, Viic-1'r. -r. O. E. HISCOCK. Cashier. PÁTEÑTS MTTNN & CO., of the tk'iENTirir AMEKïf av. o nJmui' toitct hs Solieitors lor Patenta, Oftveata, Trada Marks, ('opyrlpThta, fr tbo Uuiteil Btates, (muda, Enfrland. ïance. Germany, etc. Hand Book about [:iTtMtts sent free. Tliirty-sevon yt'un' ex[n-rUne. Patentitobtaimnl thrmichMUNN A 00. urt'iiotl'."Pd in the Scikntifu' Amkbican, tho larpest, he.t, aud oiOBt wldely circulaUxl sclentlfle pnpvr. 93.2Uu year. VViM'kly. SpU'mliij ciijravlntrii and lnt4roHiini informaClon. Spocimen iivt of the Kciciiiiflr. American sent fnw. ArtilrwsMCNN A CO.. Si trx'iirio Amehican Office, 2GL Broudway, New York.


Ann Arbor Courier
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